opengeospatial / styles-and-symbology

OGC Styles & Symbology Standards
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Additional capabilities required for completeness #45

Open jerstlouis opened 1 year ago

jerstlouis commented 1 year ago

Definitely missing to add

To discuss

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Trying to go through SLD/SE...

What about:

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Define proper clause/class (one for points, another for lines & polygons) for raster to vector (representation of coverages with markers, lines, etc.) Something like "Rendering Transformation"?

NOTE: Instead of the coverage to feature transformation, the following properties: contour field, contour distance & contour start should be added.

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago


NOTE: to be taken over from here⬇:

To be partially considered:

Not to be considered:

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Should we also include rc on AR/VR and Big Geospatial Data in relation to the discussions at the Portayal Workshop (ICA & OGC) at the 126th Member Meeting?

chris-little commented 1 year ago

@maxcollombin I definitely think so. In the past in the Portrayal sessions, i raised those use cases. I have never been convinced by the approach of '3D is just an extension of 2D'. By exploring 3/4D, some concepts will be seen to be too narrow or even wrong. For example

  1. In a stereo display, labels (subtitles in the movies) may be on a different focal plane.
  2. Gaps in roads/rail/rivers at bridges do not exist.
  3. Markers of a 2D point like feature may be a 4D animated object (little 3D animations of lightning or snow falling are very common on TV weather forecasts).
maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Consider also the following classes/ressources:

maxcollombin commented 1 year ago

Thanks for you comment @chris-little

  1. In a stereo display, labels (subtitles in the movies) may be on a different focal plane.

This should definitely be considered

  1. Gaps in roads/rail/rivers at bridges do not exist.

We are not sure to perfectly understand your comment. Could you be more explicit?

  1. Markers of a 2D point like feature may be a 4D animated object (little 3D animations of lightning or snow falling are very common on TV weather forecasts).

This should also be added and considered with issues #3 and #7

chris-little commented 1 year ago

Gaps in roads/rail/rivers at bridges do not exist. A lot of styling for 2D maps fusses over bridges - e.g. red road crosses over black railway - Ah we can set z order and over-painting mode in the graphics display - oh no, we can't as black railway then crosses over red road. So we split the road and railway into segments, etc.... Or am I being too simplistic?

sumitsane commented 3 months ago

Can we have additional class requirement for shadow (vector symbol)?

jerstlouis commented 3 months ago

Fallback values for complex expressions.

maxcollombin commented 2 months ago

sysId extension that reflects the percentage of the position on the LineString