opengeospatial / ets-ogcapi-features10

Public Repository for the OGC API - Features Compliance Test Suite
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Clarification on numberMatched and numberReturned #234

Closed murithigeo closed 2 months ago

murithigeo commented 6 months ago

Part 1: /req/core/fc-numberMatched

If a property numberMatched is included in the response, the value SHALL be identical to the number of features in the feature collections that match the selection parameters like bbox, datetime or additional filter parameters.

I'm using sequelize with the method findAndCountAll which returns the count, which is the number of features that matched the parameters and rows which is the features array. According to the requirement above, then numberMatched would be equal to the count.

Part 1: /req/core/fc-numberReturned

If a property numberReturned is included in the response, the value SHALL be identical to the number of features in the response.

Shouldn't this be the length of the features array? I had solved this issue in my project but the error has returned and I really didn't understand the solution that @tomkralidis used in #188

dstenger commented 6 months ago

Where exactly is the method findAndCountAll defined you are describing in your first paragraph? In the test suite there is no such method.

Second paragraph: Can you please document the exact error message of TEAM Engine?

murithigeo commented 6 months ago

Where exactly is the method findAndCountAll defined you are describing in your first paragraph? In the test suite there is no such method.

I'm using sequelize as an ORM to connect to my postgis database, which admittedly make its hard to reproduce the issue. count is the number of features matching parameters and rows is the features array.

Second paragraph: Can you please document the exact error message of TEAM Engine?

dstenger commented 6 months ago

The value of numberMatched in your responses is 10 but the actual number of returned features is higher. This seems to be a bug in your implementation.

However, the text of the error message might be improved.

murithigeo commented 2 months ago

Turns out it was related to paging links (next|prev)