opengeospatial / ogc-geosparql

Public Repository for the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group
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Parsing error of version 1.1 #495

Closed gatemezing closed 4 months ago

gatemezing commented 5 months ago

Hello, I am having an error when trying to parse the v.11 of the ontology. For example, using this tool, it complains with this line Statement #<RDF::Statement:0x78604(_:g492840 <> ""^^<> .)> is invalid

Am I the only one having this issue? I want to use the N3 version to be loaded into LOV for keeping track.

situx commented 5 months ago

Hi @gatemezing,

I checked this issue just now. The email addresses of the contributors have been typed as xsd:anyURI, which is technically not correct since they do not represent URLs. Changing them to xsd:string solves this issue, and I will apply fixes to all versions of the files shortly.

We do have continuous integration scripts using rdflib, which do not throw an error here, so it would be good to have your feedback that more strict parsers are out there finding this issue.

situx commented 5 months ago

I applied the fixes and the CI should have published the new versions. Please check if you still have issues when parsing the updated version.

gatemezing commented 4 months ago

HI @situx , thank you for the fix. I've tested the file and no error. Sorry for the delay. Well, I am still having issues with .ntriples serialization. Statement #<RDF::Statement:0x75544(_:g480500 <> ""^^<> .)> is invalid Are you able to also publish an .n3 version of the vocabulary?

situx commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I forgot to update one email address to xsd:string. This is now done and I have generated n3 versions of the vocabularies on our Github page:

gatemezing commented 4 months ago

Great, thank you.

gatemezing commented 4 months ago

Thank you @situx ! All good!