openhab / openhab-js

openHAB JavaScript Library for JavaScript Scripting Automation
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[items] ItemHistory: Adjust to breaking changes & Add new methods for future states #331

Closed florian-h05 closed 1 month ago

florian-h05 commented 1 month ago


With this PR, support for accessing persistence on openHAB 4.1.x or older will be dropped with the next openhab-js release. Users should either upgrade openHAB to 4.2.x or stay with the current 4.x.x series of openhab-js. Since there are no known issues in openhab-js, staying on 4.x.x should be fine.

florian-h05 commented 1 month ago

TBD after merge:

rkoshak commented 1 month ago

Make variance, deviation, average, sum & delta return the state (including unit) as string instead of a number.

For consistency, does it make sense to offer numberAverage and quantityAverage (et. al.) same as we have in Item for accessing the state? HistoricState already has those options too so it feels reasonable to expect there to be options for these persistence queries too.

jlaur commented 1 month ago
  • Make variance, deviation, average, sum & delta return the state (including unit) as string instead of a number.

Would it make sense to return a Quantity instead of a number? I guess in most cases the returned string would be used for creating a Quantity?

jlaur commented 1 month ago

I wanted to ask this question for some hours, but didn't find time until now, and just after posting I saw @rkoshak's similar question. 😄

rkoshak commented 1 month ago

Would it make sense to return a Quantity instead of a number?

I don't think we'd want to always return a Quantity. If the Item is a plain Number Item there is no unit so a Quantity wouldn't be appropriate in that case.

Returning a String by default with options for numeric and quantity maps to other places in the library where a state of an Item is accessed (from the Item or from a HisotricState).

florian-h05 commented 1 month ago

My proposal is to create a class PersistedState or HistoricState inside the helper library, which has the same properties as but obviously without timestamp, and have the current HistoricItem just extend this class. This way it is easily possible to get the state in different formats.


rkoshak commented 1 month ago

Works for me.

florian-h05 commented 1 month ago

Implemented and tested :+1: