opengeospatial / ogc-geosparql

Public Repository for the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group
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SD should describe `sd:extensionFunction, extensionAggregate, propertyFeature` #481

Closed VladimirAlexiev closed 4 months ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 months ago

servicedescription_conformanceclasses.ttl and servicedescription_extensions.ttl include SPARQL Service Description props sd:feature, sd:resultFormat, sd:supportedLanguage.

The semantics of this is not very clear to me: such claims should be made by a particular SPARQL endpoint. These OGC resources are not such, and they make a white lie about it:

<> a sd:Service 
<> a sd:Service 

But I'm not arguing to remove this since it establishes URLs for these features, and is an excellent example for people to make GeoSPARQL-related SDs for their own endpoints.

I'd like to argue to extend this to use the following SD props:

In addition, it would be great to relate the described sd:feature to the above 3 lists. Eg conf/topology-vocab-extension can be also defined as a skos:Collection of all the "magic predicates" listed in sd:propertyFeature.

situx commented 6 months ago

Thank you very much for the suggestions.

The semantics of this is not very clear to me: such claims should be made by a particular SPARQL endpoint. These OGC resources are not such, and they make a white lie about it:

Correct, there are no SPARQL endpoints or services resolving from these URIs, but we wanted to showcase what a service description might look like. Indeed, the service descriptions were meant precisely this way: As templates for implementers to expose the parts of the standard they implemented, so I will be happy to extend/correct them if needed.

Rationale for the two files you pointed out:

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 months ago

Thanks! I missed servicedescription_all_functions.ttl because it's a broken link in

jabhay commented 5 months ago

Hi @VladimirAlexiev, Whilst @situx is addressing other parts of this issue, I just wanted to tackle the question of whether the specification needs to refer to the service description document. The service description is a component of the SPARQL framework to enable discoverability of a SPARQL endpoint's capabilities. It's not really relevant to the GeoSPARQL specification as such, and so we're not inclined to make reference to it in the specification. Hope that makes sense :) Jo

VladimirAlexiev commented 4 months ago

Hi @jabhay ! servicedescription_conformanceclasses.ttl and servicedescription_extensions.ttl are excellent examples for people to make GeoSPARQL-related SDs for their own endpoints.
