Target Outcome #1: Users enjoy a ridiculously efficient, hassle-free and secure sign-up experience.
Target Outcome #2: Users can easily add - and remove - from the conversation as much relevant personal, professional and participatory information as possible, receiving absolute control over their personal information and how they choose to present themselves. This includes credential retrieval.
Target Outcome #3: Clear distinctions between verified and everyday users, starting with the sign-up process.
Design Philosophy
No one likes the sign-up process. It's a necessary evil, but one that can be made so seamless and surprisingly smooth so that, by comparison, it may actually seem a little fun.
User privacy, security and control - of their data, activity and each session - are paramount and persist throughout.
Eliminate as many form fields as possible at every step. Authentication that's fast and secure but not stupidly complex.
Instantly, in-line and clearly indicate every form field error.
The more complete the profile, the more useful Madison becomes.
User taken directly to their home page (including prominent profile progress bar)
User receives quick and directed tutorial (e.g. new Google products/updates/first-timers)...including a "Got it" option to get right to their user dashboard.
User receives confirmation email with validation email. Clicking validation takes the user to their profile page with a nudge to complete it the FIRST time only. All other times, user is taken to their dashboard.
Target Outcome #1: Users enjoy a ridiculously efficient, hassle-free and secure sign-up experience. Target Outcome #2: Users can easily add - and remove - from the conversation as much relevant personal, professional and participatory information as possible, receiving absolute control over their personal information and how they choose to present themselves. This includes credential retrieval. Target Outcome #3: Clear distinctions between verified and everyday users, starting with the sign-up process.
Design Philosophy
Initial Sign-Up Form Content (Required)
Initial Sign-Up Form Content (Optional)
Good Form Design Examples
Signup Process Overview