With this the documentation for UsabILIty Hub Importer and Exporter is up to date concerning the Model Baker User
Interface and User Interaction #895 895
Still what really is done in the backend is not fully covered. For that it would make sense to have this documented somewhere (does not mean it should be the modelbaker.ch documentation itself. It can be on the QgisModelBakerLibrary in a README as well...
There was once a section in the documentation planned https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBaker/blob/master/docs/mkdocs.yml#L62 for the library docs (can be small as well)
UsabILIty Hub
With this the documentation for UsabILIty Hub Importer and Exporter is up to date concerning the Model Baker User Interface and User Interaction #895 895
Still what really is done in the backend is not fully covered. For that it would make sense to have this documented somewhere (does not mean it should be the modelbaker.ch documentation itself. It can be on the QgisModelBakerLibrary in a README as well...
Here is some info:
https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBaker/pull/715 https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBakerLibrary/pull/36 https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBakerLibrary/pull/41 https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBakerLibrary/pull/42 https://github.com/opengisch/QgisModelBakerLibrary/pull/23