opengeospatial / ogc-geosparql

Public Repository for the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group
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Extending the GeoSPARQL ontology with support for M and T coordinates #21

Open FransKnibbe opened 4 years ago

FransKnibbe commented 4 years ago

Contributed by Timo Homburg for the white paper "Benefits of Representing Spatial Data using Semantic and Graph Technologies":

Many geospatial libraries such as JTS ( provide explicit support for geometries with measurement (M) coordinates. These are useful in a variety of applications e.g. when a road is simplified in a query statement but users still would like to query the correct amount of kilometres since its start. The time coordinates (T) are useful when working with GNSS tracks in order to track per-point when a user went to a particular place. While the latter can also be achieved by modeling every point of a GNSS track as its own point geometry, it is unnecessary if the points provide no further semantic information apart from the time point. While the support XYZM or XYZMT coordinates is not a matter of GeoSPARQL itself but more of the formats which are supported as literals in the query language, GeoSPARQL could provide definitions of functions which are aware of these extended coordinate concepts such as:

situx commented 4 years ago

Now available as a ticket

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

Probably an overlap with Linear Referencing - (a.k.a. OGC Abstract Spec Topic 19)

jabhay commented 3 years ago

MoSCoW poll created

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

Is "EWKT" relevant here? (copied from

situx commented 1 year ago

@VladimirAlexiev To my knowledge, EWKT is a PostGIS-specific format that mainly adds the SRID. I think SFA has caught up with XYZM coordinates at this point. Probably the only documentation is what you will find in the PostGIS documentation.

As for this issue: I think there was support for adding functions that would deal with M and T coordinates, with M coordinate functions akin to the PostGIS implementation. The poll is probably gone, given it is already more than two years old.

VladimirAlexiev commented 1 year ago

@dr-shorthair Proposed ontology for Linear Referencing:

VladimirAlexiev commented 8 months ago

The EurOTL site is at The proposed ontology is at Please note that it has an external class in error, search for Error