opengeospatial / ogcapi-features

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Call for implementations of OGC API - Features - Part 4: Simple Transactions #415

Open pvretano opened 4 years ago

pvretano commented 4 years ago


As you may or may not know, one of the founding principles of the OGC API - Features work is that implementations carry a lot of weight in guiding how the features group of specifications evolve.

Recently the SWG published the first draft of the "OGC API - Features - Part 4: Simple Transactions" extension (see: and we are now doing an informal survey to see who has or is planning to implement Part 4. If you have or are planning to implement part 4 please add a comment to this issue and let us know of your intentions. As I said, this is very informal, so nothing is binding; we are just trying to get a sense of how many implementations of simple transactions might be in the pipeline.

If you are planning to or have implemented transactions in your server (even if your implementation did not follow Part 4) we want to hear your feedback.

Code sprint

In case any of you might be interested in participating, OGC is conducting a code sprint on Sept. 29-30 that will include Part 4. Here are some details:

The Sprint registration page is at

The Pre-event webinar of the Sprint will be held on Wednesday 23 September from 10:00am to 11:00am EDT, register for the webinar at

pvretano commented 4 years ago

CubeWerx has a preliminary implementations of part 4. A server endpoint will be available soon ...

m-mohr commented 4 years ago

STAC will look into replacing their Transaction extension with OGC API - Features - Part 4: Simple Transactions in the next month(s). That will likely lead to implementations, too. Depending on how much both specifications diverge, there could already be some partly compliant implementations, I guess. cc @cholmes

notthatbreezy commented 4 years ago

Azavea has an implementation based on the STAC transaction that I think follows closely with Simple Transactions with Franklin (github).

I think the biggest point of divergence we have right now is that we needed an endpoint to create/update/delete collections.

We plan on attending the OGC sprint as well to share our experience and continue work in this area.

alex-mathew commented 4 years ago

pygeoapi is implementing OGC API - Features - Part 4: Simple Transactions as part of Google Summer of Code 2020. I am currently working on it and it should be finished by the end of August. Expect to present the final implementation in the OGC sprint.

cportele commented 4 years ago

ldproxy has an implementation of transactions that currently differs in some details from the current part 4 draft. We plan to update the implementation by September and raise any issues that we encounter.