opengeospatial / ogcapi-routes

public repo for OGC API - Routes Standards Working Group
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Extend "mode" and "preferences" with description #62

Open thanchevici opened 1 year ago

thanchevici commented 1 year ago

Hi, currently mode and preferences are strings only. This may create confusion on user side. I suggest changing them to include a description that can be used by clients

"properties": {
"": {
"preferences": [
           {"name" : "fastest", "description": "Computes fastest route"},
          {"name" : "shortest", "description": "Computes shortest route"},
"": {
"modes": [
         {"name" : "motor-vehicle", "description": "Computes route for a car"},
         {"name" : "bicycle", "description": "Computes route for a bicycle"},
         {"name" : "pedestrian", "description": "Computes a pedestrian route"}

Best regards, Teodor

cportele commented 1 year ago

The proposal makes sense to.

What should be discussed are the keys of the members. Typically we use in OGC API schemas "id" for something that is a local identifier (like in this case), "title" for a human-readable label or title (usually a few words) and "description" for a longer explanation. I think, we should require "id" and allow "title" and "description" with a recommendation to provide a "title".

cportele commented 1 year ago

Meeting 2022-11-22: Include in v1.0, but with a slightly different encoding:

"preferences": { 
  "fastest": { "title": "Computes fastest route" },
  "shortest": { "title": "Computes shortest route" }

Also include "description" for now.

thanchevici commented 1 year ago

@cportele these two should be combined. The server will report a mode, with what preferences or options are available. Each mode on the server might have options. "fastest" and "shortest" are not the only one, and not all modes will have this. The goal again is to provide extensibility

Something like this:

    "modes" : [
            "motor-vehicle" :
                "title": "Computes route for a car",
                "options" : {
                    "type" : "array",
                    "items" : {
                        "type" : "object",
                        "enum": [
                            {"fastest": { "title": "Computes fastest route" }},
                            {"shortest": { "title": "Computes shortest route" }}]
            "uav-survey" :
                "title": "Generate a lawn mower pattern",
                "options" : {
                    "type" : "object",
                        "forward-overlap": { "title": "forward overlap percentage", "type" : "integer", "minimum":10, "maximum":50 },
                        "lateral-overlap": { "title": "lateral overlap percentage", "type" : "integer", "minimum":10, "maximum":50 }
cportele commented 1 year ago

Meeting 2022-12-13:

thanchevici commented 1 year ago

@cportele @jeffharrison maybe we can do this:

make preferences optional. add an advanced option in the server that is an object. Servers not supporting advanced options will return an empty object

A server reporting with advanced options and "uav-survey" and "uav-inspection" modes will report the following schema for advancedOptions

"advancedOptions" :{
      "title":"Generate a lawn mower pattern",
         "title":"forward overlap percentage",
         "title":"lateral overlap percentage",
         "title":"Above ground level flight altitude",
      "title":"generates an inspection pattern",
         "title":"distance from point of interest",
         "title":"Step in vertical movement",

This will keep the API simple, will not require changes to mode or preferences. To me this looks like a simple solution.

cportele commented 1 year ago

Meeting 2023-01-03: