Requirement is not described in the test. Probably it is:
NSG Req 12: A GeoPackage SHALL contain one complete NMIS metadata XML instance
document that describes the entire GeoPackage in a gpkg_metadata table row with the
contents shown in below.
Test executes the following SQL-Statement SELECT metadata from gpkg_metadata;. All results are validated against the nmis.xsd.
If the SQL Statement returns e.g. the following three rows the test fails:
Currently "java.lang.AssertionError: Failed to read XML resource. Content is not allowed in prolog." is reported if one metadata entry is a simple string (not XML).
Failing test: org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.nsg.metadata.MetadataTests#metadataSchemaValidation()
Requirement is not described in the test. Probably it is:
Test executes the following SQL-Statement
SELECT metadata from gpkg_metadata;
. All results are validated against the nmis.xsd.If the SQL Statement returns e.g. the following three rows the test fails: