opengeospatial / ogc-geosparql

Public Repository for the OGC GeoSPARQL Standards Working Group
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Representing geometries as linked resources #529

Open situx opened 6 days ago

situx commented 6 days ago

From a discussion in the W3C Linked Building Working Group:

We would like to point to geometries represented as files from within the GeoSPARQL graph

situx commented 3 days ago

Some thoughts on this here: We could use the following pattern: ` geo:hasFileSerialization rdfs:subPropertyOf geo:hasSerialization .

ex:mygeom rdf:type geo:Geometry .

ex:mygeom geo:hasFileSerialization ex:mygeomfile .

ex:mygeomfile rdf:type dct:Dataset .

ex:mygeomfile dct:type .

ex:mygeomfile dct:distribution ""^^xsd:anyURI . ` Literals which have been used for the provision of WKT, GML etc. will remain unchanged. The dct:Dataset instances need to link to the distribution of the file and need to provide the type with a given URI.