opengeospatial / ogcapi-records

An open standard for the discovery of geospatial resources on the Web.
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What would the mechanism be to discover available metadata profiles? #40

Closed nmtoken closed 3 years ago

nmtoken commented 4 years ago

I see in the editors draft Draft Outline for OGC API - Catalogue, that a catalogue may implement any underlying data model that it wants (e.g. ebRIM, ISO19115/ISO19119, etc.) however, all internal data models must be mapped to the record schema defined in this standard

Has any consideration been given to how a user would search for available metadata models / profile and then request that profile in the desired encoding?

pvretano commented 4 years ago

@nmtoken No. At the moment we are really focusing of defining the core which is limited to the core queryables (i.e. id, title, description, etc.) and the core query parameters (i.e. bbox, datetime, limite, etc.). Discovering what the underlying information model (e.g. ebRIM) is and being able to query it directly would be an extension.

nmtoken commented 4 years ago


Is your understanding that there will be only one underlying model, or will an implementation be able to supply metadata to multiple models?

pvretano commented 4 years ago

@nmtoken No restriction as far as I am concerned. An implementation can provide output in multiple models. My implementation, for example, offers the core queryables as GeoJSON: and also offers the same information using ebRIM as XML: I use the vendor-specific parameter "schema" to trigger which information model should be generated but that particular aspect of the issue would be defined in an extension for discovering and accessing alternative information models.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

The specification at provide a canonical means for discovery of, and handling content negotiation over, multiple models (or profiles which is slightly more generic as possibly multiple profiles may use the same data model but contain different information, for example based on spatial resolution, CRS, authorisation, detail etc.)

a working draft implementation can be seen at - this is the way OGC itself will publish resource types for resolvable URIs

you may of course choose some custom parameters in an API to specify model and encoding, but if a genuinely self-documenting, extensible and flexible approach is required then please consider this. Note that the spec also provides a means (QSA-ALT) to document choice of non-standard parameters to handle model and format, and can provide for ad-hoc ways of listing available choices by specifying a specific profile that contains the "alternates" view - provided some way can be found to let users know what that is - and means either "magic" client knowledge of the specific API or more work for the profile itself to describe itself in a canonical way.

pvretano commented 4 years ago

@rob-metalinkage Yeah, that looks good. If there is a "standard" or "on-the-way-to-becoming-standard" way to negotiate which model/profile to use I am good with that.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

@pvretano Its not terribly complicated, and you might want to consider a minimal profile of it with no inheritance support - but suggest its worth having a think about whether its actually also a good way of handling declarations of FeatureType subclassing too. Happy to discuss implications and alternative approaches any time.

Ps there are a few python implementations - but a library that could be contributed as an apache module would be a cool option too.

pvretano commented 4 years ago

21-SEP-2020: The ability to advertise and/or discover profiles is not something we thing is a "core" capability. Perhaps an extension.

mhogeweg commented 4 years ago

that seems odd. in CSW 2.0.2 implementers can advertise the capabilities of their catalog in terms of queriables (INSPIRE add various, AP ISO adds various) and response schemas. While defining the list of those added queryables is in the realm of the community creating the profile (not OGC per se), the catalog service itself provides the mechanism to advertise those capabilities. That seems part of the core then.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

Discoverability has two parts: 1) mechanism 2) canonical description

Note that the PROF vocabulary ( has prof:Profile, whilst not designated as a subclass of dcat:Resource, designed to follow the same pattern as a dcat:Dataset, i.e. resources that are used to describe a profile are modeled as structures equivalent to dcat:Distribution. It could be used as the model for the canonical description of profiles, thus any DCAT compatible catalog approach could fairly easily offer this. Clients would need to know to use a catalog query in the same way they need to know how to hit a GetCapabilities, except it wouldnt be idiosyncratic per service type. Content-negotiation-by-profile as described above supports another mechanism without needing an API specific method.

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

An experimental version of OGC API exposing two profiles of GeoJSON with vector geometry and DGGS and multiple feature type views for the same features is in underway as part of testbed-16. This will use Conneg-by-profile to perform this function, and also JSON-LD for Linked Data compatibility. Reinventing this wheel may not be the best option.

mhogeweg commented 4 years ago

would be great if the yaml file for the records API gets updated along with the discussions and prototypes.

pvretano commented 4 years ago

Hey, I'm pedaling as fast as I can! ;)

mhogeweg commented 4 years ago

happy to help out with that! fork + pull request?

pvretano commented 4 years ago

Sure ... works for me ...

mhogeweg commented 4 years ago

small updated available here: #53

pvretano commented 3 years ago

Pull request #53 merged.