opengeospatial / ogcapi-records

An open standard for the discovery of geospatial resources on the Web.
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Expand the Facets proposal with more details and new requirements #320

Open jahow opened 8 months ago

jahow commented 8 months ago

This PR builds on top of the work by @pvgenuchten to offer a more detailed proposal, including two new endpoints which should let API consumers build a robust user experience.

The YAML schemas have not been updated yet, and there are several questions which still have to be answered:

Looking forward to discuss all these topics further before the end of the sprint! Please leave comments/suggestions as needed.

pvgenuchten commented 8 months ago

Quick reply before checking;

jahow commented 8 months ago

The second "drill-down" query mirrors the typical behavior of a user when using facets:

  1. Look at an overview of all facets next to the search results, with maybe 20-30 buckets max per facet: this is done with the /items query
  2. Click on "show more" on a specific facet to show more buckets, and filter values with a text field: this is done with the /aggregation/{aggregationId} query

Alternatively a user could decide to zoom in on a histogram, which would also trigger the drill-down query.

cnreediii commented 8 months ago

WRT the term "facets". I did a bit of research. First, this terms, after checking numerous OGC Standards, is not used. This is would be the first use in an OGC Standard. Therefore, a very clear definition of what is meant by ther term "facet" is required, Second, I also researched the use of the term on the broader Catalog context. While "facet search" is in Wikipedia ( If one digs more deeply, in Library Science, there are pre-facet and post-facet searches. In another context, facets are shown as panels of aggregated results on a web page (e.g. HCL Software). Finally, the use of the term facet in GIS goes back to 1965, although in a completely different context - a unit of storage

As such, if the term facet/facets is to be used in the API - Records standard, then the term need to be very clearly defined and formally agreed to.

Oh, and to just make life interesting: Forecasting a Continuum of Environmental Threats (FACETs)

jahow commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the analysis @cnreediii. I feel like the term "aggregation" is closer to what is really happening, and would also better apply to the Features API (which is our intention eventually) where the concept of "faceted search" would sound even more unusual.

pvgenuchten commented 8 months ago

Hi team, great work here, i'm wondering, why are we using a dictionary for the facets, with the facet property as key, wouldn't it be more logical to have an array of facets (similar to a array of features)?

{"facets": [{ 
   "id": "keywords",
   "type": "",

it could have been me suggesting this at one point, but now while implementing, i have my doubts

jahow commented 8 months ago

Hi team, great work here, i'm wondering, why are we using a dictionary for the facets, with the facet property as key, wouldn't it be more logical to have an array of facets (similar to a array of features)?

{"facets": [{ 
   "id": "keywords",
   "type": "",

it could have been me suggesting this at one point, but now while implementing, i have my doubts

No I think I came up with the dict structure and indeed it is useless if we end up repeating the id in the facet object; I also liked having an id field for each facet, to make it clear that this is the id that the user can then use in other queries; conversely, using the facet id as the dictionary key isn't all that clear IMO

pvgenuchten commented 8 months ago

another thought here; which properties to add as facet should be a configuration, not something defined in the api schema, this allows for adjustments of the configured facets, without redefining the api definition

alternatively it can be argued that by hardcoding the facets in the api schema, it will be clear by users beforehand which facets will be made available in the search result

tomkralidis commented 4 months ago

Discussion/refresh during 2024 Joint OGC-ASF-OSGeo Code Sprint:

Two Requirements Classes: Simple and Advanced



tomkralidis commented 4 months ago

Discussion with @cportele:


Next steps are to close this PR and start the extension draft.

pvgenuchten commented 4 months ago

About the quaryable configuration; can it have 3 options:

facets parameter can then have 3 values:

I most appreciate the behavior of some facets being returned with every search result, without the need to configure a facets parameter

pvgenuchten commented 4 months ago

want to refer to facet functionality could offer the requested functionality

cnreediii commented 4 months ago

Just to be sure I understand. Facets, also called smart filters, are a type of search filter that customers use to narrow down their search results quickly. Facets can be static (set up for every query) or dynamic (they can change depending on the context of the search query). Am I correct in my understanding? There is a fairly wide scope of definitions by different vendors. Thanks

tomkralidis commented 1 month ago

FYI as decided in, PR #372 adds OGC API - Records - Part 2: Facets. Once this PR is merged we can move the contents of this PR into the appropriate areas of the extension.