openhab / openhab-core

Core framework of openHAB
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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[Persistence] Provide a way to exclude Items in .persist file (and UI when that gets merged) #3665

Open rkoshak opened 11 months ago

rkoshak commented 11 months ago

Periodically I'll see on the forum someone asking if there is a way to configure something like. "every Item except these" in their persistence config.

For example, a user may have 100 Items and they want to apply a default strategy to all but two of them. Today the only way to exclude those two Items is to configure the other 98 Items in the .persist file instead of creating a config for just those two.

I do not know what it takes to modify the syntax grammars (I understand it can be challenging) so I hesitate to recommend a syntax. But maybe it could be something as simple as prepending Item names with a ! to mean "not this Item".

Items {
    *, !Item1, !Item2 : strategy = everyChange // every Item but Item1 and Item2
    *,!DoNotPersist* : strategy = everyMinute // every Item but members of DoNotPersist

Your Environment

  version: 4.0.0
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timestamp: 2023-06-19T16:21:54.143Z
clinique commented 1 month ago

I was considering to open exactly the same issue. By chance, I had the reflex to take a look wether it would already exist :-)

My approach would rather have been:

Vetoed {
    Item1, Item2, DoNotPersist*

excluding these items and item contained in group from all stategies