This issue describes the general goal of the sprint we will organise on Tuesday 16th of December. I will create sub-issues with the sprint label to split the work in small parts. Here's a first overview
select a few 'almost-ready' analyses
fine tune the graph(s)
nice and intuitive layout of the graph(s)
a basic opengrid website on our own webserver with a url per fluksometer
a way to select your graph for a given night
a link from energieID to your personal url
tmpo and config file etc. on the opengrid droplet
a job to create the graph every morning
a 'understanding your standby consumption' document explaining how to read the graph and illustrating typical situations
an email to send to all participants
a 'system' like forum or google group where people can ask questions about their graph
a general 'standby monitor' showing the summed total standby consumption of all opengrid participants (stretch goal, should show the effect of our first dissemination: drastic reduction of total standby power)
In case I'm missing some obvious steps, please create additional issues!
This issue describes the general goal of the sprint we will organise on Tuesday 16th of December. I will create sub-issues with the
label to split the work in small parts. Here's a first overviewIn case I'm missing some obvious steps, please create additional issues!