openhab / openhab-js

openHAB JavaScript Library for JavaScript Scripting Automation
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Add StateDescription to Item #347

Open wertzui opened 1 week ago

wertzui commented 1 week ago

At the moment, Item in JS does not expose the StateDescription and especially the Options.

According to it should be possible to add these through the items metadata which I have not tested, but it is at least not possible to retrieve them that way.

In my use case, I'm looking into items which are bound to a thing's channel that only allows a couple of strings as values (like an enum). Examples are the list of available apps in the lgwebos binding, or the allowedStates in a channel of the mqtt binding. These allowed states are exposed in the item through the getStateDescription().options list.

A workaround at the moment is to get the raw item like below:

const { items, logm, utils} = require("openhab");
const logger = log("Scratchpad");

const itemName = "LivingRoomTvApplication";
const item = items.getItem(itemName);
const rawItem = item.rawItem;
const stateDescription = rawItem.getStateDescription();
const options = stateDescription.options;
options.forEach(option => {
    const label = option.getLabel();
    const value = option.getValue();`Label: ${label}, Value: ${value}`);