opengeospatial / ogcapi-maps

OGC API - Map draft specification
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Work item: Produce schemas for GetMap, GetFeatureInfo and GetCapabilities requests for POST/XML #58

Open joanma747 opened 3 years ago

joanma747 commented 3 years ago

Discussed in the 2020-11-26 SWG meeting.

The schemas OGC have are contain GetCapabilities request (and response) contains GetMap for 1.1 but not for 1.3

DGIWG is asking for them.

One possibility is to adopt the ones in: that seem to be ok. Please note they use SLD 1.0 (not 1.1) and that GetFeautureInfo uses X,Y instead of I,J . som other corrections might be required.

Gobe takes action to create a GitHub space for this work item. WE will find out the exact procedure to send schemas to OGC without needing to create a WMS 1.3.1 document.

ghobona commented 3 years ago

@joanma747 I added the date of the SWG meeting to the post.

ghobona commented 3 years ago

Cc: @dsarafinof @StefStr @luciocola

ghobona commented 3 years ago

A Gitlab repository has been created for the WMS schemas.

You can opt into to the repository at

ghobona commented 3 years ago

Found that the schema for GetMap requests exists in the SLD XSDs at

Screenshot 2020-11-27 at 09 00 12

ghobona commented 3 years ago

The schema files of OWS Common 2.0 provide a GetCapabilities type that was intended to be used by different service types, including WMS.

See the attached screenshot, taken from

Screenshot 2020-11-27 at 09 06 31

ghobona commented 3 years ago

There does not appear to be an XML schema definition for WMS GetFeatureInfo. There is one for WMTS. Comparing the WMTS GetFeatureInfo schema (see left of attached screenshot) to the WMS GetFeatureInfo KVP parameters (see top-right of attached screenshot), we could create a WMS GetFeatureInfo element that is similar to the WMTS one but uses the sld:GetMap element and adds additional elements for Querylayer, FeatureCount and Exceptions. Effectively, we would arrive at a structure that is similar to the Deegree approach (see bottom-right of attached screenshot), though excluding the Vendor element which appears to be Deegree specific.

Screenshot 2020-11-27 at 09 35 53

StefStr commented 3 years ago

Using OWS Common 2.0 for GetCapabilities and OWS 1.1 for GetFeatureInfo does not seem to be the best approach. I would recommend to align WMTS and WMS as much as possible, also with respect to the OWS version used. Looking at the WMTS GetFeatureInfo example this could mean to work with OWS 1.1.

Comments welcome.

ghobona commented 3 years ago

No objection to using GetCapabilities from OWS Common 1.1.

dsarafinof commented 3 years ago

The OWS common version to be used has too be clear and harmonized (for all WMS 1.3 request, and the same for WMTS). About WMS 1.3, it's not based on any OWS-Common and everything has been integrated (thanks to ISO work ;) but it does rely (from what i understood on OWS 1.0, same as for SLD 1.1, which extends WMS 1.3 check the getmap XSD for example WMTS relies on OWS-1.1

ghobona commented 3 years ago

@StefStr @dsarafinof

The initial draft of the Best Practice document is at

It is in the Portal folder

The asciidoc source files are at

To access the Gitlab repo, you will need to opt-in at

Note that the source files use the new Metanorma OGC document template. More information about Metanorma is at

If you find any issues with the template, please raise them on the metanorma-ogc issues board and Cc me in through my GitHub handle (@ghobona).

The next step is to create an XSD file that offers the wms:GetFeatureInfo and wms:GetFeatureInfoResponse.

@StefStr @dsarafinof Are you happy to take over the document from this point and to discuss the requirements with the SWG?