Open timbms opened 1 week ago
Shelly offers new thermostats. BLU TRVs are replacing the TRV. They communicate via Bluetooth with a Bluetoot-Wifi gateway.
It would be great to have them supported on openHAB.
Here is the result of some analysis
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"Shelly.ListMethods"}' | jq
{ "id": 1, "src": "shellyblugwg3-8cbfeaa7caf4", "result": { "methods": [ "BluGw.SetConfig", "BluGw.GetConfig", "BluGw.GetStatus", "Button.SetConfig", "Button.GetConfig", "Button.GetStatus", "Button.Trigger", "Text.SetConfig", "Text.GetConfig", "Text.GetStatus", "Text.Set", "Number.SetConfig", "Number.GetConfig", "Number.GetStatus", "Number.Set", "Group.SetConfig", "Group.GetConfig", "Group.GetStatus", "Group.Set", "Enum.SetConfig", "Enum.GetConfig", "Enum.GetStatus", "Enum.Set", "Boolean.SetConfig", "Boolean.GetConfig", "Boolean.GetStatus", "Boolean.Set", "Virtual.Delete", "Virtual.Add", "Schedule.List", "Schedule.DeleteAll", "Schedule.Delete", "Schedule.Update", "Schedule.Create", "BLE.StartBluTrvAssociations", "BluTrv.CheckForUpdates", "BluTrv.UpdateFirmware", "BluTrv.GetRemoteDeviceInfo", "BluTrv.GetRemoteStatus", "BluTrv.GetRemoteConfig", "BluTrv.Call", "BluTrv.Delete", "BluTrv.SetConfig", "BluTrv.GetConfig", "BluTrv.GetStatus", "BTHomeSensor.SetConfig", "BTHomeSensor.GetConfig", "BTHomeSensor.GetStatus", "BTHomeDevice.UpdateFirmware", "BTHomeDevice.GetKnownObjects", "BTHomeDevice.SetConfig", "BTHomeDevice.GetConfig", "BTHomeDevice.GetStatus", "BTHome.GetObjectInfos", "BTHome.DeleteSensor", "BTHome.AddSensor", "BTHome.DeleteDevice", "BTHome.AddDevice", "BTHome.StartDeviceDiscovery", "BTHome.SetConfig", "BTHome.GetConfig", "BTHome.GetStatus", "Webhook.ListSupported", "Webhook.List", "Webhook.DeleteAll", "Webhook.Delete", "Webhook.Update", "Webhook.Create", "Script.Stop", "Script.Start", "Script.Eval", "Script.GetCode", "Script.PutCode", "Script.SetConfig", "Script.GetConfig", "Script.GetStatus", "Script.List", "Script.Delete", "Script.Create", "WS.SetConfig", "WS.GetConfig", "WS.GetStatus", "Mqtt.SetConfig", "Mqtt.GetConfig", "Mqtt.GetStatus", "Cloud.SetConfig", "Cloud.GetConfig", "Cloud.GetStatus", "BLE.SetConfig", "BLE.GetConfig", "BLE.GetStatus", "BLE.CloudRelay.ListInfos", "BLE.CloudRelay.List", "Wifi.Scan", "Wifi.ListAPClients", "Wifi.SetConfig", "Wifi.GetConfig", "Wifi.GetStatus", "Sys.SetConfig", "Sys.GetConfig", "Sys.GetStatus", "KVS.Delete", "KVS.Set", "KVS.GetMany", "KVS.Get", "KVS.List", "Shelly.Identify", "HTTP.Request", "HTTP.POST", "HTTP.GET", "Shelly.ListMethods", "Shelly.PutTLSClientKey", "Shelly.PutTLSClientCert", "Shelly.PutUserCA", "Shelly.Reboot", "Shelly.SetAuth", "Shelly.Update", "Shelly.CheckForUpdate", "Shelly.DetectLocation", "Shelly.ListTimezones", "Shelly.GetComponents", "Shelly.GetStatus", "Shelly.FactoryReset", "Shelly.ResetWiFiConfig", "Shelly.GetConfig", "Shelly.GetDeviceInfo", "OTA.Abort", "OTA.Write", "OTA.Data", "OTA.Start", "OTA.Revert", "OTA.Commit", "OTA.Update", "Sys.SetDebug" ] } }
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"Shelly.GetComponents"}' | jq
{ "id": 1, "src": "shellyblugwg3-8cbfeaa7caf4", "result": { "components": [ { "key": "ble", "status": {}, "config": { "enable": true, "rpc": { "enable": true } } }, { "key": "blugw", "status": {}, "config": { "sys_led_enable": false } }, { "key": "blutrv:200", "status": { "id": 200, "rssi": -57, "battery": 100, "packet_id": 136, "last_updated_ts": 1731924071, "paired": true, "rpc": true, "rsv": 37 }, "config": { "id": 200, "addr": "f8:44:77:37:32:70", "name": null, "key": null, "trv": "bthomedevice:200", "temp_sensors": [], "dw_sensors": [], "meta": null } }, { "key": "blutrv:201", "status": { "id": 201, "rssi": -49, "battery": 100, "packet_id": 93, "last_updated_ts": 1731924076, "paired": true, "rpc": true, "rsv": 17 }, "config": { "id": 201, "addr": "f8:44:77:1e:ef:ab", "name": null, "key": null, "trv": "bthomedevice:201", "temp_sensors": [], "dw_sensors": [ "bthomesensor:210" ], "meta": null } }, { "key": "bthome", "status": {}, "config": {} }, { "key": "bthomedevice:200", "status": { "id": 200, "rssi": -57, "battery": 100, "packet_id": 136, "last_updated_ts": 1731924071, "paired": true, "rpc": true, "rsv": 37 }, "config": { "id": 200, "addr": "f8:44:77:37:32:70", "name": null, "key": null, "meta": null }, "attrs": { "flags": 17, "model_id": 8 } }, { "key": "bthomedevice:201", "status": { "id": 201, "rssi": -49, "battery": 100, "packet_id": 93, "last_updated_ts": 1731924076, "paired": true, "rpc": true, "rsv": 17 }, "config": { "id": 201, "addr": "f8:44:77:1e:ef:ab", "name": null, "key": null, "meta": null }, "attrs": { "flags": 17, "model_id": 8 } }, { "key": "bthomedevice:202", "status": { "id": 202, "rssi": -54, "battery": 100, "packet_id": 137, "last_updated_ts": 1731923034, "paired": true, "rpc": false, "rsv": -1 }, "config": { "id": 202, "addr": "b0:c7:de:27:b5:8f", "name": null, "key": null, "meta": null }, "attrs": { "flags": 17, "model_id": 2 } }, { "key": "bthomesensor:200", "status": { "id": 200, "value": 100, "last_updated_ts": 1731924071 }, "config": { "id": 200, "addr": "f8:44:77:37:32:70", "name": null, "obj_id": 1, "idx": 0, "meta": null } }, { "key": "bthomesensor:201", "status": { "id": 201, "last_updated_ts": 1070226336 }, "config": { "id": 201, "addr": "f8:44:77:37:32:70", "name": null, "obj_id": 58, "idx": 0, "meta": null } }, { "key": "bthomesensor:202", "status": { "id": 202, "value": 16.0, "last_updated_ts": 1731924071 }, "config": { "id": 202, "addr": "f8:44:77:37:32:70", "name": null, "obj_id": 69, "idx": 0, "meta": null } } ], "cfg_rev": 1137, "offset": 0, "total": 26 } }
`curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"BluTrv.GetRemoteStatus","params":{"id":201} }' | jq
{ "id": 1, "src": "shellyblugwg3-8cbfeaa7caf4", "result": { "v": 17, "ts": 1731923738, "status": { "sys": { "time": "10:55", "unixtime": 1731923748, "offset": 3600, "uptime": 933049, "ram_size": 30840, "ram_free": 15620, "cfg_rev": 17, "state_rev": 17 }, "temperature:0": { "id": 0, "tC": 22.78, "tF": 73.00, "errors": [] }, "trv:0": { "id": 0, "pos": 0, "steps": 25475452, "current_C": 22.78, "target_C": 16.00, "schedule_rev": 12, "errors": [] } } } }
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"BluTrv.GetRemoteConfig","params":{"id":201} }' | jq
{ "id": 1, "src": "shellyblugwg3-8cbfeaa7caf4", "result": { "v": 22, "ts": 1731925210, "config": { "sys": { "device": { "name": "" }, "location": { "lat": 48.0000, "lon": 11.0000 }, "ui": { "lock": false, "t_units": "C", "flip": false, "brightness": 7 }, "ble": { "interval_ms": 333, "beacon_count": 5 }, "cfg_rev": 17 }, "temperature:0": { "id": 0, "offset_C": 0.00 }, "trv:0": { "id": 0, "enable": true, "override_enable": false, "min_valve_position": 0, "default_boost_duration": 1800, "default_override_duration": 2147483647, "default_override_target_C": 8.00, "flags": [ "accel", "auto_calibrate", "anticlog" ] } } } }
Shelly offers new thermostats. BLU TRVs are replacing the TRV. They communicate via Bluetooth with a Bluetoot-Wifi gateway.
It would be great to have them supported on openHAB.
Here is the result of some analysis
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"Shelly.ListMethods"}' | jq
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"Shelly.GetComponents"}' | jq
`curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"BluTrv.GetRemoteStatus","params":{"id":201} }' | jq
curl -X POST --json '{"id":1,"method":"BluTrv.GetRemoteConfig","params":{"id":201} }' | jq