opengeospatial / ogcapi-discrete-global-grid-systems
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Efficient format for representing vector data mapped to a DGG Hierarchy #72

Open jerstlouis opened 1 month ago

jerstlouis commented 1 month ago

In the current draft OGC API - DGGS we introduce DGGS-JSON (and corresponding binary UB-JSON encoding) as a JSON schema for efficiently transmitting and storing data quantized to zones, which is best suited for raster data.

DGGS-JSON leverages the concept of sub-zones and a deterministic sub-zone order established by the selected DGGRS understood by the client/consumer and server/producer. Such a sub-zone order can easily be defined for any DGGH using fully nested cells (congruent sub-zones), and can also be defined for hierarchical grids like ISEA3H (however, we have yet to figure out how difficult it is to define such a sub-zone order for ISEA7H / H3 where the zones drift away from their ancestors at finer resolutions in a more complex manner).

Inspired from #46, past thinking, discussions with @geofizzydrink and recent feedback from @sahrk in, I suggest also defining a format better suited for representing vector data contained within a particular parent zone (without the need to rasterize it), where the geometry coordinates are encoded as a single sub-zone index within that sub-zone. This format would also leverage the advantages of sub-zone order indices as I believe this uses the least possible number of bits to address the inside of a zone (e.g., for ISEA3H at a relative depth of 10 there are always 59,293 sub-zones for a hexagonal parent so a single 16-bit integer is needed; 32-bit goes down to a relative depth of 20 for 3,486,843,451 sub-zones). Since sub-zone orders are defined for an arbitrary relative depth, this allows for arbitrary precision of coordinates relative to the parent zone.

This format could be based on GeoJSON and/or Feature & Geometry JSON, with the following particularities:

I believe this would really work great.

We should discuss whether we want to define JSON and UB-JSON encoding requirement classes for this in the API.

@sahrk @geofizzydrink @allixender @perrypeterson @ldesousa @MichaelJendryke @rggibb @mpadillaruiz

jerstlouis commented 4 weeks ago

A couple initial examples partial snippets of what I'm now proposing to call DGGS-FG-JSON and drafting an encoding requirement class for in the API:


   "conformsTo": [
   "dggrs": "[ogc-dggrs:ISEA3H]",
   "zoneId": "I0-1EFA652-D",
   "depth": "15",
   "type" : "FeatureCollection",
   "features" : [ {
      "type" : "Feature",
      "id" : 2305843009218664049,
      "geometry" : null,
      "place" : null,
      "time" : null,
      "dggsPlace" : {
         "type" : "LineString",
         "coordinates" : [ 13866054, 13899376, 13953688 ]
      "properties" : {
         "highway" : "service",
         "name" : "Parliament Road",
         "name:fr" : "chemin Parliament",
         "access" : "no"
   }, {
      "type" : "Feature",
      "id" : 2305843009218664071,
      "geometry" : null,
      "place" : null,
      "time" : null,
      "dggsPlace" : {
         "type" : "LineString",
         "coordinates" :


Natural Earth bathymetry in the Arctic:

   "conformsTo": [
   "dggrs": "[ogc-dggrs:ISEA3H]",
   "zoneId": "B0-5-A",
   "depth": "15",
   "geometryDimension": 2,
   "type": "FeatureCollection",
   "features": [
         "type": "Feature",
         "id": 1,
         "properties": {
            "scalerank": 0,
            "featurecla": "Bathymetry"
         "geometry" : null,
         "place" : null,
         "time" : null,
         "dggsPlace": {
            "type": "MultiPolygon",
            "coordinates": [
                  [ 14355360, 14355250, 14355141, 14355032, 14354922, 14354813, ...


jerstlouis commented 3 weeks ago

Initial draft requirement class in: