opengeospatial / ogcapi-connected-systems

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Unclear behaviour when implementing `/systems/{systemId}/deployments` #62

Open SpeckiJ opened 1 month ago

SpeckiJ commented 1 month ago

When implementing the Endpoint /systems/{systemId}/deployments I came across some difficulties


The System when posted is standalone and does not have any relation with a specific Deployment. The Deployment when posted has its systems linked as a DeployedSystem (schema):

"deployedSystems": [
      "name": "water_temp_sensor",
          "href": "",

      "name": "wind_sensor",
              "href": "",

The history of this structure is also discussed in #30 .


Implementing the endpoint /systems/{systemId}/deployments requires that I have somehow linked the deployment with the system in my datastore - else i cannot retrieve the deployment using the ID of a system.

I do not quite understand how I am supposed to create that link - the generic structure deployedSystems does not give any information about whether the systems are stored in the same API (or in an external/federated API), additionally there only is an arbitrarily complex URL and no direct ID of a system (optionally there is a uid but this is not required and is not the systemId that is referenced in the url when requesting deployments).


Currently this therefore requires the workflow:

  1. Parse the URL to first check whether it is a local URL to myself (very difficult in architectures with loadbalancers/reverse-proxies etc.)
  2. Try to extract the ID from the URL
  3. If ID is present, link it internally to the system

Which produces a lot of undefined behaviour - e.g. what happens if there is no system with the specified ID locally, but the deployment references it? Do i just accept a POST which knowingly has bad links?

Additionally there should probably be a note somewhere that the /systems/{systemId}/deployments may not be the absolute truth, as other Deployments may be stored on different servers.

alexrobin commented 2 weeks ago

Discussed during 09/05 Telecon:

Document that href can be either: