opengeospatial / ogcapi-common

OGC API - Common provides those elements shared by most or all of the OGC API standards to ensure consistency across the family.
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Collections extent: outdated multi extent description and pointing to GitHub rather than beta.schemas #299

Open jerstlouis opened 2 years ago

jerstlouis commented 2 years ago

The schema at does not include the clarifications on how multiple extents bbox should be interpreted. (Same applies for in Coverages)

The latest bbox clarifications are included in Features:

ghobona commented 2 years ago

The schema at is a snapshot of the OGC API - Common schemas as they were when OGC API - EDR was published. We needed a frozen/static version of the schema because it was referenced by the approved OGC API - EDR 1.0.0 Standard. So we placed the OGC API - Common schema in the repository, and labelled it as 0.1.

When OGC API - Common - Part 1 and 2 are published as approved standards, their schema will be placed on the main site and labeled as 1.0.0.

ghobona commented 2 years ago

In other words, the OGC API - Common SWG should continue to use and update the schema that is on the SWG's GitHub repository.

jerstlouis commented 2 years ago

Thanks @ghobona . I think other draft specification also reference the beta schema though (that is how I got there: Common or Coverages) -- I thought the intent was to have something more up to date that can be referenced from somewhere else than GitHub repositories.

ghobona commented 2 years ago

We couldn't have an approved standard (EDR) reference a changing schema, so we mitigated that through the beta schema repo and the v0.1 labelling.

I will let the other OGC API SWGs know that they should use the OGC API - Common schema that is in the GitHub repo. Thanks.

jerstlouis commented 2 years ago

@ghobona @cmheazel There is still a valid issue to address so let's please keep this open:

jerstlouis commented 2 years ago

@ghobona Could we please re-open the issue to address the above?

ghobona commented 2 years ago

Reopened at the request of @jerstlouis.

cmheazel commented 2 years ago

The Extent schema is now equivalent to the Extent schema in the Master branch of the OGC API - Features GitHub repository. The only difference is that the explanatory text in the Features version has not been carried over into the Common version.

cmheazel commented 2 years ago

Note: schema URIs will be updated at the next stable baseline.