Unable to get the audio recorder icon in the qfield project created to capture audios recording. I am using QGIS v3.32.2, created a shapefile 'point1' with one of the attribute as Widget Type 'Attachment'. Also gave attachment naming as 'audio/point1_' || format_date(now(),'yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz') || '.mp3'. I do followed the documentation but couldn't get the desired button as in https://docs.qfield.org/how-to/pictures/#configurable-attachment-path . Please help.
Unable to get the audio recorder icon in the qfield project created to capture audios recording. I am using QGIS v3.32.2, created a shapefile 'point1' with one of the attribute as Widget Type 'Attachment'. Also gave attachment naming as 'audio/point1_' || format_date(now(),'yyyyMMddhhmmsszzz') || '.mp3'. I do followed the documentation but couldn't get the desired button as in https://docs.qfield.org/how-to/pictures/#configurable-attachment-path . Please help.