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Examine potential of SOSA and JSON-LD as normative option for JSON encoding #54

Open rob-metalinkage opened 4 years ago

rob-metalinkage commented 4 years ago

Given : 1) SOSA is an RDF model implementing O&M, 2) and can therefore be serialised directly as JSON-LD 3) and JSON-LD is JSON

the option of using this as the canonical JSON encoding should be considered and either adopted or explicitly rejected with a detailed rationale for why this is not appropriate.

that said - there are clean and dirty ways to serialised as JSON-LD - the cleanest way is to define a context document that can be reused to bind JSON elements to SOSA URIs. The "dirty" way is to include full URIs in every element and not publish a reusable context at all.

The decision would be whether to assume a default namespace or make sosa explicit:

"featureOfInterest" vs "sosa:featureOfInterest"

(this means either mapping featureOfInterest or just the sosa: namespace to the SOSA equivalent)

akuckartz commented 4 years ago

See also w3c/sdw#8

sgrellet commented 4 years ago

Indeed, these are topics we raised in the SWG meetings (and also in OGC SELFIE). So far, we try to respect the timeline (O&M Conceptual Model 1st).

One quick note, there are changes in the conceptual model that will need be "propagated/discussed" before this could happen. I haven't had time to generate the corresponding issues in SOSA GitHub.

And 'in the other direction', there are aspects from current version of SOSA that are already being included into O&M V3 conceptual model

dr-shorthair commented 4 years ago

I have propagated a few issues triggered by discussions here:

KathiSchleidt commented 4 years ago

To my view, one of the real issues here is how to bridge the (Geo)JSON(-LD) divide, fine for points, impossible for everything else... IMHO - we could just nail this with a sort of good practice, for all geos beyond point the GeoJSON just provides a representative point, true geometry is then provided somewhere in the properties, e.g. the geosparql approach proposed by (S)ELFIE

cportele commented 4 years ago

@KathiSchleidt - No longer an issue with JSON-LD 1.1 (e.g.,

KathiSchleidt commented 4 years ago

@cportele Cool! thanks for this pointer! @list was the missing link :) And, as its coming from you, I'm fairly sure that all the tricky GeoBits are now covered

sgrellet commented 4 years ago

See also

KathiSchleidt commented 3 years ago

As I'm struggling to understand the ramifications of including -LD to the GeoJSON mix, think we really need examples! To what extent would supporting -LD only require providing the necessary links for the context block, to what extent does it influence our internal encoding? My request to all - if you have any valid examples, please share here so we can compare and learn!

rob-metalinkage commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this? the examples at reference context documents that dont resolve - does that mean a normative context document doesnt exist or these links are stale?

FYI I am working on the HY_Features model and looking to provision JSON-LD contexts normatively. As a potential "Feature Of Interest" model for O&M would really like to establish compatibility of approach.

KathiSchleidt commented 2 years ago

The OMS page you reference was more of a hackathon (encodathon?), first quick sketches. We've done a bit more on LDing STA, still thought in progress, but most context links resolve (but do sometimes have issues, partially discussed in the thread):