opengeospatial / geoedge-plugfest

Repository for Geospatial to the Edge Interoperability Plugfest
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Puerto Rico GeoPackage Passes Rouault Test, Works in QGIS, Fails NSG Test #12

Open gramnation opened 6 years ago

gramnation commented 6 years ago

Using supplied input files, GDAL 2.2.4, and sqlite3 I'm not able to create .gpkg that passes NSG test (docker version).

Download input files to local dir.

Import vector data. ogr2ogr -f GPKG PR.gpkg PR_GGDM_3_0_Profile_File_Geodatabase.gdb

Merge raster data. -o MergedOuputFile.tif T19QFA_20171209T150709_TCI.jp2 T19QFV_20161219T150712_TCI.jp2 T19QGA_20171209T150709_TCI.jp2 T19QGV_20171209T150709_TCI.jp2 T19QHA_20171209T150709_TCI.jp2 T19QHV_20171209T150709_TCI.jp2

Import merged data. gdal_translate -of GPKG MergedOuputFile.tif -co APPEND_SUBDATASET=YES -co RASTER_TABLE=PR_SATELLITE_IMAGERY -co TILING_SCHEME=InspireCRS84Quad PR.gpkg

Create zoom levels. gdaladdo -oo TABLE=PR_SATELLITE_IMAGERY PR.gpkg 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048

Run Even Rouault's ./ PR.gpkg # no errors

Drag PR.gpkg into QGIS, add all vector layers through Layer->Add Layer->Add Vector Layer, good pan and zoom behavior, no errors

Launch NSG GeoPackage - 2.1 ETS, docker version

Five tests fail:

Fix 19-A error:

sqlite3 PR.gpkg sqlite> UPDATE gpkg_spatial_ref_sys SET srs_name='WGS 84 Geographic 2D' WHERE srs_id=4326; sqlite> UPDATE gpkg_spatial_ref_sys SET definition='GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS84",6378137,298.257223563,]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]]' WHERE srs_id=4326; sqlite> UPDATE gpkg_spatial_ref_sys SET description='Horizontal component of 3D system. Used by the GPS satellite navigation system and for NATO military geodetic surveying.' WHERE srs_id=4326;

ST_MinX error is covered in

gramnation commented 6 years ago

Posted same issue here:

ajanett commented 6 years ago

"extension Index Implementation: The update trigger 3 RTree index definition for table ADMINISTRATIVE_SUBDIVISION_S is invalid." - Is possibly due to issues in the ets-gpkg12 set of tests. There have been updates to ets-gpkg-12.

ajanett commented 6 years ago

"N S G_ Data Validity: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such function: ST_MinX)" - This is a problem within the ets-gpkg12-nsg tests and is in the process of being corrected.

gramnation commented 6 years ago

@ajanett I'm attempting to run ETS locally using docker and plugfest-nsg.tar provided here: It doesn't appear to be updated. Am I missing something that could make monitoring this issue easier?

ajanett commented 6 years ago

@gramnation We are testing some of these fixes locally and I hope to initiate a pull request in order to put them into the ETS this week. Putting them into the docker build is yet another matter. My statement above was posted to let everyone know that there are some issues within the ETS geopackage test tools that are being addressed. For this particular geopackage, I would anticipate we will correct all but bullets 2 and 3 within the ETS test tools.

gramnation commented 6 years ago

It seems like built in to GDAL is currently a reasonable alternative to ets-gpkg12-nsg.