opengeospatial / styles-and-symbology

OGC Styles & Symbology Standards
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Dot map density #22

Open ebocher opened 1 year ago

ebocher commented 1 year ago

Existing conformance classes required for this use case:

Example stylesheet:

Bellow a CSS encoding to describe a dot map. A do map is used to create a visual impression of density by placing a dot or some other symbol in the approximate location of one or more instances of the variable being mapped. The mapped variable is the area of the LCZ geometry. The dot map can be colored according the LCZ types. a.e : LCZ equals to 1, 2 , 3 filled in red to represent a high climate aleas.

Describe any capability not already addressed by existing conformance classes:

DotFill must be defined with the following properties

Example image illustrating the portrayal use case:


IvanSanchez commented 1 year ago

I would like a couple of clarifications:

IvanSanchez commented 1 year ago

I created an implementation of this use case as a random dithering filter, in .

The way this works is by decorating a symbol - there's a base Fill symbol and a ditherify decorator (an implementation of a random-noise dithering filter). By combining the two, a DitherFill symbol class is defined during runtime. But this filter can be applied to any other symbol class, such as Sprites (which creates something we can call DitherSprite):


I'm interested/concerned/curious about how this approach might impact the definition. My approach is to have a dither option/property/attribute (in the constructor/instance/webgl buffer, respectively) from 0 to 1, which represents the density. There's the question of how to make the density depend on the scale factor (or "zoom level") to provide the illusion

On the technical side, it's also possible to approach a "dot density" symbol by actually spawning individual points (and leveraging the GL_POINTS draw mode on the technical side). My further musings are at

ebocher commented 1 year ago
  • Is the density dependent on the zoom (or scale factor) of the map? Is density "points per pixel" or "points per CRS unit squared"?

The number of points is a fixed value. The number of points to be displayed does not depend on the zoom level but on the amount of data to be displayed in the polygon.

  • It's possible to do a renderer implementation of this by applying dithering algorithms, but such an implementation would jiggle the dots around any time the map viewport changes (the map moves or is zoomed). Is such a renderer an accepted implementation? If the algorithm respects the number of points to be displayed for a polygon I don't see any constraints.

  • Can two points be drawn in the same screen pixel?

Please specify

  • Can points be more than one screen device pixel? Than one CSS pixel? What's the behaviour for hi-DPI screens?

The size of the points can be specified in UOM (Unit of Measure) therefore -> Can points be more than one screen device pixel? : yes

ebocher commented 1 year ago

There's the question of how to make the density depend on the scale factor (or "zoom level") to provide the illusion

This is a complex subject. Some ideas here

By the way, thank you for your comments