opengeospatial / ets-wfs20

Executable Test Suite for WFS 2.0
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Closes #230 #245

Closed bpross-52n closed 1 year ago

bpross-52n commented 1 year ago

Closes #230

bpross-52n commented 1 year ago

The exception happens, because the content of the config.xml needs to be wrapped in a <config>-Element (see here). The config.xml is "normally" created by the Teamengine webapp, which compiles the content of all available test suites into one file.

dstenger commented 1 year ago

After adding the wrapping <config> element, the test was successful with the same setup as described in

stenger@elsbeere:~/git/ets-wfs20/target$ java -jar ets-wfs20-1.39-SNAPSHOT-aio.jar /home/stenger/test-run-props.xml
Nov 16, 2022 11:53:33 AM org.opengis.cite.iso19142.util.TestSuiteLogger log
INFORMATION: Using outputDirPath: /home/stenger
Nov 16, 2022 11:53:34 AM org.geotoolkit.referencing.factory.epsg.ThreadedEpsgFactory createBackingStore
INFORMATION: Connected to EPSG database “jdbc:derby:/home/stenger/” on “Apache Derby”.
Nov 16, 2022 11:53:35 AM com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.LoggingFilter log
INFORMATION: 1 * Client out-bound request
1 > POST
1 > Accept: application/xml,application/soap+xml
1 > Content-Type: application/soap+xml

@bpross-52n However, do you know why the wrapping <config> element is missing in this repository? Shouldn't it be added to following file?

bpross-52n commented 1 year ago

Adding the element to the config.xml of the WFS test suite leads to problems with the docker build. I will look into that.

bpross-52n commented 1 year ago

So this is where the problem occurs: ConfigFileCreator . The element needs to be the first element in the config.xml of a test suite.

dstenger commented 1 year ago

Decision during CITE meeting 2022-11-17: @bpross-52n checks whether the config.xml can be packaged into the *aio.jar so that reference via environment variable is not necessary anymore.