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Unified map service (leverage WFS 3.0 / NextGen services) - serving imagery, coverage, vector or 3D data in a tiled or non-tiled manner, server-side rendered or raw data for client to style or perform analytics #61

Open jerstlouis opened 6 years ago

jerstlouis commented 6 years ago

Based on recommendations from Testbed 13 Vector Tiles ER ( ):

The concept of a unified map service, whereas a single end-point can serve vector, imagery or coverage (

Investigate leveraging WFS 3.0 / NextGen Services efforts to achieve these goals: Serving imagery, coverage or vector data in a uniform manner from a single service end-point/RESTful interface with regards to:

jerstlouis commented 6 years ago

See presentation in Orléans: And intro:

And actual prototype:

As an example of how our current UMS implementation works, here are 3 example tiles of the same area (in the Himalayas):

(imagery){4,6,11}&format=png (coverage){4,6,11}&format=png (vector){4,6,11}&format=geo+json

UMS also supports non-tiled requests e.g:

(imagery){{0,-100},{40,-75}} (vector){{0,-100},{40,-75}} (coverage){{0,-100},{40,-75}}

You can notice the folder hierarchy which makes it possible to easily regroup and filter a very large library. You can easily list layers within a folder:

You can query meta data in different formats:

pebau commented 6 years ago

Integration of metadata and raster data / datacubes has been accomplished by EarthServer ( Access, filtering, and processing (including fusion) is possible via xWCPS, an extension of WCPS which looks like an interesting candidate for standardization.

Also, let me note related ISO activities: SQL/MDA ("Multi-DImensional Arrays") extends SQL with datacube ops, conceptually similar to WCPS, yielding tight data/metadata integration. As SQL supports Simple Features, even vectors are part of the story. We should look at this for avoiding reinvention of wheels when it comes to raster data.