opengeospatial / ogcapi-routes

public repo for OGC API - Routes Standards Working Group
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Replace conformace classes weight and height with vehicle profile #64

Open thanchevici opened 1 year ago

thanchevici commented 1 year ago

The API is restrictive with respect to vehicle characteristics. weight and height are some examples of parameters that influence the route planning. for example:

Suggestion is to replace

A profile is an array of objects comprised of following:

The server will report the supported profile as follows:

"profile": {
         "definition" :[
                 "name" : "transversal_roll",
                 "type" : "number",
                  "range" : [0, 30],
                  "default" : 15,
                  "description" : "Transversal roll angle"
                        "name" : "weight",
                        "type" : "number",
                        "description" : "vehicle weight in metric tons (tonnes) "
                        "name" : "speed",
                        "type" : "number",
                        "range" : [10, 120],
                        "default" : 40,
                        "description" : “Maximum travel speed in kilometers per hour"

"profile": {
            "definition" :[
                        "name" : "vehicle_class",
                        "type" : "enum",
                        "values“ : ["standard", "KT001", "KT002", "KT003", "BF923"]
                        "default" : "standard",
                        "description" : "Identifier of server stored profile"

The client will send the profile as follows:

"profile": {
                        "transversal_roll" :14,
                         "speed" :60
                         "weight": 40
"profile": {
                    “vehicle_class" :"KT003"

Weight and height become a profile with two keys

thank you Teodor

cportele commented 1 year ago

Meeting 2022-11-22: @cportele will rewrite with using JSON Schema as the value of the attribute (weight, height, category, etc.). We can then discuss in the next meeting whether it should go into v1.0 or work on it afterwards.