opengisch / QField

A simplified touch optimized interface for QGIS
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Tabs are not following the selected container. #5242

Closed Ipickedausername closed 1 day ago

Ipickedausername commented 2 weeks ago


The tabs are not adjusting with the selected container.

I believe that moving the containers to the right or left within the form should also shift the tabs accordingly.

Currently, when I move to the left to access the containers on the right, the tabs do not move, causing some tab aliases to be hidden.

While this is not a critical issue (no critical issues remain for me on the QField app), it affects the overall quality of the application.

Thank you.

Desktop OS: [Windows 10] QGIS Version [3.36.1] QFieldSync Version [4.9.1]

Mobile Device: [Samsung Galaxy S9] OS: [Android 11] QField version: [master-dev (14a0be)]

Additional information

suricactus commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for the report. Providing a test project will drastically accelerate the speed the development team can identify your issue.

Ipickedausername commented 2 weeks ago


Here are two projects. One for QGIS and the other one for Qfield.

SeqLaz commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that Tabs are not moving accordingly to the current Tab.