opengeospatial / ogcapi-features

An open standard for querying geospatial information on the web.
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Future work items (Part 6++) #451

Open cportele opened 3 years ago

cportele commented 3 years ago

The current work items of the OGC Features API working group are progressing well. At the same time there are questions or requests for additional capabilities. Since the OGC processes take time to get approval for the working group to work on new topics, it is time to identify and prepare the topics that should be addressed next. This issue is intended to discuss, identify and agree on the most important additional capabilities that we should work on next.

We need to present the identified topics to the OGC members to start the process, typically in a plenary (the next one would be in early December).

As a reminder, here is what the group charter says:

Standards are important for interoperability. At the same time, it is important that standards only state requirements that are important for a significantly large group of users. Proposals for new parts of OGC API Features or change requests to existing parts must identify the user group that will benefit from the proposal and include the commitment for three independent implementations for each proposed conformance class; otherwise the proposal will be considered out-of-scope.

In addition, we of course need to have at least one editor for each proposal to edit the document and drive the process.

Proposals for new tasks will only be considered, if these criteria are met.

Many extensions may be useful beyond Features and we should ask for input from members of the other OGC API working groups, too.

cportele commented 3 years ago

To start the discussion, here is a list of topics that I have seen requested most over the last months:

I have a personal interest in these extensions and would offer to contribute to the drafting of them and commit to implementing them in ldproxy (in fact, the first three capabilities are more or less already implemented).

Other capabilities that have been requested and discussed:

I am sure, I have missed some of the extensions that we have discussed.

pvretano commented 3 years ago

@cportele my priority list would be: schemas, queries, property selection and geometry simplification from the first group. I would add OPTIONS to the second group.

cholmes commented 3 years ago

Has there been any progress on a lighterweight extension mechanism? Like just markdown/redoc description and an openapi fragment? Like where we can 'incubate' some of these, and have the community evolve them?

I'm working to align STAC API with Features, including extensions. And it'd be really nice to put our extensions somewhere with more visibility to features api implementors, and allow us to reference them externally. The leading ones we have are:

And POST searches are important for us, though we don't do them as an 'extension' but part of our core, but could align to an extension.

We also have context for matched/limit/returned as its own object which seems to make more sense than just having those fields scattered in the response. It's the one change we'd actually like OGC to make - everything else we are just adopting the way OGC things (including ones still in draft) But we were told it needs to go in common, and now it's just hanging out there:

The other one I'd add to the list is Aggregations - we have a draft PR on it and an implementation (Astraea) in production.

pvretano commented 3 years ago

@cholmes Re: sort, see:

cholmes commented 3 years ago

@pvretano - interesting. Any chance we can pull that out to be its own small building block extension that any features API can use? And then be able to iterate on it together?

Did you look at our sort? Would you consider our + / - notation instead of the :asc :desc? Also I couldn't figure out if yours had a default sort order? (is this conversation better to have in the records issue tracker?)

pvretano commented 3 years ago

@cholmes like many of the "building blocks" (e.g. CQL, CRS, transactions, etc.) created for OGC API they start life in one of the SWGs and if they are deemed to be generally useful, they will eventually move to OGC API Common; this will likely be the fate of sortBy but it is too early to say definitively right now. Certainly features could make use of this parameter ... Part B or requirement 14 states that the default sort order is ascending .

cportele commented 3 years ago

During the OGC Member Meeting we agreed to ask the OGC Technical Committee to add the following new tasks to the charter of the Features API SWG:

Some related issues that are currently labeled as "Future Work":

The new tasks are now out for comments in the OGC Technical Committee.

To add a new task to our charter, we not only need the support from the OGC membership, but we also need a commitment for three independent implementations for every conformance class. Cubewerx and interactive instruments have made commitments to implement each of the proposed new specifications. That means, that we need at least one additional implementation commitment for each of the proposed new extensions, otherwise we cannot add the extension to our charter. So, if you have an interest in any of these new tasks, please consider a commitment to implement the new capability (either add a comment in this issue or contact @pvretano or me directly). Thanks in advance for your consideration.

cportele commented 3 years ago

The OGC Technical Committee has approved the proposed four new tasks (Property Selection, Geometry Simplification, Schemas, Queries/Search). The charter document has been updated. There are initial proposals to start the discussion in the proposals folder. We will start the discussion in the Features API SWG meeting during the OGC member meeting tomorrow.

Before we assign a new part number to a new task and start to work on a new document, we need three implementations commitments. I will create issues for each part where we can record those commitments.

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone,

I would find it interesting to propose a "Versioned data" (as cited in the current issue) or "incremental dataset request" extension in which the requirements classes of:

could be defined.

The timing seems particularly interesting to me with the current RFI on the Open Science Persistent Demonstrator, the STAC Versioning Indicators Extension Specification as mentionned by @cholmes and the publication of the draft OGC API - Features - Part 4: Create, Replace, Update and Delete as mentioned by @cportele in the issue #764

I would also be happy to help

cportele commented 5 months ago

Meeting 2024-04-22: Next steps are to convert the following proposals to AsciiDoc:

Part 10: Search/Queries will follow once these simpler extensions have been initiated.