opengeospatial / poi

OGC Points of Interest Encoding Specification
Apache License 2.0
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Meeting Minutes #58

Open geofizzydrink opened 2 years ago

geofizzydrink commented 2 years ago
## Minutes 2022-05-05 ### Participants Matthew Purss Nazih Fino Rehrer, Sarah Howard Trickey Amy Youmans Charles Heazel Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Abdoulaye Diakite Christine Perey Fleming, Ryan Ryan Fleming Meeting Started 09:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda - We’ll continue to examine the model and discuss updates [in GitHub]( - Hope Chuck will have time in the next 12 hours to do some updates! ## Key Discussion Points - Chuck - not much further progress on POI data model, has been working with indoorGML. - working to build asciidoc mostly from the data model. - The role of time. - time aspects of the target feature vs time aspects of the poi (as a digital thing/object) - expiration time must be required but can be filled with "inf" or "not defined" for use cases where we don't know how long the POI will be supported/needed. - Symbology is important (but a can of worms). Symbology needs to be an aspect of the core data model (actually it should be the methods/mechanism/rules around assigning/applying symbology to a POI rather than the actual symbols themselves). - ## Actions - Chuck to continue elaborating the data model - Everyone to take a look at the styles spec to continue the symbology discussion in a way where we minimise re-inventing the wheel. Meeting Closed 10:35 EDT

## Minutes 2022-05-19 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Christine Perey Charles Heazel Koen De Baets Kyoungsook Kim Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda - We’ll continue to examine the model and discuss updates [in GitHub]( - Hope Chuck will have time in the next 12 hours to do some updates! ## Key Discussion Points - Chuck - updated the data model work - no drastic changes of note. Has been working on the JSON encoding of the Hotels Feature Collection of POIs to ensure consistency can be ensured between the JSON type of encoding of a POI and other JSON encodings of the wider Feature Model. - June Members Meeting - Looks like Scott/Greg have moved the POI SWG session to 1630-1715 (Madrid local time) on the Tuesday (from 1630 Wednesday). This works better for most people. Chuck will be busy with the CITE SC for the first half session, but he will be able to attend and present a status update of the model during the second session (NB: the Tuesday pm session is split into 2x 45 min sessions) - Agenda setting for June Members Meeting: - open/intro/logistics -5min - Update on Model - Chuck (latter session) - ~20 or 30min - Temporal considerations (first session - Matt to lead discussion) - ~20min (could be compressed if needs be) - Digital Twin presentation/discussion????? -- It will be great if we can have a couple of POI Digital Twin - probably urban setting - examples one or more members have done recently to overtly tie into the overall Digital Twin theme for the wider Members Meeting. (depending on response from SWG members this could be from 10min to 30min). - Other business - 5min - ## Actions - Chuck to continue elaborating the data model - Everyone to take a look at the styles spec to continue the symbology discussion in a way where we minimise re-inventing the wheel. - Matt to put together a few slides regarding the temporal issue - Matt to send out an email calling for presentations of POIs in a Digital Twin context. Meeting Closed 08:25 EDT

## Minutes 2022-06-09 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Christine Perey Charles Heazel Koen De Baets Kyoungsook Kim Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda - We’ll continue to examine the model and discuss updates [in GitHub]( - Hope Chuck will have time in the next 12 hours to do some updates! ## Key Discussion Points ## Actions Meeting Closed 08:25 EDT

## Minutes 2022-06-30 ### Participants Matthew Purss Charles Heazel Francois Fischer Joetta Kreck Fleming, Ryan J CTR (USA) Howard Trickey Koen De Baets (Digitaal Vlaanderen - Belgium) Amy Youmans (AGC) Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Recap from the June OGC Members Meeting 2. Data Model Update - Chuck 3. Use case Discussion/Exploration 4. (Possible) Early Scoping of the Standard Specification Document Drafting activity (if we are all happy that the data model is sufficiently well developed). 5. Schedule of POI SWG telecons for the next quarter. 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - No additional work has been done on the Data Model (Chuck has been on holidays). - Chuck provided an overview of where we are up to with the Data Model - Matt provided an overview/update on what was discussed covered during the June Members Meeting POI Session - Matt tabled an email he received from Jean-Christophe Malapert (Centre National d'Études Spatiales - CNES) with some very well conceived and thought provoking questions about the Draft POI Standard and POIs in general. - These questions were discussed in turn and will be included as issues on the POI github repository. - Matt asked the group if they were happy with the current schedule of meetings. The unanimous view was that the current day/time and tempo of meetings was good for everyone. ## Actions - Matt to post the questions posed by Jean-Christophe as issues in the POI Github repository. - Matt to schedule and send out calendar invites for POI meetings during the next quarter. - Meeting Closed 08:42 EDT

## Minutes 2022-07-06 ### Participants Matthew Purss Joetta Kreck Fleming, Ryan J CTR (USA) Howard Trickey Amy Youmans (AGC) Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Brief discussion of github issues related to use case scenarios. - The concept of aggregation of POIs to enable efficient and simple filtering for portrayal purposes (either by semantic or spatial/zoom level/Distance classification) was raised by Joetta. - The issue of POI geometries straddling the antimeridian was discussed. There are ways (although they are messy) of dealing with this issue using the current Feature Model. Also, referencing the geometry by DGGS ZoneIDs is another way to get around this issue - DGGS (and their ZoneIDs) are not limited by the effects of the antimeridian - i.e. there is no discontinuity in ZoneIDs across the antimeridian like there is with coordinate representations. - Moving Features will present a challenge as they cross the antimeridian. A potential workaround, again, could be to use/tag the moving feature (and it's location in space-time) to the zoneIDs of a DGGS. ## Actions - Joetta to post her POI aggregation use case to github (and Chuck) to test if the current Data Model can adequately fulfil that use case or whether there needs to be some additional field(s)/construct(s) included in the data model to do so. Meeting Closed 08:08 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-07-14 ### Participants Matthew Purss Fleming, Ryan J CTR (USA) Howard Trickey Amy Youmans (AGC) Chuck Heazel Christine Perry Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Matt provided a brief update of the discussions we had during last weeks telecon. - Chuck provided an update on the Data Model. There are two principle conformance classes - one that describes the underlying feature object that the POI represents; and, another that describes the POI Feature itself. - Howard raised the valid concern regarding the apparent complexity of the data model in terms of potential uptake from developers. Chuck pointed out that while the data model for POI has some complexity to it, because it makes extensive use of the feature data model, this is different to the usability of implementations of the feature data model (e.g. most GIS software include an implementation of most, if not all, of the feature model but when people use those implementations much of the complexity is hidden from view). ## Actions - Group: we should all test out the data model and json schema implementations to validate the Data Model against the identified POI use case scenarios. - Christine to create a Google Doc to plan a circular message requesting people to test and validate the data model. The aim is to have some feedback from validation testing ahead of the next OGC Members Meeting. Meeting Closed 08:23 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-07-22 ### Participants Matthew Purss Fleming, Ryan J CTR (USA) Howard Trickey Amy Youmans (AGC) Chuck Heazel Christine Perry Joetta Kreck Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Howard raised the valid concern regarding the apparent complexity of the data model in terms of potential uptake from developers. We need to understand and evaluate how easy it is for developers to implement this data model as is to meet their use case requirements vs having to drill down into the underlying standards in order to implement aspects of the POI data model. For example, various ways one might represent and aggregate time constructs in relation to a POI - how far down the rabbit burrow of temporal standards do they need to go in order to adequately represent temporal aspects of POIs. - As far as the POI standard goes this issue can be addressed (at least for some common use case scenarios) as part of the informative "best practices" content we can include in the POI standard specification document. Hopefully, to provide the reader/implementer with tangible examples of how this standard can be implemented against some common use cases. This informative text will likely provide a useful starting place for an implementer to begin the process of implementing their specific use case (which might be different to the examples we publish with the standard). ## Actions - Chuck: the asciidoc content on the github repo to reflect the current state of the UML model - Christine: work with Scott Simmons to schedule the OGC POI Briefing Webinar - Christine: to engage with Greg and/or Gobe regarding the metanorma workflow to generate the pdf/html versions of the draft standard from the asciidoc content/template that is already on the github repo. - Group: we need to make sure we are happy with abstract for OGC POI Briefing Webinar before the notice is sent out to the OGC and wider community. - Group: Contribute to the use case examples google doc Christine has shared with the group. Meeting Closed 08:30 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-08-04 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Koen - CI_Address component ISO 19115 - can we split street name & street number (+ maybe also split unit number)? - Chuck - we can both extend and restrict the standard fields/elements under the standard. The standard has be the baseline (lowest common dominator) but it can be extended. In the UML model POI_Property can include "additional attributes". Can also have many POI_Properties. - Howard - main use case - interchange between POIs. Current standard not doing this comprehensively. - Chuck - What additional properties do we need to standardise? we can't do them all but we can define those additional properties that we all agree need to be specifically defined. ## Actions - Howard to post a github issue on the POI interchange use case Meeting Closed 08:10 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-08-11 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Christine Perry Amy Youmans (AGC) Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Chuck led us through the current updates to the POI Specification Document. There are still some issues with autogenerating specification elements from the data model for "subsections". Chuck is looking into how to resolve this. Chuck has requested the SWG to download the MSWord version of the draft spec and using tracked changes mark up the current draft version to send back to him to capture and implement/resolve changes in the github "single point of truth" content. - Howard + others - discussion on the interchange related github issue Howard posted ( Are we able to encode all of the identified fields using the POI Data Model and its supporting standards? It appears so. - how do we provide guidance to implementers on how to apply the general POI data model to their use case scenario? - Potential options include: 1. We constrain the general POI Data Model to meet these requirements - at the risk of reducing the wider use of the POI standard. 2. We keep the general POI Data Model as is and include an informative section/annex that describes, with examples, how to apply the POI Data Model to specific use case scenarios. 3. We keep the standard as is and write a companion "User Guide"/"Best Practices" document that describes the application of the POI Data Model - in more detail and depth than that of option 2. 4. We define the general POI Data Model as the "Core" Conformance Class, and then include a number of optional conformance classes that normatively define how the "core" data model is to be applied to specific use case scenarios. ## Actions - MP to post the question to the SWG regarding - single general conformance class vs core conformance class + additional domain specific specialisation conformance classes. - SWG to review the MSWord version of the draft POI spec and send any suggested changes back to chuck to implement. Meeting Closed 08:22 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-08-18 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Amy Youmans (AGC) Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP overview of last meeting. - CP reached out to Ronald Tse (Ribose) re engagement with POI SWG - particularly around time encodinds (e.g. Standardising Business hours for POIs). - CH has been working on metanorma integration - no updates to POI data model or spec. - MP - October Members Meeting - Are anyone from the SWG going to be in Singapore? (it appears No) - CP do we really need a "face-to-face" meeting in October given our current tempo and progress? (it appears No) - AY - no real need for October "face-to-face"; however, these sessions do present a good outreach opportunity - Is that enough of a meeting to hold a session. - CP - POI webinar preperations... - Our call to action appears to be ready - We have a draft Spec - Is it ready to expose to a friendly audience? - When do we do the webinar? - Do we hold the webinar in conjunction with, or just before the October meeting? or, do we bring it forward a few weeks ahead of the October meeting or push it until a few weeks afterwards? - We NEED to have OGC marketing of this to make it a real success. We need have a conversation with OGC staff as to the best time to market and hold the webinar? - Scott raised the question: what "best/least worst" time of day for the webinar. Where do we expect the majority participants to be based? - why not have two webinar sessions - one EU morning/midday'ish and one Asia Pacific/US morning/midday'ish. ## Actions - MP to post the question to the SWG regarding - single general conformance class vs core conformance class + additional domain specific specialisation conformance classes. - SWG to review the MSWord version of the draft POI spec and send any suggested changes back to chuck to implement. - CP to get in touch with Scott re: preparations for webinar. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. Meeting Closed 08:32 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-08-25 ### Participants Matthew Purss Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Update on Data Model Development 2. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 3. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 4. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting - CP raised the issue that although we have been getting some positive engagement with OGC Staff (via Scott directly), key OGC staff we will be relying on to help us get the webinar/workshop over the line have not yet responded to emails from CP. - MP raised the issue of a Pull Request submitted by Kunlin Yu (Syrius Robotics) which we need to resolve some conflicts with the Master Branch. CH agreed to look at the Pull Request, verify if it indeed needs to be applied, and, if so, resolve the conflicts to implement the PR. - MP stepped through the open issues - Some of these we have resolved (both through discussion and the data model/spec) and so the issues need to be closed. Others still need more consideration - MP to clean up the open issues list accordingly. ## Actions - **_SWG to review the MSWord version of the draft POI spec and send any suggested changes back to chuck to implement._** - MP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - MP to post the question to the SWG regarding - single general conformance class vs core conformance class + additional domain specific specialisation conformance classes. Meeting Closed 08:35 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-09-08 ### Participants Matthew Purss Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Francois Fischer Ryan Fleming Christine Perey Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting and the Current set of Action Items. - CP provided an update on her engagement with OGC staff re: the preparation and scheduling of the POI Webinar/Workshop. Prospective dates are 22 September or 27/28 October. Selection of a Date for the webinar is contingent on the draft POI spec + supporting documentation being ready in time to circulate with prospective participants at least a week in advance. - MP highlighted some of the issues observed in the current version of the draft spec - most of which appear to be issues related to the translation of information from the POI Data Model to the published document formats. CH will work on resolving these issues ASAP. - CH informed the SWG that he would be severely time constrained during September and the lead-up to the OGC Members Meeting in the first week of October. So it will be much more realistic and achievable for us to aim for holding the webinar/workshop(s) on 27/28 October (one during EU daytime and one during US/Asia Pacific daytime). - MP offered to help tidy up some of the non-data model related parts of the draft POI spec document (e.g. Terms & Definitions) - FF/KDB mentioned that it would be useful to generate some "real-world" example POIs using the draft Data Model to serve as a focus for discussion during the workshop(s) on the adequacy of the ISO derived POI data model and whether there needs to be changes or extensions made to it in order to meet the requirements of the typical POI use case scenarios. - MP/CH raised the question of in the final POI spec do we have a mandatory conformance class "Core" (i.e. the core general POI data model) plus a set of optional conformance classes in the same document that describe and validate the different encodes of the "Core" data model (e.g. JSON, XML, GML encodings etc...). There was general (but not overwhelming) support for this idea. A possible alternative will be to have a POI - Part 1: Core Spec and a POI - Part 2: Encodings set of documents. It was agreed that we will work towards defining these conformance classes and make a final decision regarding the overall document structure at a later date. ## Actions - MP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - CH to validate the GeoJSON POI schema to make sure that it still conforms to the draft Data Model. - SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model. Meeting Closed 08:30 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-09-15 ### Participants Matthew Purss Joetta kreck Christine Perey Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Francois Fischer Ryan Fleming Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:30 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting and the Current set of Action Items. - CH updated the GeoJSON POI schema and confirmed that it still conforms to the draft Data Model. - SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model. - KDB - will check and validate Hotels POI example - HT - will check and validate the Interchange POI Use case - CP we should create a space on the portal to collect material for the webinar/Community Briefing (MP Done - CP would be good to show a Moving Features/Objects POI use case example in addition to the Hotels and Interchange examples. Maybe some military examples (Joetta may have something). - Rough order of the briefing - overview and intro of the draft spec (~15 min) - presentation of 3 example use case scenarios (all leveraging the draft spec) (~30 min - ~10min per example) - discussion + Q&A (~15 min) ## Actions - MP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - CH will work at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model. - KDB going to do some work on the Hotel use case example - HT going to do some work on the Interchange use case example - (we will need to maybe do a request of SWG members) to do some work on a Moving Features use case Example. - CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec - MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc.... - We will need someone to start working on a briefing slide deck (to be uploaded to the OGC portal Meeting Closed 08:25 EDT
howardtrickey commented 1 year ago

I don't have access to upload documents to the portal. I made an example json file for the poi interchange (aka poi publishing) use case. I made a pull request on the github portal (I also don't have write access to the main poi github repository) to put it into the 21-049/examples folder, and people may want to look at it / edit it / comment on it before we decide it is a file to use in the webinar.

On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 8:25 AM Matthew Purss @.***> wrote:

Minutes 2022-09-15 Participants

Matthew Purss Joetta kreck Christine Perey Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets

Francois Fischer Ryan Fleming Chuck Heazel

Meeting Started 07:30 EDT Draft Agenda


Review of Action Items


Update on Data Model Development


Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model


Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities


Other Business

Key Discussion Points

  • MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting and the Current set of Action Items.
  • CH updated the GeoJSON POI schema and confirmed that it still conforms to the draft Data Model.
  • SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model.
    • KDB - will check and validate Hotels POI example
    • HT - will check and validate the Interchange POI Use case
    • CP we should create a space on the portal to collect material for the webinar/Community Briefing (MP Done ).
    • CP would be good to show a Moving Features/Objects POI use case example in addition to the Hotels and Interchange examples. Maybe some military examples (Joetta may have something).
    • Rough order of the briefing
      • overview and intro of the draft spec (~15 min)
      • presentation of 3 example use case scenarios (all leveraging the draft spec) (~30 min - ~10min per example)
      • discussion + Q&A (~15 min)



MP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI.

MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo.

CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion.

  • CH will work at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing.
  • MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec.

  • SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model.

  • KDB going to do some work on the Hotel use case example
    • HT going to do some work on the Interchange use case example
    • (we will need to maybe do a request of SWG members) to do some work on a Moving Features use case Example.
    • CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec
    • MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc....
    • We will need someone to start working on a briefing slide deck (to be uploaded to the OGC portal )

Meeting Closed 08:25 EDT

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.Message ID: @.***>

geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-09-21 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting and the Current set of Action Items. - CH updated the GeoJSON POI schema and confirmed that it still conforms to the draft Data Model. - KDB did some work on the Hotel use case example - emailed through to MP - will add to both the portal and github repo. - HT did some work on the Interchange use case example - had some issues uploaded to the OGC POI SWG Portal so created a pull request to the github repo - CH approved and merged with the main branch. - MP fixed the OGC POI SWG Portal access issue for HT - Will also go through the membership contacts list and make sure that all of the active members who have been participating during the SWG telecons this year are set to at least a "voting member" status. - MP will be unavailable to host the POI SWG meeting scheduled for 6 October. CH also unavailable and since it is during the OGC members meeting week a decision was taken to cancel that meeting - MP to send out notification. ## Actions - MP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - CH will keep working at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model. - KDB going to do some work on the Hotel use case example - HT going to do some work on the Interchange use case example - (we will need to maybe do a request of SWG members) to do some work on a Moving Features use case Example. - CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec - MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc.... - We will need someone to start working on a briefing slide deck (to be uploaded to the OGC portal Meeting Closed 08:15 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-09-21 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Koen De Baets Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided a brief overview of what we discussed in our last meeting and the Current set of Action Items. - CP raised the ongoing issues (and growing frustration) in gaining traction with OGC Marketing staff to advertise and promote the POI Webinar scheduled for 27-28 October. - Group discussion was had: - on the agenda for the webinar; - Focus and presenter for the Moving Features use case example (AY identified as a possible contributer/presenter - although she has some reservations regarding her availability/time capacity to prepare such a use case example in time) - Presentation order - Intro - MP/CP - 5 min - POI Data Model and current state of Spec - CH - 20 min - Hotel POI Use Case - KDB - 5 min - Interchange POI Use Case - HT - 5 min - Moving Features Use Case - AY (or maybe Kyoungsook Kim) - 5 min; - Q&A - 20 min - Presenter availability; and, - in light of the practical need to "ideally" advertise the webinar at least a month in advance to allow participants to adjust their schedules and attend it was agreed by the SWG that we should push the webinar date back until mid-November or early-December at the earliest. - CP to liaise with Scott Simmons regarding OGC Marketing support and rescheduling the webinar to November (or later) siting the delay in promotional activities and our desire to ensure participants have sufficient lead time to prepare as the primary reason(s) for the delay. - There will be no POI SWG telecon next week 6 October (OGC Members Meeting week) - MP will be unavailable to host the POI SWG meeting scheduled for 6 October. - CH also unavailable until after 14 October - MP will send out calendar invites for SWG telecons for the next 3 months (same day/time as usual) ## Actions - CP to invite Ronald Tse to next weeks POI SWG to help foster the continued discussion regarding standardised representations of business hours from the perspective of a POI. - MP to copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - CH will keep working at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - SWG to provide example POI schema implementations of a number of use case scenarios. This will assist and provide some focus to the workshop discussions regarding the Data Model - and will provide an evidence basis for the SWG to make an informed decision regarding possible extension/alteration of the ISO derived POI Data Model. - KDB going to do some work on the Hotel use case example - HT going to do some work on the Interchange use case example - (we will need to maybe do a request of SWG members) to do some work on a Moving Features use case Example. - CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec - MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc.... - We will need someone to start working on a briefing slide deck (to be uploaded to the OGC portal Meeting Closed 08:15 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-10-13 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck Christine Perey Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - POI briefing - Nov 17 0900 EST & 1900 EST - Powerpoint template for POI Briefing slides - - ## Actions - CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - CH will keep working at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec - MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc.... - MP to tidy the Briefing Call to Action text and copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo. - MP to reach out to KK re moving features example. - HT, KDB & MP to work on their slides for the POI Briefing - aim to have completed by 3 November. (to be uploaded to the OGC portal Meeting Closed 08:20 EDT
howardtrickey commented 1 year ago

FYI, I uploaded some slides for the POI Publish/Interchange use case to our portal, along with the example json file. We can perhaps go over these on Thursday. I will not be able to make the meeting the week after this week.

On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 8:20 AM Matthew Purss @.***> wrote:

Minutes 2022-10-13 Participants

Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck Christine Perey Amy Youmans

Meeting Started 07:35 EDT Draft Agenda


Review of Action Items


Update on Data Model Development


Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model


Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities


Other Business

Key Discussion Points



CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion.

  • CH will keep working at manually fixing the Data Dictionary entries in the draft spec ahead of the Briefing.
    • MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec.
    • CH working on data dictionary editing of draft spec
    • MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc....
  • MP to tidy the Briefing Call to Action text and copy POI webinar data model testing blurb text into a suitable readme on the github repo.

  • MP to reach out to KK re moving features example.

  • HT, KDB & MP to work on their slides for the POI Briefing - aim to have completed by 3 November. (to be uploaded to the OGC portal )

Meeting Closed 08:20 EDT

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-10-20 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Ronald Tse Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans ### Apologies Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Brief overview of the POI SWG and it's revised goal as well as the draft data model and spec to give Ronald Tse some context to the workings of the POI SWG. - Briefly Discussed the Business Hours usage patterns - Ronald Tse provided some very useful perspectives on this. - Discussed and edited the POI Briefing memo and registration page text. - POI briefing - Nov 17 0900 EST & 1900 EST - NB: Powerpoint template for POI Briefing slides - - ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - MP to tidy up some of the non-Data Model components of the draft POI spec. - MP working on terms & defs section of draft spec + some of the other sections such as document history, contributing organisations etc.... - MP to email Scott Simmons and Greg Buelher the finalised Briefing material documents. - HT, KDB & MP to work on their slides for the POI Briefing - aim to have completed by 3 November. (to be uploaded to the OGC portal Meeting Closed 08:20 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-10-27 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP - Overview of Action Items - MP - Powerpoint slides to be merged into a single master slide deck during/following the POI SWG meeting on 3 Nov. - CP potential POI interested parties for the briefing: - - Others??? - CP comment - we should have a link to the data model in the briefing registration page. - CP emailed Greg/Scott with a link to add to the registration page. - KDB - working on use case slide deck for briefing - will upload when finished. ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - HT, KDB & MP to work on their slides for the POI Briefing - aim to have completed by 3 November. (to be uploaded to the OGC portal ) Meeting Closed 08:37 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-11-03 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Kyoung-Sook Kim Howard Trickey Amy Youmans Joetta Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP - Overview of Action Items - Presentation order - Intro - MP/CP - 5 min - POI Data Model and current state of Spec - CH - 20 min - JSON Schema represenation of POI Data Model - CH 10 min - Use case Examples: - Hotel POI Use Case - KDB - 5 min - Interchange POI Use Case - HT - 5 min - Moving Features Use Case - AY (or maybe Kyoungsook Kim) - 5 min; - Discussion - 10 min ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - CH to work up a slide deck to show the application of the UML model through the JSON Schema. - MP to create a Master Slide Deck and to fold all of the individual presentations into the Master Slide Deck (to be uploaded to the OGC portal ) Meeting Closed 08:37 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-11-10 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Amy Youmans Joetta Kreck Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP - Overview of master slide deck for next weeks POI Briefing ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - MP - send out a meeting invite to presenters for the evening session (30 prior to briefing start time) - All - make sure we all register for the briefing so we get the gotomeeting link. Meeting Closed 08:25 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-12-01 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - CP/MP Review of outcomes from webinar and immediate next steps - CH - "build" issues nice to resolve but not critical to publication of the standard - CH - we need to resolve the github issues, address any changes in the data model these github issues related to and put out a draft for public comment with a user guide - HT - are we going to get substantial feedback from the public comment phase? does POI resolve a key use case for the community? - HT/CH - User Guide document is needed and will be beneficial to the standard - particularly demonstrating a user community need for the standards. - CH - include a section for each major use case in the users guide. ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - ALL - Collect Use Cases and engage with submitters to engage in drafting the user guide and/or spec - CH - will create a new section in the github repo for the user guide document - ALL - Review and resolve outstanding github issues. - CH - create a tag for issues "Recommend to Close" (or something similar) so that we can identify open issues that have been answered but not documented as such. Meeting Closed 08:12 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2022-12-08 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP - OGC Members Meeting Feb - Frascati. We secured a slot on Tuesday 21 February from 17:10 to 18:00. - MP - led review of existing github issues. ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - ALL - Collect Use Cases and engage with submitters to engage in drafting the user guide and/or spec Meeting Closed 08:32 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-01-19 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Apologies Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:30 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items 2. Update on Data Model Development 3. Update/Discussion on use cases and their alignment with the Draft Data Model 4. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 5. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - ALL discussed actions (logged as issues) from last week's meeting. - - - - - CP - Drafting outline of user guide document - New issues/actions created and assigned (see below) to progress the drafting of the User Giude Document ( ## Actions - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - ### New Actions - 19 Jan 2023 - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:15 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-01-26 ### Participants Matthew Purss Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Apologies Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:00 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-02-09 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Howard Trickey Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Guest Clemens Portele ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:00 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-02-16 ### Participants Matthew Purss Amy Youmans Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Christine Perey Chuck Heazel ### Guests ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - NO POI SWG MEETING this week. - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:10 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-03-02 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - NO POI SWG MEETING this week. - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-03-08 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Christine Perey Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - NO POI SWG MEETING this week. - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-03-23 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Meetings in Feb/Mar - 2 Feb - normal meeting - focus on drafting "Developers" Guide ( and Open Github Issues - 9 Feb - Invited Discussion on Best Practice/User Guides (Jerome St Louis and/or Clemens Portele - CP emailed on 26 Jan to invite) - 16 Feb - normal Meeting - 23 Feb - OGC Members Meeting Week - NO POI SWG MEETING this week. - 2 Mar - normal Meeting ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-03-30 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck Chuck Heazel ### Guests ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Action Items / Open Issues 2. Update of work towards Drafting the Best Practice / Developer / Publisher Guide 3. Update(s) on Data Model Development 5. Update/Discussion on POI Implementation Standard Drafting activities 6. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-04-13 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck ### Guests ### Apologies Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Review of Github Issues 3. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 4. Update on Status of the Data Model 5. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 6. Update on Status of the User Guide 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Koen took us through his updates to the User Guide - Howard took us through his updates to the User Guide - There was some discussion regarding the use of extended attribute notations in the "properties" object. The ISO recommendation is that wherever possible one should list the "properties" of a "feature" as a simple key:value pair. If this cannot be achieved then it is ok to extend the schema. - Based on feedback Howard will tidy up the JSON example for his section. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:15 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-04-20 ### Participants Matthew Purss Christine Perey ### Guests ### Apologies Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Joetta Kreck Meeting Started 07:34 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Review of Github Issues 3. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 4. Update on Status of the Data Model 5. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 6. Update on Status of the User Guide 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - Christine responded to Francis' email requesting to schedule for a presentation on POI implementations. - Christine responded to the earlier request from Overture to engage with the POI SWG ## Actions and Open Github Issues - **_[on hold until after the briefing]_** CH to resolve the "build" issues translating the POI Data Model into the spec document templates - aiming for late September/early October for completion. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:55 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-04-27 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Christine Perey Koen De Baets Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Meeting Started 07:30 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Review of Github Issues 3. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 4. Update on Status of the Data Model 5. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 6. Update on Status of the User Guide 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-05-04 ## Joint TN-ITS and POI Meeting ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Amy Youmans ### Guests Stephen T'Siobbel (TN-ITS) ### Apologies Christine Perey Joetta Kreck Meeting Started 07:30 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Review of Github Issues 3. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 4. Update on Status of the Data Model 5. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 6. Update on Status of the User Guide 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - CH provided an update on github issues he as been working on resolving - CH in relation to the above github issues some editorial cleanup of the POI Spec document - HT and KDB - no substantial updates on user guide work they have been doing. - ST - provided an overview of TN-ITS (Transportation Network - Intelligent Transport System) - rapid updates to road network information using INSPIRE and OGC standards - improving on the old INSPIRE approaches to managing road network data. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:30 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-05-11 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Amy Youmans Christine Perey ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Review of Github Issues 6. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP provided an overview of last weeks meeting and the presentation from TN-ITS. Discussion was had amongst the group regarding the presentation and potential touch points between POIs and rapid updates to transport network information systems. - HT update to user guide - replaced "new" contact information fields with standardised version of these objects. VCal spec RFC79-53 "Calendar Availability" extension to Vcard RFC63-50. What is the correct way to represent Business Hours. Will do some more work on it before submitting a pull request later today. - HT on vacation next week - so we should discuss the pull-request on the following meeting on 25 May. - HT - during discussion of github issue #100. We need to make a decision as a SWG as to whether we only describe the generic data model or a (or a set of) specific profiles. - MP will create a github issue for us to discuss this and ultimately hold a SWG vote on. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:40 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-05-18 ### Participants Matthew Purss Amy Youmans Christine Perey Chuck Heazel ### Guests ### Apologies Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Review of Github Issues 6. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 7. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - CP - Overture Map Foundation presentation - next week 25 May 10:30am EDT. Will cancel the normal POI SWG meeting in place of this one - - ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:40 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-06-01 ### Participants Matthew Purss Shubhabrata Roy Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Koen De Baets ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Christine Perey Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Presentation from Shubhabrata Roy 6. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 7. Review of Github Issues 8. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 9. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - CP - Overture Map Foundation presentation - next week 25 May 10:30am EDT. Will cancel the normal POI SWG meeting in place of this one - - meeting was postponed to a later date... - MP - Overview of previous Meetings. - HT - Further discussion on Restaurant use case and potential implications to the POI standard spec so that we provide explicit guidance to implementers on core attributes of POIs. - MP - One way forward for us will be to include some additional conformance classes that explicitly define how specific POI attributes MUST/SHALL be included into the feature model representation of a POI. The aim is to build/extend on the base generic POI data model. The key issue HT raised is that if we leave this guidance to the "user guide" only there is no Normative way to describe these specific types of POI. - MP to review the github issues this coming week to identify the best existing github issue to take this discussion forward - ultimately to a SWG vote on how we want to deal with this issue of standardising extensions to the generic data model. - MP - Scott Simmons has requested some guidance on the timeline/roadmap for publication of the POI standard and the potential impacts on ISO 19155 (Geographic information — Place Identifier (PI) architecture) - FF suggested we request a "free" copy of the ISO 19155 standard spec to review and respond to. MP to discuss further with Scott and Mats (ISO) on this. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:35 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-06-08 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Koen De Baets ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Christine Perey Chuck Heazel Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Presentation from Shubhabrata Roy 6. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 7. Review of Github Issues 8. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 9. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - MP - Overview of previous Meetings. - **Group** reviewed the github issues and identified the best existing github issue to take the discussion of profiles forward - ultimately to a SWG vote on how we want to deal with this issue of standardising extensions to the generic data model. - was chosen to be the main focus for this discussion. The following github issues are also related: - - - - - - MP - Scott Simmons has requested some guidance on the timeline/roadmap for publication of the POI standard and the potential impacts on ISO 19155 (Geographic information — Place Identifier (PI) architecture) - FF suggested we request a "free" copy of the ISO 19155 standard spec to review and respond to. MP to discuss further with Scott and Mats (ISO) on this. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:35 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-06-15 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Christine Perey Koen De Baets Chuck Heazel ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Presentation from Shubhabrata Roy 6. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 7. Review of Github Issues 8. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 9. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **GROUP** discussed possible ways forward in order to be able to define a standardised set of POI feature attributes rather than just leave the community with a generic data model that they can implement via many ways (which may/will likely lead to situation of non-interoperable, or incompatible, POIs). - CH explained that we can achieve this through: - leveraging the OGC "Modular Specification" approach where we define a generic "core" data model which will work across the whole POI landscape - then defining a set of "canonical" extensions to that generic core data model that set out a specific POI Structure that meets the needs of particular user communities. - Once we have a set of "canonical" examples of specific extensions we can decide which is the best pathway for publishing these as official OGC recommendations/models/conformance classes. - MP - Scott Simmons has requested some guidance on the timeline/roadmap for publication of the POI standard and the potential impacts on ISO 19155 (Geographic information — Place Identifier (PI) architecture) - FF suggested we request a "free" copy of the ISO 19155 standard spec to review and respond to. MP to discuss further with Scott and Mats (ISO) on this. - MP to let Scott know that we expect to release the draft POI core standard for public comment before the end of the calendar year. - MP suggested we pull all of the example POIs we have (as a group) put forward together into a single place ( so that we can compare the various use case examples and come up with one, or a number of, specific example structures that we can then codify. - We will dedicate next weeks meeting for this work - people are also free to contribute to this issue asynchronously throughout the next week as well. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:35 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-06-22 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Howard Trickey ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Francois Fischer Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. Presentation from Shubhabrata Roy 6. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 7. Review of Github Issues 8. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 9. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **GROUP** discussed the POI data model in the context of recent discussions and potential ways forward for us to reduce the complexity of specifying the properties of a given POI. - **CH** suggested we could adjust the model to define and describe: 1. The general POI Header - containing the schema descriptions of the elements of a given POI 2. The POI Payload - The specific content of the POI which references the definitions and schemas described in the POI Header. - In other words, this reorganising of the POI Model will enable the creation of "Self-Describing" POIs - **MP** raised the email that Ingo Simonis sent the group regarding the upcoming OGC Members Meeting in Singapore and the prospect of either sharing the POI SWG session (if we have one) with a group of Humanities scholars to discuss the touchpoints between "placenames" and POIs. - The **GROUP** agreed that the POI SWG itself would not likely be in a position to offer much benefit to these scholars and the issues that they, perhaps hold dear might be a distraction from the POI SWG work program focused on getting the draft POI spec out for public comment before the end of 2023. - **MP** will respond to Ingo and suggest that rather than bring these people into the POI SWG Session that there be a public session on placenames where they will be able to present to the OGC members what they have been doing and we as a membership group can take a broad look at any touch points or impacts of the work they present. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:35 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-06-29 ### Participants Matthew Purss Chuck Heazel Howard Trickey Christine Perey Koen De Baets Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:30 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **CH** - provided a brief update on the Data Model restructuring work he has taken on. - The data model (UML) has been restructured to follow the "POI Header" + "POI Payload" structure. - The UML diagrams/figures to be included in the spec document have been updated (and updated in the asciidoc) - The POI spec document structure and descriptive text needs to be updated. - **MP** - copies of the latest FDIS versions of ISO 19155:2012 and ISO 19155-2:2017 have been uploaded to the POI SWG portal space under the "files" section - - **MP** - Once Chuck has completed the restructuring work on the data model, we should (as a group) take a look at the current list of open issues and close any that are either resolved or no longer relevant. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:15 EST
geofizzydrink commented 1 year ago

## Minutes 2023-07-06 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Amy Youmans Francois Fischer Koen De Baets Christine Perey ### Guests ### Apologies Chuck Heazel Joetta Kreck Meeting Started 07:35 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **HT** - some questions for Chuck as an issue. - **KDB & FF** - some questions on how the new UML data model will work in practice. - **MP** - Once Chuck has completed the restructuring work on the data model, we should (as a group) take a look at the current list of open issues and close any that are either resolved or no longer relevant. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:50 EST
geofizzydrink commented 12 months ago

## Minutes 2023-07-13 ### Participants Matthew Purss Christine Perey Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:33 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **HT** - some questions for Chuck as an issue. - what constraints are on the schema link - remote or can it be in-line - **CH** - working to try and emulate "xlink" style of functionality. - **HT and CH** ideally the schema should just describe the payload because the standard "defined" schema for the POI header has a "blob" that represents the payload - this "blob" needs to be described by a schema description object in the POI Header. - **CH** there are a couple of ways this could be done - happy for the SWG to come to a position on that. - [ACTION] **HT** to write up an issue to track this discussion. - **CH** we should as a group go through the new data model and make sure we are happy with it. - GROUP needs to work on user guide - **MP** - Once Chuck has completed the restructuring work on the data model, we should (as a group) take a look at the current list of open issues and close any that are either resolved or no longer relevant. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:59EST
geofizzydrink commented 11 months ago

## Minutes 2023-07-27 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Koen De Baets Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:33 EST ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **HT** - discussed the updated conceptual model. - [ACTION] - **MP** to email SWG to ask everyone to review the issues they have raised in light of the new model and any issues that are now resolved by the changes to the model be recommended to close. We will review and close issues next meeting. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:59EST
geofizzydrink commented 11 months ago

## Minutes 2023-08-03 ### Participants Matthew Purss Francois Fischer Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Christine Perey ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:33 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **HT** - to work on the examples today and/or tomorrow - **KDB** - has worked on preliminary hotel example (next week should have something to show) - still has questions regarding "category" parameter and where it should go - open to suggestions. - **HT** - Overture being more public regarding their POI infrastructures - we should take a look. - **CP** - maybe useful for us to reengage - will take the action. - **MP** - reviewed and closed issues that were flagged for closure. - **CH** - recommend we draft and publish (at the same time) a JSON Implementation Specification - will mint a new OGC document number - will create a new github folder for the documentation ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:28 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 11 months ago

## Minutes 2023-08-10 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Francois Fischer Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:33 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **HT** - to provided overview of examples in user guide - **HT** - [action] create issue to discuss "hasFeatureOfInterest" considerations (e.g. what if there are firewalls, offline etc...) - **CH** - [action] implement "link" schema to describe the reference to schema and definition in the POI payload - **KDB** - has worked on preliminary hotel example (next week should have something to show) - still has questions regarding "category" parameter and where it should go - open to suggestions. - Will work to fashion an example similar to what HT discussed during today's meeting. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:32 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 10 months ago

## Minutes 2023-08-17 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Koen De Baets Christine Perey ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Amy Youmans Francois Fischer Meeting Started 07:33 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **KDB** - provided an update on the "hotel" poi example. ( - Some questions regarding the JSON structure - mostly good, but a few issues regarding referencing the POI payload. - Some minor tweaks also needed in response to data model updates made by **CH** after this example was committed to the github repository. - **CH** suggested **KDB** to do some minor tweaking to fold in recent data model changes and then run the example JSON through a JSON validator to make sure everything resolves correctly. And, then to do any minor tweaks that the validator picks up. - **HT** - created an issue to discuss "hasFeatureOfInterest" considerations (e.g. what if there are firewalls, offline etc...) - - We discussed the three (3) proposed options for how to deal with the "hasFeatureOfInterest" property. The consensus position of the group was: a) "hasFeatureOfInterest" property should be "optional" (there are use cases where it is not used); and, b) "hasFeatureOfInterest" should be a "link" rather than a "uri". - **CH** - [action] will implement this change to the data model. - **CP** - had reached out to Overture to attend this POI SWG meeting (but they were a no show). - She will email again to suggest a meeting on 7 September at 1000-1100 EDT. - If they confirm, we will move that POI SWG telecon session from 0730 to 1000 EDT. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:32 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 10 months ago

## Minutes 2023-08-24 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Amy Youmans ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Koen De Baets Meeting Started 07:33 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **CP** - Presentation about POI Spec during Augmented World Expo (24-25 Oct in Vienna, Austria) - No response from Overture - will look to send out a calendar invite for 7 September session. - AR use case example would be good to flesh out. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:05 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 10 months ago

## Minutes 2023-08-31 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Koen De Baets ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **CP** - Presentation about POI Spec during Augmented World Expo (24-25 Oct in Vienna, Austria) - Response received from Overture - []( and will present ( - meeting Thursday 7 September 1000-1100 EDT - intro to POI Spec - 5 min - **HT** to present - presentation will be essentially slides 5-10 (plus an example slide) from - Overture maps presentation No.1 - 5 min - Overture maps presentation No.2 - 5 min - Discussion - 30 min - **HT** provided an overview of a meeting he and **CP** had with Matthias regarding AR use case example would be good to flesh out. - 2D and/or 3D geometry of a POI is of interest - ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:35 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 10 months ago

## Minutes 2023-09-07 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets Chuck Heazel Christine Perey ### Guests Matthias ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Amy Youmans Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP** - provided a review of the previous POI SWG meeting and it's outcomes. - **Matthias** - provided a brief introduction about himself and how his company is using POIs in a game environment. - **HT** - provided a dry-run of his presentation to Overture (scheduled for 1000 EDT) ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 08:05 EDT
geofizzydrink commented 9 months ago

## Minutes 2023-09-14 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey Koen De Baets ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Amy Youmans Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **HT** - provided an overview of the meeting with Overture last week. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:50 EDT
cmheazel commented 9 months ago

Minutes 2023-09-14 Addendum

Due to a delayed flight I was not able to attend this meeting. However, I have the following status to report: Work has begun on a final editorial cleanup of the POI Standard. Issue #111 was created to capture work to be done and progress toward completion. An updated version of the Standard containing the first set of corrections has been pushed to GitHub.

geofizzydrink commented 9 months ago

## Minutes 2023-09-21 ### Participants Matthew Purss Howard Trickey ### Guests ### Apologies Joetta Kreck Francois Fischer Amy Youmans Chuck Heazel Christine Perey Koen De Baets Meeting Started 07:35 EDT ## Draft Agenda 1. Review of Minutes from last meeting 2. Update on Status of the Data Model 3. Update on Status of the Standard Specification 4. Update on Status of the User Guide 5. POI Standards Roadmap + ISO 19155 6. Review of Github Issues 7. Discussion/inclusion of any new Github Issues 8. Other Business ## Key Discussion Points - **MP/HT** - Discussed Issue #111 briefly in the context of where things are up to. Need some clarification from Chuck on a couple of items. - **MP** - [Action] email the SWG to determine if it will be worth holding next weeks POI SWG telecon since it will be during the OGC Members Meeting in Singapore. ## Actions and Open Github Issues - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Meeting Closed 07:50 EDT