Standardization Target::
The Standardization Targets share an implementation-neutral Logical Model which establishes the structure and relationships between GeoPose components and also between GeoPose data objects themselves in composite structures.
ISO 19105:2022 section 3.23::
an entity that may receive a proof of conformance for a requirement class
which references OGC 08-131r3
OGC 08-131r3 gives the following:
4:23 Standardization Target::
entity to which some requirements of a standard apply
NOTE The standardization target is the entity which may receive a certificate of conformance for a
requirements class.
Section 4.9 defines Standardization Target as:
It seems that the OGC Def server does not have a true definition.
Standardization Target:: The Standardization Targets share an implementation-neutral Logical Model which establishes the structure and relationships between GeoPose components and also between GeoPose data objects themselves in composite structures.
an entity that may receive a proof of conformance for a requirement class
which references OGC 08-131r3