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Adding Deployment from OMS #171

Open hylkevds opened 5 months ago

hylkevds commented 5 months ago

OMS has the concept of Deployment, that ties a Sensor to a Host. In our current proposal for the DataModel we've also added this class as an EntityType.


Ongoing Discussion:

humaidkidwai commented 5 months ago

The requirement for Deployment entity stemmed from the idea of including relative postioning information of the Sensor on the Thing as a Datastream is ideally just a collection of Observation.

Though it is possible that the position information (ideally using GeoPose) could be included in the Datastream, excluding Deployment also makes it inefficient to access Sensors deployed at a particular Thing that are not yet producing Datastreams.

A query such as Get all sensors currently deployed at a Thing requires the query to first link the Datastreams associated with the Thing and then fetch the Sensors linked to that Datastream

Another use case, as mentioned, is the redeployment of a Sensor. Writing to the same Datastream is useful when the Sensors are turned/taken off for a while (for any reason, such as maintenance). Having a deployment entity that records this information is useful for better query efficiency

Merging deployment and Datastream doesn’t work nicely in the cases where: A Sensor measures multiple ObservedProperties and thus has multiple Datastreams associated with it

Could you elaborate on this?

hylkevds commented 4 months ago

To keep the core data model as simple as possible, we could put Deployment, ObservingProcedure and FeatureType into a separate extension. Though if we design the conformance classes right this may not be required.

The important part would be that they are not required for passing the conformance tests.

humaidkidwai commented 4 months ago

reason::Deployment, atDepth::Deployment, depthUom::Deployment are context specific. They can be included within the properties::Deployment property as per the requirements of the user. It doesn't seem to be universal. Infact, GeoPose could describe the depth relevant information within the position::Deployment property itself.

hylkevds commented 4 months ago

The image was outdated, depth is now position, though it would probably need an encodingType for the user to know what the position field contains. One could argue reason and description are too similar though.

hylkevds commented 4 months ago

Should Deployment and ObservingProcedure be in core or in an extension? If extension, what do we call it and what else would there be in it? An extension for just those two classes seems odd.

hylkevds commented 4 months ago

At the SWG Telco it was decided to put Deployment and ObservingProcedure in an extension named OM Extension.

humaidkidwai commented 4 months ago

One could argue reason and description are too similar though.

Agreed, reason is redundant

KathiSchleidt commented 4 months ago

I'm looking through the examples for reason provided in the OMS Spec, can split all into a distinct descriptionand reason

EXAMPLE 1 A researcher involved in a biodiversity survey campaign assessing the distribution of selected alien species. The deploymentReason describes the fact that this individual was involved in this campaign for the reason of identifying alien species.

EXAMPLE 2 A sensor is mounted on a building to monitor seismic activities.

EXAMPLE 3 A new sensor type is rolled out within a regional or thematic network due to new legal reporting requirements.

In addition, reasonstems from the OMS model, I haven't found a way of saying that OMS:Deployment->reason = STA:Deployment->description

KathiSchleidt commented 4 months ago

On the addition of the position attribute to Deployment, this worries me :(

There are several agreed ways of positioning features within the OGC, e.g.:

Not sure how one could utilize GeoPOSE the way you've nested in in the Deployment. I CAN say that the way it's currently set up, there's no relation to 19148 anymore.

Could we please first reflect what existing OGC mechanisms would support this requirement instead of immediately going freestyle?

humaidkidwai commented 4 months ago

Not sure how one could utilize GeoPOSE the way you've nested in in the Deployment.

A ValueCode list of the SDUs from GeoPOSE (Basic_YPR, Basic_Quaternion, Advanced) for the type of position property.

Example: For a position of type Basic_YPR:

{ "position": { "lat": 47.7, "lon": -122.3, "h": 11.5 }, "angles": { "yaw": 5.514456741060452, "pitch": -0.43610515937237904, "roll": 0.0 } }

Since position is already a key in the SDUs of GeoPose, we could rename it to orientation within our Deployment entity