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[Prepare for PBA 📙] pba_book: blockchain from scratch (c2_blockchain) #24

Open chungquantin opened 6 months ago

chungquantin commented 6 months ago


//! We want to make the simplest possible blockchain to begin with. Just a hash-linked data
//! structure. We learned from the lecture that it is actually the headers that are hash linked, so
//! let's start with that.

use crate::hash;

// We will use Rust's built-in hashing where the output type is u64. I'll make an alias
// so the code is slightly more readable.
type Hash = u64;

/// The most basic blockchain header possible. We learned its basic structure from lecture.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
    parent: Hash,
    height: u64,
    // We know from the lecture that we will probably need these, but we don't need them yet.
    extrinsics_root: (),
    state_root: (),
    consensus_digest: (),

// Here are the methods for creating a new header and verifying headers.
// It is your job to write them.
impl Header {
    /// Returns a new valid genesis header.
    fn genesis() -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: 0,
            parent: Hash::default(),
            state_root: (),
            extrinsics_root: (),
            consensus_digest: (),

    /// Create and return a valid child header.
    fn child(&self) -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: self.height + 1,
            parent: hash(self),
            state_root: (),
            extrinsics_root: (),
            consensus_digest: (),

    /// Verify that all the given headers form a valid chain from this header to the tip.
    /// An "entire" chain can be verified by calling this method on a genesis header.
    /// This method may assume that the block on which it is called is valid, but it
    /// must verify all of the blocks in the slice;
    fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut curr_hash = hash(self);
        let mut is_verified: bool = true;
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        let mut curr_height = self.height;
        while let Some(header) = {
            if header.height - curr_height != 1 {
                return false;
            is_verified &= header.parent == curr_hash;
            curr_hash = hash(header);
            curr_height = header.height;

// And finally a few functions to use the code we just

/// Build and return a valid chain with exactly five blocks including the genesis block.
fn build_valid_chain_length_5() -> Vec<Header> {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut curr_header = g.clone();
    let mut chain = vec![curr_header.clone()];
    for _ in 0..4 {
        curr_header = curr_header.child();
    return chain;

/// Build and return a chain with at least three headers.
/// The chain should start with a proper genesis header,
/// but the entire chain should NOT be valid.
fn build_an_invalid_chain() -> Vec<Header> {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let curr_header = g.clone();
    let mut chain = vec![curr_header.clone()];
    for _ in 0..2 {
    return chain;

// To run these tests: `cargo test bc_1
fn bc_1_genesis_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.height == 0);

fn bc_1_genesis_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.parent == 0);

fn bc_1_child_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child();
    assert!(b1.height == 1);

fn bc_1_child_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child();
    assert!(b1.parent == hash(&g));

fn bc_1_verify_genesis_only() {
    let g = Header::genesis();


fn bc_1_verify_three_blocks() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child();
    let b2 = b1.child();

    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain(&[b1, b2]));

fn bc_1_cant_verify_invalid_height() {
    // This and following tests use the student's own verify function so as
    // not to give away the solution to writing that function.
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child();
    b1.height = 10;


fn bc_1_cant_verify_invalid_parent() {
    // This test chooses to use the student's own verify function so as
    // not to give away the solution to writing that function.
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child();
    b1.parent = 10;


fn bc_1_verify_chain_length_five() {
    // This test chooses to use the student's own verify function.
    // This should be relatively safe given that we have already tested that function.
    let chain = build_valid_chain_length_5();

fn bc_1_invalid_chain_is_really_invalid() {
    // This test chooses to use the student's own verify function.
    // This should be relatively safe given that we have already tested that function.
    let invalid_chain = build_an_invalid_chain();


//! Now that we have a functioning hash-linked data structure, we can use it to actually
//! track some state. Here we will start to explore the idea of extrinsics and state by
//! slightly abusing the header's extrinsics_root and state_root fields. As the names imply,
//! these are typically used for Merkle roots of large data sets. But in our case we will use
//! these fields to directly contain a single extrinsic per block, and a single piece of state.
//! In the coming parts of this tutorial, we will expand this to be more real-world like and
//! use some real batching.

use crate::hash;

// We will use Rust's built-in hashing where the output type is u64. I'll make an alias
// so the code is slightly more readable.
type Hash = u64;

/// The header is now expanded to contain an extrinsic and a state. Note that we are not
/// using roots yet, but rather directly embedding some minimal extrinsic and state info
/// into the header.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
    parent: Hash,
    height: u64,
    extrinsic: u64,
    state: u64,
    // Still no consensus. That's the next part.
    consensus_digest: (),

// Here are the methods for creating new header and verifying headers.
// It is your job to write them.
impl Header {
    /// Returns a new valid genesis header.
    fn genesis() -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: 0,
            parent: Hash::default(),
            state: Hash::default(),
            extrinsic: Hash::default(),
            consensus_digest: (),

    /// Create and return a valid child header.
    /// This blockchain will work as an adder. That means that the state starts at zero,
    /// and at each block we add the extrinsic to the state.
    fn child(&self, extrinsic: u64) -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: self.height + 1,
            parent: hash(self),
            state: self.state + extrinsic,
            consensus_digest: (),

    /// Verify that all the given headers form a valid chain from this header to the tip.
    /// In addition to the consecutive heights and linked hashes, we now need to consider our state.
    /// So in order for a block to verify, we must have the above explained relationship between the
    /// extrinsic, the previous state, and the current state.
    fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut curr_header = self;
        let mut is_verified: bool = true;
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        let mut curr_height = self.height;
        while let Some(header) = {
            if header.height - curr_height != 1 {
                return false;
            is_verified &= header.parent == hash(curr_header)
                && header.state == curr_header.state + header.extrinsic;
            curr_header = header;
            curr_height = header.height;

// And finally a few functions to use the code we just

/// Build and return a valid chain with the given number of blocks.
fn build_valid_chain(n: u64) -> Vec<Header> {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut curr_header = g.clone();
    let mut chain = vec![curr_header.clone()];
    for extrinsic in 0..(n - 1) {
        curr_header = curr_header.child(extrinsic);
    return chain;

/// Build and return a chain with at least three headers.
/// The chain should start with a proper genesis header,
/// but the entire chain should NOT be valid.
/// As we saw in the last unit, this is trivial when we construct arbitrary blocks.
/// However, from outside this crate, it is not so trivial. Our interface for creating
/// new blocks, `genesis()` and `child()`, makes it impossible to create arbitrary blocks.
/// For this function, ONLY USE the the `genesis()` and `child()` methods to create blocks.
/// The exercise is still possible.
fn build_an_invalid_chain() -> Vec<Header> {
    todo!("Exercise 5")

/// Build and return two header chains.
/// Both chains should individually be valid.
/// They should have the same genesis header.
/// They should not be the exact same chain.
/// Here is an example of two such chains:
///            /-- 3 -- 4
/// G -- 1 -- 2
///            \-- 3'-- 4'
/// Side question: What is the fewest number of headers you could create to achieve this goal.
fn build_forked_chain() -> (Vec<Header>, Vec<Header>) {
    let chain = build_valid_chain(3);

    let shared_header = chain.last().unwrap();

    let mut forked_chain_a = chain.clone();
    let mut curr_forked_header = shared_header.clone();
    for extrinsic in 3..=4 {
        curr_forked_header = curr_forked_header.child(extrinsic);

    let mut forked_chain_b = chain.clone();
    let mut curr_forked_header = shared_header.clone();
    for extrinsic in 13..=14 {
        curr_forked_header = curr_forked_header.child(extrinsic);
    return (forked_chain_a, forked_chain_b);

    // Exercise 7: After you have completed this task, look at how its test is written below.
    // There is a critical thinking question for you there.

// To run these tests: `cargo test bc_2`
fn bc_2_genesis_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.height == 0);

fn bc_2_genesis_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.parent == 0);

fn bc_2_genesis_block_extrinsic() {
    // Typically genesis blocks do not have any extrinsics.
    // In Substrate they never do. So our convention is to have the extrinsic be 0.
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.extrinsic == 0);

fn bc_2_genesis_block_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.state == 0);

fn bc_2_child_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(0);
    assert!(b1.height == 1);

fn bc_2_child_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(0);
    assert!(b1.parent == hash(&g));

fn bc_2_child_block_extrinsic() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(7);
    assert_eq!(b1.extrinsic, 7);

fn bc_2_child_block_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(7);
    assert_eq!(b1.state, 7);

fn bc_2_verify_genesis_only() {
    let g = Header::genesis();


fn bc_2_verify_three_blocks() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(5);
    let b2 = b1.child(6);

    assert_eq!(b2.state, 11);
    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain(&[b1, b2]));

fn bc_2_cant_verify_invalid_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.parent = 10;


fn bc_2_cant_verify_invalid_number() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.height = 10;


fn bc_2_cant_verify_invalid_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.state = 10;


fn bc_2_verify_forked_chain() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let (c1, c2) = build_forked_chain();

    // Both chains have the same valid genesis block
    assert_eq!(g, c1[0]);
    assert_eq!(g, c2[0]);

    // Both chains are individually valid

    // The two chains are not identical
    // Question for students: I've only compared the last blocks here.
    // Is that enough? Is it possible that the two chains have the same final block,
    // but differ somewhere else?
    assert_ne!(c1.last(), c2.last());

//! We now have a hash-linked header chain that accepts simple extrinsics and tracks simple state.
//! Now we will explore consensus. We are not looking at finality or fork choice here. Rather,
//! we are adding validity rules. There are two common types of validity rules and we will explore
//! both.
//! 1. Rules to throttle authoring. In this case we will use a simple PoW.
//! 2. Arbitrary / Political rules. Here we will implement two alternate validity rules

use crate::hash;

use rand::Rng;

// We will use Rust's built-in hashing where the output type is u64. I'll make an alias
// so the code is slightly more readable.
type Hash = u64;

/// In this lesson we are introducing proof of work onto our blocks. We need a hash threshold.
/// You may change this as you see fit, and I encourage you to experiment. Probably best to start
/// high so we aren't wasting time mining. I'll start with 1 in 100 blocks being valid.
const THRESHOLD: u64 = u64::max_value() / 100;

/// In this lesson we introduce the concept of a contentious hard fork. The fork will happen at
/// this block height.
const FORK_HEIGHT: u64 = 2;

/// The header is now expanded to contain a consensus digest.
/// For Proof of Work, the consensus digest is basically just a nonce which gets the block
/// hash below a certain threshold. Although we could call the field `nonce` we will leave
/// the more general `digest` term. For PoA we would have a cryptographic signature in this field.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
    parent: Hash,
    height: u64,
    extrinsic: u64,
    state: u64,
    consensus_digest: u64,

// Here are the methods for creating new header and verifying headers.
// It is your job to write them.
impl Header {
    fn generate_nonce(&self) -> u64 {
        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        return rng.gen::<u32>() as u64;

    /// Returns a new valid genesis header.
    fn genesis() -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: 0,
            parent: Hash::default(),
            state: 0,
            extrinsic: 0,
            consensus_digest: 0,

    /// Create and return a valid child header.
    fn child(&self, extrinsic: u64) -> Self {
        let mut valid_header: Header = Self {
            height: self.height + 1,
            parent: hash(self),
            state: self.state + extrinsic,
            consensus_digest: Hash::default(),
        loop {
            let nonce = self.generate_nonce();
            valid_header.consensus_digest = nonce;
            if hash(&valid_header) < THRESHOLD {
                return valid_header;

    fn is_header_verified(prev_header: &Header, header: &Header) -> bool {
        if header.height.saturating_sub(prev_header.height) != 1 {
            return false;

        let valid_hash = header.parent == hash(prev_header);
        let valid_extrinsic = header.state == prev_header.state + header.extrinsic;
        let valid_consensus_digest = hash(header) < THRESHOLD;
        return valid_hash && valid_extrinsic && valid_consensus_digest;

    /// Verify that all the given headers form a valid chain from this header to the tip.
    /// In addition to all the rules we had before, we now need to check that the block hash
    /// is below a specific threshold.
    fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut prev_header = self;
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        while let Some(header) = {
            if !Header::is_header_verified(prev_header, header) {
                return false;
            prev_header = header;
        return true;

    // After the blockchain ran for a while, a political rift formed in the community.
    // (See the constant FORK_HEIGHT) which is set to 2 by default.
    // Most community members have become obsessed over the state of the blockchain.
    // On the one side, people believe that only blocks with even states should be valid.
    // On the other side, people believe in only blocks with odd states.

    /// verify that the given headers form a valid chain.
    /// In this case "valid" means that the STATE MUST BE EVEN.
    fn verify_sub_chain_even(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut prev_header = self;
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        while let Some(header) = {
            if header.height > FORK_HEIGHT && header.state % 2 != 0 {
                return false;
            if !Header::is_header_verified(prev_header, header) {
                return false;
            prev_header = header;
        return true;

    /// verify that the given headers form a valid chain.
    /// In this case "valid" means that the STATE MUST BE ODD.
    fn verify_sub_chain_odd(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut prev_header = self;
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        while let Some(header) = {
            if header.height > FORK_HEIGHT && header.state % 2 != 1 {
                return false;
            if !Header::is_header_verified(prev_header, header) {
                return false;
            prev_header = header;
        return true;

/// Build and return two different chains with a common prefix.
/// They should have the same genesis header.
/// Both chains should be valid according to the original validity rules.
/// The first chain should be valid only according to the even rules.
/// The second chain should be valid only according to the odd rules.
/// Return your solutions as three vectors:
/// 1. The common prefix including genesis
/// 2. The even suffix (non-overlapping with the common prefix)
/// 3. The odd suffix (non-overlapping with the common prefix)
/// Here is an example of two such chains:
///            /-- 3 -- 4
/// G -- 1 -- 2
///            \-- 3'-- 4'
fn build_contentious_forked_chain() -> (Vec<Header>, Vec<Header>, Vec<Header>) {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // state = 0
    let b1 = g.child(5); // state = 5
    let b2 = b1.child(6); // state = 11
    let chain = vec![b1, b2];

    let forked_header = chain.last().unwrap();

    let forked_even_header_a = forked_header.child(3); // state = 14
    let forked_even_header_b = forked_even_header_a.child(2); // state = 16

    let forked_odd_chain_a = forked_header.child(4); // state = 15
    let forked_odd_chain_b = forked_odd_chain_a.child(2); // state = 17

    return (
        vec![forked_even_header_a, forked_even_header_b],
        vec![forked_odd_chain_a, forked_odd_chain_b]);

// To run these tests: `cargo test bc_3`
fn bc_3_genesis_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.height == 0);

fn bc_3_genesis_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.parent == 0);

fn bc_3_genesis_block_extrinsic() {
    // Typically genesis blocks do not have any extrinsics.
    // In Substrate they never do. So our convention is to have the extrinsic be 0.
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.extrinsic == 0);

fn bc_3_genesis_block_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.state == 0);

fn bc_3_genesis_consensus_digest() {
    // We could require that the genesis block have a valid proof of work as well.
    // But instead I've chosen the simpler path of defining the nonce = 0 in genesis.
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert!(g.consensus_digest == 0);

fn bc_3_child_block_height() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(0);
    assert!(b1.height == 1);

fn bc_3_child_block_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(0);
    assert!(b1.parent == hash(&g));

fn bc_3_child_block_extrinsic() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(7);
    assert_eq!(b1.extrinsic, 7);

fn bc_3_child_block_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(7);
    assert_eq!(b1.state, 7);

fn bc_3_child_block_consensus_digest() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(7);
    assert!(hash(&b1) < THRESHOLD);

fn bc_3_verify_genesis_only() {
    let g = Header::genesis();


fn bc_3_verify_three_blocks() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(5);
    let b2 = b1.child(6);

    assert_eq!(b2.state, 11);
    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain(&[b1, b2]));

fn bc_3_cant_verify_invalid_parent() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.parent = 10;


fn bc_3_cant_verify_invalid_number() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.height = 10;


fn bc_3_cant_verify_invalid_state() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    b1.state = 10;


fn bc_3_cant_verify_invalid_pow() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(5);
    // It is possible that this test will pass with a false positive because
    // the PoW difficulty is relatively low.
    b1.consensus_digest = 10;


fn bc_3_even_chain_valid() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
                      // It' all about the states, not the extrinsics. So once the state is even
                      // we need to keep it that way. So add evens
    let b3 = b2.child(1); // 4
    let b4 = b3.child(2); // 6

    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain_even(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_even_chain_invalid_first_block_after_fork() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
    let b3 = b2.child(2); // 5 - invalid
    let b4 = b3.child(1); // 6

    assert!(!g.verify_sub_chain_even(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_even_chain_invalid_second_block_after_fork() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
    let b3 = b2.child(1); // 4
    let b4 = b3.child(1); // 5 - invalid

    assert!(!g.verify_sub_chain_even(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_odd_chain_valid() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
                      // It' all about the states, not the extrinsics. So once the state is odd
                      // we need to keep it that way. So add evens
    let b3 = b2.child(2); // 5
    let b4 = b3.child(2); // 7

    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain_odd(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_odd_chain_invalid_first_block_after_fork() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
    let b3 = b2.child(1); // 4 - invalid
    let b4 = b3.child(1); // 5

    assert!(!g.verify_sub_chain_odd(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_odd_chain_invalid_second_block_after_fork() {
    let g = Header::genesis(); // 0
    let b1 = g.child(2); // 2
    let b2 = b1.child(1); // 3
    let b3 = b2.child(2); // 5
    let b4 = b3.child(1); // 6 - invalid

    assert!(!g.verify_sub_chain_odd(&[b1, b2, b3, b4]));

fn bc_3_verify_forked_chain() {
    let (prefix, even, odd) = build_contentious_forked_chain();

    let g = &prefix[0];
    let full_even_chain = [&prefix[1..], &even].concat();
    let full_odd_chain = [&prefix[1..], &odd].concat();

    // Both chains are individually valid according to the original rules.

    // Only the even chain is valid according to the even rules

    // Only the odd chain is valid according to the odd rules

//! Until now, each block has contained just a single extrinsic. Really we would prefer to batch
//! them. Now, we stop relying solely on headers, and instead, create complete blocks.

use crate::hash;
type Hash = u64;

/// The header no longer contains an extrinsic directly. Rather a vector of extrinsics will be
/// stored in the block body. We are still storing the state in the header for now. This will change
/// in an upcoming lesson as well.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
    parent: Hash,
    height: u64,
    // We now switch from storing an extrinsic directly, to storing an extrinsic root.
    // This is basically a concise cryptographic commitment to the complete list of extrinsics.
    // For example, a hash or a Merkle root.
    extrinsics_root: Hash,
    state: u64,
    pub consensus_digest: u64,

// Methods for creating and verifying headers.
// With the extrinsics no longer stored in the header, we can no longer do
// "on-chain" execution with just headers. That means that this code actually
// gets simpler in many ways. All the old execution logic, plus some new batching
// logic moves to the block level now.
impl Header {
    /// Returns a new valid genesis header.
    pub fn genesis() -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: 0,
            parent: Hash::default(),
            state: 0,
            consensus_digest: 0,
            extrinsics_root: Hash::default(),

    /// Create and return a valid child header.
    /// Without the extrinsics themselves, we cannot calculate the final state
    /// so that information is passed in.
    pub fn child(&self, extrinsics_root: Hash, state: u64) -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: self.height + 1,
            parent: hash(self),
            consensus_digest: 0,

    /// Verify a single child header.
    /// This is a slightly different interface from the previous units. Rather
    /// than verify an entire sub-chain, this function checks a single header.
    /// This is useful because checking the header can now be thought of as a
    /// subtask of checking an entire block. So it doesn't make sense to check
    /// the entire header chain at once if the chain may be invalid at the second block.
    fn verify_child(&self, child: &Header) -> bool {
        if child.height.saturating_sub(self.height) != 1 {
            return false;

        let valid_hash = child.parent == hash(self);
        let valid_extrinsic = child.state == self.state;
        return valid_hash && valid_extrinsic;

    /// Verify that all the given headers form a valid chain from this header to the tip.
    /// We can now trivially write the old verification function in terms of the new one.
    /// Extra street cred if you can write it
    ///  - with a loop
    ///  - with head recursion
    ///  - with tail recursion
    fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        let get_child_header =;
        return match get_child_header {
            Some(header) => {
                self.verify_child(header) && header.verify_sub_chain(chain_iter.as_slice())
            None => true,

/// A complete Block is a header and the extrinsics.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Block {
    pub(crate) header: Header,
    pub(crate) body: Vec<u64>,

// Methods for creating and verifying blocks.
// These methods are analogous to the methods on the headers. All of the
// transaction execution logic is now handled at the block level because
// the transactions are no longer available at the Header level.
impl Block {
    fn execute_extrinsics(extrinsics: &Vec<u64>) -> u64 {
        let mut state = 0;
        for extrinsic in extrinsics.iter() {
            state += extrinsic;
        return state;
    /// Returns a new valid genesis block. By convention this block has no extrinsics.
    pub fn genesis() -> Self {
        return Self { header: Header::genesis(), body: vec![] };

    /// Create and return a valid child block.
    /// The extrinsics are batched now, so we need to execute each of them.
    pub fn child(&self, extrinsics: Vec<u64>) -> Self {
        return Self {
            header: self.header.child(
                self.header.state + Block::execute_extrinsics(&extrinsics),
            body: extrinsics,

    /// Verify that all the given blocks form a valid chain from this block to the tip.
    /// We need to verify the headers as well as execute all transactions and check the final state.
    pub fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Block]) -> bool {
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        let get_child_block =;

        return match get_child_block {
            Some(block) => {
                // state value of the current block + state value of the child block = final state in block header
                Block::execute_extrinsics(&self.body) + Block::execute_extrinsics(&block.body)
                    == block.header.state
                    && hash(&block.body) == block.header.extrinsics_root
                    && block.verify_sub_chain(chain_iter.as_slice())
            None => true,

/// Create an invalid child block of the given block. Although the child block is invalid,
/// the header should be valid.
/// Now that extrinsics are separate from headers, the logic for checking headers does
/// not include actual transaction execution. That means it is possible for a header to be
/// valid, but the block containing that header to be invalid.
/// Notice that you do not need the entire parent block to do this. You only need the header.
fn build_invalid_child_block_with_valid_header(parent: &Header) -> Block {
    let child_header = parent.child(hash(&vec![1, 2, 3]), 0);
    let child_block = Block { header: child_header, body: vec![] };
    return child_block;

fn bc_4_genesis_header() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    assert_eq!(g.height, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.parent, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.extrinsics_root, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.state, 0);

fn bc_4_genesis_block() {
    let gh = Header::genesis();
    let gb = Block::genesis();

    assert_eq!(gb.header, gh);

fn bc_4_child_block_empty() {
    let b0 = Block::genesis();
    let b1 = b0.child(vec![]);

    assert_eq!(b1.header.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(b1.header.parent, hash(&b0.header));
    assert_eq!(b1, Block { header: b1.header.clone(), body: vec![] });

fn bc_4_child_block() {
    let b0 = Block::genesis();
    let b1 = b0.child(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

    assert_eq!(b1.header.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(b1.header.parent, hash(&b0.header));
    assert_eq!(b1, Block { header: b1.header.clone(), body: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5] });

fn bc_4_child_header() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let h1 = g.child(hash(&[1, 2, 3]), 6);

    assert_eq!(h1.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(h1.parent, hash(&g));
    assert_eq!(h1.extrinsics_root, hash(&[1, 2, 3]));
    assert_eq!(h1.state, 6);

    let h2 = h1.child(hash(&[10, 20]), 36);

    assert_eq!(h2.height, 2);
    assert_eq!(h2.parent, hash(&h1));
    assert_eq!(h2.extrinsics_root, hash(&[10, 20]));
    assert_eq!(h2.state, 36);

fn bc_4_verify_three_blocks() {
    let g = Block::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(vec![1]);
    let b2 = b1.child(vec![2]);
    let chain = vec![g.clone(), b1, b2];

fn bc_4_invalid_header_does_not_check() {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let h1 = Header { parent: 0, height: 100, extrinsics_root: 0, state: 100, consensus_digest: 0 };


fn bc_4_invalid_block_state_does_not_check() {
    let b0 = Block::genesis();
    let mut b1 = b0.child(vec![1, 2, 3]);
    b1.body = vec![];


fn bc_4_block_with_invalid_header_does_not_check() {
    let b0 = Block::genesis();
    let mut b1 = b0.child(vec![1, 2, 3]);
    b1.header = Header::genesis();


fn bc_4_student_invalid_block_really_is_invalid() {
    let gb = Block::genesis();
    let gh = &gb.header;

    let b1 = build_invalid_child_block_with_valid_header(gh);
    let h1 = &b1.header;

    // Make sure that the header is valid according to header rules.

    // Make sure that the block is not valid when executed.

//! Forks in the blockchain represent alternative histories of the system.
//! When forks arise in the blockchain, users need a way to decide which chain
//! they will consider best, for now. This is known as a "fork choice rule".
//! There are several meaningful notions of "best", so we introduce a trait
//! that allows multiple implementations.
//! Since we have nothing to add to the Block or Header data structures in this lesson,
//! we will import them from the previous lesson.

use rand::Rng;

use super::p4_batched_extrinsics::{Block, Header};
use crate::hash;

const THRESHOLD: u64 = u64::max_value() / 100;

/// Judge which blockchain is "best" when there are multiple candidates. There are several
/// meaningful notions of "best" which is why this is a trait instead of just a
/// method.
pub trait ForkChoice {
    /// Compare two chains, and return the "best" one.
    /// The chains are not assumed to start from the same genesis block, or even a
    /// genesis block at all. This makes it possible to compare entirely disjoint
    /// histories. It also makes it possible to compare _only_ the divergent part
    /// of sibling chains back to the last common ancestor.
    /// The chains are assumed to be valid, so it is up to the caller to check
    /// validity first if they are unsure.
    fn first_chain_is_better(chain_1: &[Header], chain_2: &[Header]) -> bool;

    /// Compare many chains and return the best one.
    /// It is always possible to compare several chains if you are able to compare
    /// two chains. Therefore this method has a provided implementation. However,
    /// it may be much more performant to write a fork-choice-specific implementation.
    fn best_chain<'a>(candidate_chains: &[&'a [Header]]) -> &'a [Header] {
        todo!("Exercise 1")

/// The "best" chain is simply the longest chain.
pub struct LongestChainRule;

impl ForkChoice for LongestChainRule {
    fn first_chain_is_better(chain_1: &[Header], chain_2: &[Header]) -> bool {
        return chain_1.len() > chain_2.len();

    fn best_chain<'a>(candidate_chains: &[&'a [Header]]) -> &'a [Header] {
        // Remember, this method is provided. You _can_ solve the exercise by
        // simply deleting this block. It is up to you to decide whether this fork
        // choice warrants a custom implementation.
        let mut chain_iter = candidate_chains.iter();
        let mut best =;
        while let Some(next_chain) = {
            if best.len() < next_chain.len() {
                best = next_chain;
        return best;

/// The best chain is the one with the most accumulated work.
/// In Proof of Work chains, each block contains a certain amount of "work".
/// Roughly speaking, the lower a block's hash is, the more work it contains,
/// because finding a block with a low hash requires, on average, trying more
/// nonces. Modeling the amount of work required to achieve a particular hash
/// is out of scope for this exercise, so we will use the not-really-right-but
/// conceptually-good-enough formula `work = THRESHOLD - block_hash`
pub struct HeaviestChainRule;

fn generate_nonce() -> u64 {
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
    return rng.gen::<u32>() as u64;

fn mine_consensus_digest(header: &mut Header, threshold: u64) {
    let mut valid_header = header.clone();
    loop {
        let nonce = generate_nonce();
        valid_header.consensus_digest = nonce;
        if hash(&valid_header) < threshold {
            header.consensus_digest = nonce;
/// Mutates a block (and its embedded header) to contain more PoW difficulty.
/// This will be useful for exploring the heaviest chain rule. The expected
/// usage is that you create a block using the normal `Block.child()` method
/// and then pass the block to this helper for additional mining.
fn mine_extra_hard(block: &mut Block, threshold: u64) {
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut block.header, threshold);

impl HeaviestChainRule {
    fn get_total_work(chain: &[Header]) -> i64 {
        let mut total_work: i64 = 0;
        chain.iter().for_each(|header| {
            total_work = total_work.saturating_add(THRESHOLD as i64 - hash(header) as i64);
        return total_work;

impl ForkChoice for HeaviestChainRule {
    fn first_chain_is_better(chain_1: &[Header], chain_2: &[Header]) -> bool {
        return HeaviestChainRule::get_total_work(chain_1)
            > HeaviestChainRule::get_total_work(chain_2);

    fn best_chain<'a>(candidate_chains: &[&'a [Header]]) -> &'a [Header] {
        // Remember, this method is provided.
        let mut chain_iter = candidate_chains.iter();
        let mut best =;
        while let Some(next_chain) = {
            if HeaviestChainRule::get_total_work(best)
                < HeaviestChainRule::get_total_work(next_chain)
                best = next_chain;
        return best;
/// The best chain is the one with the most blocks that have even hashes.
/// This exact rule is a bit contrived, but it does model a family of fork choice rules
/// that are useful in the real world. We just can't code them here because we haven't
/// implemented Proof of Authority yet. Consider the following real world examples
/// that have very similar implementations.
/// 1. Secondary authors. In each round there is one author who is supposed to author. If that
///    author fails to create a block, there is a secondary author who may do so. The best chain is
///    the one with the most primary-authored blocks.
/// 2. Interleaved Pow/PoA. In each round there is one author who is allowed to author. Anyone else
///    is allowed to mine a PoW-style block. The best chain is the one with the most PoA blocks, and
///    ties are broken by the most accumulated work.
pub struct MostBlocksWithEvenHash;

impl MostBlocksWithEvenHash {
    pub fn count_even_hash(chain: &[Header]) -> usize {
        let mut block_count = 0;
        chain.iter().for_each(|block| {
            let block_hash = hash(block);
            if block_hash % 2 == 0 {
                block_count += 1;
        return block_count;

impl ForkChoice for MostBlocksWithEvenHash {
    fn first_chain_is_better(chain_1: &[Header], chain_2: &[Header]) -> bool {
        return MostBlocksWithEvenHash::count_even_hash(chain_1)
            > MostBlocksWithEvenHash::count_even_hash(chain_2);

    fn best_chain<'a>(candidate_chains: &[&'a [Header]]) -> &'a [Header] {
        // Remember, this method is provided.
        let mut chain_iter = candidate_chains.iter();
        let mut best =;
        while let Some(next_chain) = {
            if MostBlocksWithEvenHash::count_even_hash(best)
                < MostBlocksWithEvenHash::count_even_hash(next_chain)
                best = next_chain;
        return best;

// This lesson has omitted one popular fork choice rule:
// GHOST - Greedy Heaviest Observed SubTree
// I've omitted GHOST from here because it requires information about blocks that
// are _not_ in the chain to decide which chain is best. Therefore it does't work
// well with this relatively simple trait definition. We will return to the GHOST
// rule later when we have written a full blockchain client
// The GHOST rule was first published in 2013 by Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar.
// Learn more at


/// Build and return two different chains with a common prefix.
/// They should have the same genesis header. Both chains should be valid.
/// The first chain should be longer (have more blocks), but the second
/// chain should have more accumulated work.
/// Return your solutions as three vectors:
/// 1. The common prefix including genesis
/// 2. The suffix chain which is longer (non-overlapping with the common prefix)
/// 3. The suffix chain with more work (non-overlapping with the common prefix)
fn create_fork_one_side_longer_other_side_heavier() -> (Vec<Header>, Vec<Header>, Vec<Header>) {
    let g = Header::genesis();
    let b1 = g.child(hash(&vec![1]), 2);
    let b2 = b1.child(hash(&vec![2]), 3);
    let prefix_chain = vec![b1, b2];

    // 1. The common prefix including genesis
    let forked_header = prefix_chain.last().unwrap();

    // 2. The suffix chain which is longer (non-overlapping with the common prefix)
    let mut longest_chain_ha = forked_header.child(hash(&vec![1, 2]), 3);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut longest_chain_ha, u64::max_value() / 2);
    let mut longest_chain_hb = longest_chain_ha.child(hash(&vec![3, 4]), 10);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut longest_chain_hb, u64::max_value() / 5);
    let mut longest_chain_hc = longest_chain_hb.child(hash(&vec![7]), 17);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut longest_chain_hc, u64::max_value() / 3);
    let mut longest_chain_hd = longest_chain_hc.child(hash(&vec![4, 5]), 26);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut longest_chain_hd, u64::max_value() / 4);

    let mut more_work_chain_ha = forked_header.child(hash(&vec![5, 6]), 11);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut more_work_chain_ha, u64::max_value() / 200); // 1 valid block / 200 blocks
    let mut more_work_chain_hb = more_work_chain_ha.child(hash(&vec![1, 2]), 14);
    mine_consensus_digest(&mut more_work_chain_hb, u64::max_value() / 250); // 1 valid block / 250 blocks

    return (
        vec![longest_chain_ha, longest_chain_hb, longest_chain_hc, longest_chain_hd],
        vec![more_work_chain_ha, more_work_chain_hb],

fn bc_5_longest_chain() {
    let g = Header::genesis();

    let h_a1 = g.child(hash(&[1]), 1);
    let h_a2 = h_a1.child(hash(&[2]), 2);
    let chain_1 = &[g.clone(), h_a1, h_a2];

    let h_b1 = g.child(hash(&[3]), 3);
    let chain_2 = &[g, h_b1];

    assert!(LongestChainRule::first_chain_is_better(chain_1, chain_2));

    assert_eq!(LongestChainRule::best_chain(&[chain_1, chain_2]), chain_1);

fn bc_5_mine_to_custom_difficulty() {
    let g = Block::genesis();
    let mut b1 = g.child(vec![1, 2, 3]);

    // We want the custom threshold to be high enough that we don't take forever mining
    // but low enough that it is unlikely we accidentally meet it with the normal
    // block creation function
    let custom_threshold = u64::max_value() / 1000;
    mine_extra_hard(&mut b1, custom_threshold);

    assert!(hash(&b1.header) < custom_threshold);

fn bc_5_heaviest_chain() {
    let g = Header::genesis();

    let mut i = 0;
    let h_a1 = loop {
        let header = g.child(hash(&[i]), i);
        // Extrinsics root hash must be higher than threshold (less work done)
        if hash(&header) > THRESHOLD {
            break header;
        i += 1;
    let chain_1 = &[g.clone(), h_a1];

    let h_b1 = loop {
        let header = g.child(hash(&[i]), i);
        // Extrinsics root hash must be lower than threshold (more work done)
        if hash(&header) < THRESHOLD {
            break header;
        i += 1;
    let chain_2 = &[g, h_b1];

    assert!(HeaviestChainRule::first_chain_is_better(chain_2, chain_1));

    assert_eq!(HeaviestChainRule::best_chain(&[chain_1, chain_2]), chain_2);

fn bc_5_most_even_blocks() {
    let g = Header::genesis();

    let mut h_a1 = g.child(2, 0);
    for i in 0..u64::max_value() {
        h_a1 = g.child(2, i);
        if hash(&h_a1) % 2 == 0 {
    let mut h_a2 = g.child(2, 0);
    for i in 0..u64::max_value() {
        h_a2 = h_a1.child(2, i);
        if hash(&h_a2) % 2 == 0 {
    let chain_1 = &[g.clone(), h_a1, h_a2];

    let mut h_b1 = g.child(2, 0);
    for i in 0..u64::max_value() {
        h_b1 = g.child(2, i);
        if hash(&h_b1) % 2 != 0 {
    let mut h_b2 = g.child(2, 0);
    for i in 0..u64::max_value() {
        h_b2 = h_b1.child(2, i);
        if hash(&h_b2) % 2 != 0 {
    let chain_2 = &[g, h_b1, h_b2];

    assert!(MostBlocksWithEvenHash::first_chain_is_better(chain_1, chain_2));

    assert_eq!(MostBlocksWithEvenHash::best_chain(&[chain_1, chain_2]), chain_1);

fn bc_5_longest_vs_heaviest() {
    let (_, longest_chain, pow_chain) = create_fork_one_side_longer_other_side_heavier();

    assert!(LongestChainRule::first_chain_is_better(&longest_chain, &pow_chain));

    assert_eq!(LongestChainRule::best_chain(&[&longest_chain, &pow_chain]), &longest_chain);

    let (_, longest_chain, pow_chain) = create_fork_one_side_longer_other_side_heavier();

    assert!(HeaviestChainRule::first_chain_is_better(&pow_chain, &longest_chain));

    assert_eq!(HeaviestChainRule::best_chain(&[&longest_chain, &pow_chain]), &pow_chain);

//! In this lesson we expand our simple notion of state, and show how the state is typically not
//! stored in the header, Or indeed anywhere in the block at all.
//! To facilitate this exercise, consider that we want our blockchain to store not only the sum of
//! the extrinsics, but also the product. You can also imagine many other calculations the chain may
//! want to track (min, max, median, mean, etc).
//! As the state data gets large, it is no longer reasonable to store it in the blocks. But if the
//! state isn't in the blocks, then how can we perform the state-related validation checks we
//! previously performed? We use a state root to cryptographically link our heder to a complete
//! state.
//! This notion of state may sound familiar from our previous work on state machines. Indeed this
//! naming coincidence foreshadows a key abstraction that we will make in a coming chapter.

type Hash = u64;
use crate::hash;

/// In this section we will use sum and product together to be our state. While this is only a
/// doubling of state size remember that in real world blockchains, the state is often really really
/// large.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct State {
    sum: u64,
    product: u64,

/// The header no longer contains the state directly, but rather, it contains a hash of
/// the complete state. This hash will allow block verifiers to cryptographically confirm
/// that they got the same state as the author without having a complete copy of the
/// author's state
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Header {
    parent: Hash,
    height: u64,
    extrinsics_root: Hash,
    /// Stores a cryptographic commitment, like a Merkle root or a hash to the complete
    /// post state.
    state_root: Hash,
    consensus_digest: u64,

// Methods for creating and verifying headers.
// We already moved the execution logic to the block level in the last section.
// So this code is similar to last time. One key addition we are making is that
// genesis blocks can have an initial state, or "genesis state" other than the
// default. So we need to commit the initial state root to the genesis header here.
impl Header {
    /// Returns a new valid genesis header.
    fn genesis(genesis_state_root: Hash) -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: 0,
            parent: Hash::default(),
            state_root: genesis_state_root,
            consensus_digest: 0,
            extrinsics_root: Hash::default(),

    /// Create and return a valid child header.
    /// The state root is passed in similarly to how the complete state
    /// was in the previous section.
    fn child(&self, extrinsics_root: Hash, state_root: Hash) -> Self {
        return Self {
            height: self.height + 1,
            parent: hash(self),
            consensus_digest: 0,

    /// Verify a single child header.
    fn verify_child(&self, child: &Header) -> bool {
        child.height.saturating_sub(self.height) == 1 && child.parent == hash(self)

    /// Verify that all the given headers form a valid chain from this header to the tip.
    fn verify_sub_chain(&self, chain: &[Header]) -> bool {
        let get_next_header = chain.iter().next();
        return get_next_header.is_some()
            && self.verify_child(get_next_header.unwrap())
            && get_next_header.unwrap().verify_sub_chain(chain);

/// A complete Block is a header and the extrinsics.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Block {
    pub(crate) header: Header,
    pub(crate) body: Vec<u64>,

/// Methods for creating and verifying blocks.
/// We no longer have access to a state simply by having access to a block.
/// Therefore, we need a pre-state explicitly passed for these block methods.
/// In a real blockchain network, the client is typically responsible for
/// storing some likely-to-be-needed states and have them ready for use in
/// such operations.
/// These methods also differ from last time because you will need to
/// calculate state roots to pass to the header-level methods.
impl Block {
    /// Returns a new valid genesis block. By convention this block has no extrinsics.
    pub fn genesis(genesis_state: &State) -> Self {
        Block { header: Header::genesis(hash(genesis_state)), body: vec![] }

    /// Create and return a valid child block.
    pub fn child(&self, pre_state: &State, extrinsics: Vec<u64>) -> Self {
        let state = Block::execute_extrinsics(&mut pre_state.clone(), &extrinsics);
        Block { header: self.header.child(hash(&extrinsics), hash(&state)), body: extrinsics }

    fn execute_extrinsics(pre_state: &mut State, extrinsics: &Vec<u64>) -> State {
        for extrinsic in extrinsics.iter() {
            pre_state.sum += extrinsic;
            pre_state.product *= extrinsic;
        return pre_state.clone();

    /// Verify that all the given blocks form a valid chain from this block to the tip.
    /// This time we need to validate the initial block itself by confirming that we
    /// have been given a valid pre-state. And we still need to verify the headers,
    /// execute all transactions, and check the final state.
    pub fn verify_sub_chain(&self, pre_state: &State, chain: &[Block]) -> bool {
        let mut chain_iter = chain.iter();
        let get_child_block =;
        let state = Block::execute_extrinsics(&mut pre_state.clone(), &self.body);
        // validate the initial block itself by confirming that we have been give a valid pre-state
        return hash(&state) == self.header.state_root
            && match get_child_block {
                Some(block) => {
                    // validate that the block extrinsics stored in body match with the header extrinsic root
                    && hash(&block.body) == block.header.extrinsics_root
                    && block.verify_sub_chain(&state, chain_iter.as_slice())
                None => true,

/// Create an invalid child block of the given block. The returned block should have an
/// incorrect state root. Although the child block is invalid, the header should be valid.
/// As we saw in the previous section, the logic for checking headers can no longer
/// not include actual transaction execution, making it possible for invalid blocks
/// to still contain valid headers. There are now two ways to accomplish this.
/// 1. Block includes wrong extrinsics that do not match extrinsics root in header (from last time)
/// 2. Block contains invalid state root that does not match the correct post state (new this time)
/// As before, you do not need the entire parent block to do this. You only need the header.
/// You do, however, now need a pre-state as you have throughout much of this section.
fn build_invalid_child_block_with_valid_header(parent: &Header, pre_state: &State) -> Block {
    let extrinsics = vec![1, 2, 3];
    Block {
        header: parent.child(
            hash(&Block::execute_extrinsics(&mut pre_state.clone(), &vec![1])),
        body: extrinsics,

fn bc_6_genesis_header() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let g = Header::genesis(hash(&state));
    assert_eq!(g.height, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.parent, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.extrinsics_root, 0);
    assert_eq!(g.state_root, hash(&state));

fn bc_6_genesis_block() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let gh = Header::genesis(hash(&state));
    let gb = Block::genesis(&state);

    assert_eq!(gb.header, gh);

fn bc_6_child_block_empty() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let b0 = Block::genesis(&state);
    let b1 = b0.child(&state, vec![]);

    assert_eq!(b1.header.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(b1.header.parent, hash(&b0.header));
    assert_eq!(b1, Block { header: b1.header.clone(), body: vec![] });

fn bc_6_child_block() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let b0 = Block::genesis(&state);
    let b1 = b0.child(&state, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

    assert_eq!(b1.header.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(b1.header.parent, hash(&b0.header));
    assert_eq!(b1, Block { header: b1.header.clone(), body: vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5] });

fn bc_6_child_header() {
    let state_0 = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let g = Header::genesis(hash(&state_0));
    let mut extrinsics = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let mut state_1 = state_0;
    for extrinsic in extrinsics.iter() {
        state_1.sum += extrinsic;
        state_1.product *= extrinsic;
    let h1 = g.child(hash(&extrinsics), hash(&state_1));

    assert_eq!(h1.height, 1);
    assert_eq!(h1.parent, hash(&g));
    assert_eq!(h1.extrinsics_root, hash(&extrinsics));
    assert_eq!(h1.state_root, hash(&state_1));

    extrinsics = vec![10, 20];
    let mut state_2 = state_1;
    for extrinsic in extrinsics.iter() {
        state_2.sum += extrinsic;
        state_2.product *= extrinsic;

    let h2 = h1.child(hash(&extrinsics), hash(&state_2));

    assert_eq!(h2.height, 2);
    assert_eq!(h2.parent, hash(&h1));
    assert_eq!(h2.extrinsics_root, hash(&extrinsics));
    assert_eq!(h2.state_root, hash(&state_2));

fn bc_6_verify_three_blocks() {
    let state_1 = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let g = Block::genesis(&state_1);
    let b1 = g.child(&state_1, vec![1]);
    let state_2 = State { sum: 7, product: 9 };
    let b2 = b1.child(&state_2, vec![2]);
    let chain = vec![g.clone(), b1, b2];
    assert!(g.verify_sub_chain(&state_1, &chain[1..]));

fn bc_6_invalid_header_doesnt_check() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let g = Header::genesis(hash(&state));
    let h1 = Header {
        parent: 0,
        height: 100,
        extrinsics_root: 0,
        state_root: hash(&(State { sum: 0, product: 0 })),
        consensus_digest: 0,


fn bc_6_invalid_block_state_doesnt_check() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let b0 = Block::genesis(&state);
    let mut b1 = b0.child(&state, vec![1, 2, 3]);
    b1.body = vec![];

    assert!(!b0.verify_sub_chain(&state, &[b1]));

fn bc_6_block_with_invalid_header_doesnt_check() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let b0 = Block::genesis(&state);
    let mut b1 = b0.child(&state, vec![1, 2, 3]);
    b1.header = Header::genesis(hash(&state));

    assert!(!b0.verify_sub_chain(&state, &[b1]));

fn bc_6_student_invalid_block_really_is_invalid() {
    let state = State { sum: 6, product: 9 };
    let gb = Block::genesis(&state);
    let gh = &gb.header;

    let b1 = build_invalid_child_block_with_valid_header(gh, &state);
    let h1 = &b1.header;

    // Make sure that the header is valid according to header rules.

    // Make sure that the block is not valid when executed.
    assert!(!gb.verify_sub_chain(&state, &[b1]));

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