opengeospatial / ogcapi-processes
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Execution of process via GET with query paramters #463

Closed JakobMiksch closed 1 month ago

JakobMiksch commented 1 month ago

As far as I understood a process must be executed via a POST request as in this example (source):

# execute a job for the ``shapely-functions`` process that computes the bounds of a WKT
curl -X POST http://localhost:5000/processes/shapely-functions/execution \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d "{\"inputs\":{\"operation\": \"measurement:bounds\",\"geoms\": [\"POINT(83.27651071580385 22.593553859283745)\"]}}"

Does the standard allow to additionally execute a process via a GET request with query params?

It could look like this then:

  geoms=POINT(83.27651071580385 22.593553859283745)

I suppose having the option to execute the process via GET would simplify the usage a lot. (PS: if this is not the right place to ask questions, I would kindly ask you to point me to the correct page/forum or mailing list)

gfenoy commented 1 month ago

I think it corresponds to the requirement class "KVP-encoded execute" from the current editor's draft available from the

JakobMiksch commented 1 month ago

Great that's what I was looking for

gfenoy commented 1 month ago

I close this issue.

In case anything is missing in the response, please feel free to re-open or open another issue.