opengeospatial / ogcapi-features

An open standard for querying geospatial information on the web.
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OGC API - Common #190

Open cportele opened 5 years ago

cportele commented 5 years ago

WFS has been the first group within OGC to work on a revision of an OGC Web Services standard as a Web API with OpenAPI support. By now, several other groups in OGC are working on similar revisions, too.

Common elements in OGC APIs have been discussed now for several months and the OWS Common SWG has agreed to

If this process is successful, the WFS standard would be updated in the future to reuse the relevant API elements specified in the OGC API - Core standard once it has been published.

cportele commented 5 years ago

An issue on the link object has been raised in the OGC API Common discussions.


cmheazel commented 5 years ago

The September-2019-re-syc branch of API-Common contains the latest proposed updates to the API-Common specification. These updates synchronize API-Common with the approved API-Features standard and address the recomendations from the API Hackathon. A partial review of this branch was performed by the SWG at the Banff TC, but there was insufficient time to complete the review. Telecons will be scheduled to complete the review, identified changes applied, and the branch merged into Master.