opengeospatial / geotiff

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Reserve ProjLinearUnitsInterpCorrectGeoKey = 3059 geokey #104

Closed rouault closed 1 year ago

rouault commented 2 years ago

GDAL has used, at least during a few years, the ProjLinearUnitsInterpCorrectGeoKey = 3059 geokey of type SHORT, with a value of 1, to indicate whether the ProjFalseEastingGeoKey and ProjFalseNorthingGeoKey should be interpretated as being expressed in the units of ProjLinearUnitSizeGeoKey (ProjLinearUnitsInterpCorrectGeoKey is only set when ProjLinearUnitsSizeGeoKey expresses a unit different from meter). This was due to earlier versions of GDAL (actually libgeotiff <= 1.3.0) using an incorrect interpretation, assuming that the false easting/false northing values were always in meters. We need to reserve the value of 3059, to avoid reusing it for other purposes