Both Testbed-15 Federated Cloud Security ER and NIST Federated Clouds Reference Architecture hint at the necessity to create Security Gateway solutions that ease the effort in closing the gap between state-of-the-art technologies for Federated Clouds, and OGC Web Services.
This gateway solution could be based on proxy solutions (but not necessarily) that:
1- Sits in front of a set of 2 or more W*S services (i.e WPS)
2- Contains an authentication layer that interacts with Identity Providers
3- Acts a Policy Enforcement Point
4- Provides a consolidated view of all back-end services (one single GetCapabilities document), being compliant with OGC Baseline for Web Services and their security profiles.
5- Dynamically registers and protects back-end resources (with different levels of granularity: services - endpoints - operations - ...)
6- Is easily configurable and maintained by a Resource Owner
Both Testbed-15 Federated Cloud Security ER and NIST Federated Clouds Reference Architecture hint at the necessity to create Security Gateway solutions that ease the effort in closing the gap between state-of-the-art technologies for Federated Clouds, and OGC Web Services.
This gateway solution could be based on proxy solutions (but not necessarily) that: 1- Sits in front of a set of 2 or more W*S services (i.e WPS) 2- Contains an authentication layer that interacts with Identity Providers 3- Acts a Policy Enforcement Point 4- Provides a consolidated view of all back-end services (one single GetCapabilities document), being compliant with OGC Baseline for Web Services and their security profiles. 5- Dynamically registers and protects back-end resources (with different levels of granularity: services - endpoints - operations - ...) 6- Is easily configurable and maintained by a Resource Owner