openhab / openhab-jruby

A Helper Library for Writing openHAB Automations in Ruby
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Idea: Parameterized thing label in thing builder. #323

Closed clinique closed 2 months ago

clinique commented 2 months ago

I'm going my way with JRuby and I love it. So much that I completely switched Thing creation to its ruby version taking the advantage of dynamically create things and using variables for this - far more flexible than traditional .things files.

I produced the following code that could maybe be interesting to consider for insertion in the thing builder:

# MyThing encapsulates thing class
class MyThing
  extend Forwardable

  def initialize(thing)
    @thing = thing
    @original_label = label
    @ids = uid.to_s.split(':')

  attr_reader :thing

  def_delegators :@thing, :label, :location, :disable, :configuration, :uid, :status

  def bridge?'BridgeImpl')

  def reformat_label
    thing.configuration[:original_label] = @original_label
    thing.set_label parameterized_string(original_label)

  def binding

  def thing_type

  def thing_id
    @ids[@ids.length - 1]

  def parameter_to_string(key)
    case key
    when 'location' then location
    when 'type' then thing_type.capitalize
    when 'binding' then binding.capitalize
    when 'id' then thing_id.capitalize
      element = thing.configuration[key.to_sym]

  def parameterized_string(label)
    new_label = label
    label.scan(/<([^>]+)>/).flatten.each do |key|
      new_label.gsub!("<#{key}>", parameter_to_string(key))

  def parameterized?(chaine)


This enables me to make this type of thing creation: do
      bridge '1', '<type> <location>',
             binding: 'netatmo', type: 'welcome',
             location: 'Dining Room', config: {
               id: '70:ee:50:1d:16:73',
               icon: 'camera', tag: 'Camera'

This produces a thing labelled "Welcome Dining Room"

clinique commented 2 months ago

Another usefull thing I found is that passing extra symbols to config hash works very well and I use it to store extra properties for each thing.

jimtng commented 2 months ago

I don't fully understand the use case, but you could do something like this without the whole custom class: do
  type = "welcome"
  location = "Dining Room"
  bridge "1", "#{type} #{location}",
         binding: "netatmo", type:, location:, config: {
           id: "70:ee:50:1d:16:73",
           icon: "camera", tag: "Camera"
clinique commented 2 months ago

Sure but this makes type and location global, not local to the thing. My custom class only exists because I did not do it directly in the thing builder. Currently I create things using the build and edit/save it after with this helper class. My proposal would have been to push interesting parts (delimiter parser et label elements replacement) of it in the thing builder. It also enables to use a config element as a parameter in the label :

    thing 'A1', 'Marmitek <subType> SS13 06B7 <deviceId>', type: 'lighting1',
                                         location: 'Garage',
                                         config: { deviceId: 'A.1', subType: 'X10',
                                                   icon: 'gate', ignoreMonitoring: true }
clinique commented 2 months ago

Behind this, the thing name is quite important for me because I have a second logic that auto(or not) creates groups for corresponding things (reason why you see icon and tag entries in the thing configuration). Then the group label directly inherits the thing label. The same parameterized system is used to generate the group name.

This is quite practical and grandly reduces maintenance when renaming things or groups over large amount of the same things.

clinique commented 2 months ago

Here's what I currently do after the thing builder if it's of any interest for you :

things.each do |thing|
  my_thing =


  if my_thing.location == PLACES.stock.display
    BINDING.log_debug "'#{my_thing.label}' en #{PLACES.stock.display} il est donc désactivé."

  # Mise en cache si nécessaire ________________________________________________
  if thing.configuration[:sharedCache] == true
    thing_name = my_thing.to_symbol
    shared_cache[thing_name] = thing
    BINDING.log_debug("Placé dans le cache:  :#{thing_name}")

  # Gestion du groupe de l'item ________________________________________________
  create_group = !my_thing.skip_group_creation?
  thing.configuration[:create_group] = create_group

  if create_group
    thing.configuration[:linked_group] = my_thing.group_name
    thing.configuration[:icon] = 'none' if thing.configuration[:icon].nil?
    thing.configuration[:tag] = 'Equipment' if thing.configuration[:tag].nil?
    ALL_ITEMS << create_thing_group(my_thing)

  next unless my_thing.configuration[:ignoreMonitoring] != true

  my_thing.configuration[:status_traker] = "#{my_thing.usable_name}#{Postfix::STATUS}"

  status_item = create_status_tracker(my_thing)
  ALL_ITEMS << status_item
ccutrer commented 2 months ago

Sure but this makes type and location global, not local to the thing.

I don't have a lot of time this week to look into this. I'm more than happy to extend things where they make sense. But I do want to point out that your example code does not create global (or even top-level local) variables. In Ruby, every block (i.e. the do/end in your example) creates a new scope, so those local variables stop existing outside of your thing builder.

clinique commented 2 months ago

Sure but this makes type and location global, not local to the thing.

I don't have a lot of time this week to look into this. I'm more than happy to extend things where they make sense. But I do want to point out that your example code does not create global (or even top-level local) variables. In Ruby, every block (i.e. the do/end in your example) creates a new scope, so those local variables stop existing outside of your thing builder.

Sorry, should have said external to the thing instead of global. Happy to ear from you once you'll have time to take a look at it.

ccutrer commented 2 months ago

I've read through this more fully now. I think how you're doing it is exactly how you should do it - you're adding additional meaning to things like the label, and in order to facilitate that you're wrapping classes already in the library. Most of your additions are not generically applicable to openHAB users as a whole - only someone that specifically structures their things and labels like you do, and then wants to derive additional meaning from that structure would get use out of this. My own rules files have several similar things that I know only apply to how I do things, and wouldn't be useful for others.

To enumerate your additions to Thing (via your wrapper class):

jimtng commented 2 months ago
jimtng commented 2 months ago
  element = thing.configuration[key.to_sym]  # there's no need to call to_sym here, because it gets converted back to string anyway inside the helper library


    thing.configuration[:original_label] = @original_label
    # stored as thing.configuration["original_label"] 

Some suggestions, mainly as general Ruby tips, and not specifically about what you're trying to achieve:

def parameterized_string(label)
    new_label = label
    label.scan(/<([^>]+)>/).flatten.each do |key|
      new_label.gsub!("<#{key}>", parameter_to_string(key))

new_label = label just creates another reference to the same object as label, so when you changed new_label, it changed the original label data too.


$ irb
irb(main):001> a = "test"
=> "test"
irb(main):002> b = a
=> "test"
irb(main):003> b.upcase!
=> "TEST"
irb(main):004> a
=> "TEST"

To avoid this, you could do label.dup

irb(main):005> a = "test"
=> "test"
irb(main):006> b = a.dup
=> "test"
irb(main):007> b.upcase!
=> "TEST"
irb(main):008> a
=> "test"

A better implementation of that method:

def parameterized_string(label)
  label.gsub(/<([^>]+)>/) { parameter_to_string($1) }
jimtng commented 2 months ago

As for your main goal, you could probably do this:

def format_thing_label(thing)
  return unless thing.label.include? "<"

  thing.label = thing.label.gsub(/<([^>]+)>/) do
    case $1
    when "location" then thing.location
    when "type" then
    when "binding" then thing.uid.binding_id.capitalize
    when "id" then
    else thing.configuration[$1].to_s

things.each { |thing| format_thing_label(thing) }
clinique commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your insights @jimtng - I'll integrate them.