openhab / openhab-syno-spk

openHAB Synology SPK Install Package
Eclipse Public License 2.0
161 stars 42 forks source link

No Service created after installation #35

Closed Skostrub closed 7 years ago

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

DS 213j DSM6 6.0.2

Beta 3 after installation shows "Running in GUI" WebUI is not working

if I do su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/" I get "su: warning: cannot change directory to /var/services/homes/openhab: No such file or directory "

I can help with testing. I need this stuff to be up again. 1.8 was great!

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Skostrub

I create this days a new release for 2.0-SNAPSHOT. Can you testing, please?

Thanks, Chris

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Yes, sure!

Thanks for your efforts a lot.

BR, Sergei

Christian Häussler 9 октября 2016 г. 22:51:50 написал:

Hi @Skostrub

I create this days a new release for 2.0-SNAPSHOT. Can you testing, please?

Thanks, Chris

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Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

2.0-SNAPSHOT-DSM6 not working at all only 3 files are installed at /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2 (,,

To get beta3 running i had to set the rights to r/w of the public folder for openHAB2 and also set the owner of the files there to openHAB2.

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

A can also confirm that 2.0-SNAPSHOT-DSM6 is not alive yet.

No file installed

Start/stop in GUI shows "Running" but it is far from truth. Log folder is not created due to permissions restrictions.

In terminal mode: root@DS:~# su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/"

mkdir: cannot create directory ‘logs’: Permission denied find: `server': No such file or directory Launching the openHAB runtime... /var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/ line 25: /var/services/homes/openhab/ Permission denied

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Looks like there is a "/" to much in the download-path (the last one): DOWNLOAD_PATH=""

But i still can´t get it running - maybe because of the rights, owner and group within the .sbk?! Who is "travis"??? ;-)


Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Yes, that did it - just extrakt the .sbk from the zip and install it....

Skostrub commented 7 years ago


But still not working. Any help is much appreciated.

Do I need to copy manually addons and conf? This folders are empty now.

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

You need the Folders /volume1/public/OpenHAB2/conf /volume1/public/OpenHAB2/addons to work with i.e. openHab Designer.

No need to install addons manualy - they can be installed from the Paper UI. Copy your old config - maybe it already works, maybe not - im new at openHab. I added Things/Items with the Paper UI and created rules with the Designer.

  1. uninstall OpenHAB
  2. create folders
  3. install OpenHAB
  4. stop OpenHAB
  5. give OpenHAB the rights to R/W the folder public
  6. start OpenHAB
  7. wait one or two minutes
  8. make OpenHAB the Owner of /volume1/public/OpenHAB2 - maybe you don´t have to, then please tell me

@Skostrub If this doesn´t help, tell what exactly is not working. Please with a screenshot, so others can learn.... THX

BTW: @cniweb Why "public" and nothing like "/volume1/SmartHome/OpenHAB2"?

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Baumi1245

public comes from DSM <= 5.2 I update the DSM 6 package to /volume1/SmartHome/OpenHAB2, and I fix the DOWNLOAD_PATH with no / at end, and I fix the start-script to, OK?

Thanks, Chris

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Hallo Chris und erstmals danke für deine Bemühungen!

Ich glaube irgendwo gelesen zu haben, daß du keine Syno hast.... ich schreib dir jetzt mal auf deutsch - in englisch krieg ich die Menge nicht hin ;-)

In meiner Installations-Anleitung habe ich natürlich was vergessen! aber von vorne:

Installiere ich ohne die Ordner in "public" werden "addons" und "conf" in "@appstore" installiert - mit allen Dateien und Ordnern die mitgeliefert werden.

Installiere ich mit den Ordnern "/volume1/public/OpenHAB2/conf" und "/volume1/public/OpenHAB2/addons" wird bei der installation auf diese Ordner verlinkt aber dort keine weiteren Daten abgelegt, da ja OpenHab noch keine Rechte hat, dort was reinzuschreiben. Jetzt sind die Ordner natürlich leer - und das wäre das, was ich vergessen habe - ich hab den inhalt dort nochmal gelöscht um von 0 zu beginnen - OH läuft, aber man steht halt wirklich mit 0 da und kann garnichts mit dem Desinger machen, da dieser seine Dateien braucht.

Könnte man bei der Installation nicht einfach noch in "homes/openhab2" diese dateien speichern lassen, damit der "Anfänger" diese dann auch hat? Da dieses Verzeichnis OH gehört sollten dort im Laufe der Installation Daten beschrieben werden dürfen; nach einer Deinstallation von OH verschwindet dieses Verzeichnis wieder - ist also nicht für die dauerhafte Auslagerung geeignet.

  1. uninstall OpenHAB -wegen der korrekten Verlinkung, ansonsten mit 2 beginnen
  2. create folders
  3. install OpenHAB
  4. stop OpenHAB
  5. give OpenHAB the rights to R/W the folder public - jetzt sollte dann ein Anfänger die Daten vom home-ordner kopieren, damit er auf den gleichen Stand wie andere Anfänger auf anderen Systemen ist.
  6. start OpenHAB
  7. wait one or two minutes

das wäre jetzt vermutlich der einfachste weg zum Programmieren - alternativ: bei start von OH (punkt 6) den Inhalt der ordner in "public" prüfen und gegebenenfalls die fehlenden daten vom script reinkopieren lassen.

I update the DSM 6 package to *|/volume1/SmartHome/OpenHAB2|*, Danke - ich hoffe in diesem Stadium stört das noch keinen - wenn ich mich recht an "public" erinner, war das der Ordner, wo jeder ohne Rechtevergabe was reinschreiben konnte - aber der Vorteil ist eh dahin. Die pfade dann auch in der Programmbeschreibung mit aufnehmen - vielleicht kriegst du ja auch obige kurzanleitung rein - ich hab ne menge gegooglet um auf das alles zu kommen.

and I fix the *|DOWNLOAD_PATH|with no |/|*at end, super - der "travis" darf aber dann auch nicht mehr der besitzer der dateien sein!

and I fix the start-script to *||* da weiß ich jetzt nicht, für was das gut ist, aber ich werde es schon sehen :-)

Das größte Problem momentan sehe ich darin, daß die Config, die von der PaperUI erstellt wird, nicht in diesen Ordnern landet....

LG Tom

Sorry for writing in german - it´s only about an easy way to install OH.

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

@cniweb Another problem that could be caused by the start-script...

OH has the wrong time - my Synology has the correct one. If i run this: rule "zeit2" when Time cron "0 35 11 * * ?" then pushover ("es sollte 11:35 sein", "Baumi") end it comes at 13:35

Thank you.... and sorry for hijacking this thread for general installation-problems

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hallo @Baumi1245,

deutsch ist mir auch lieber! 👍 Also bevor ich eine neue Version baue, mal zur Erklärung: Ich habe nur eine DS mit DSM 5.2 KEIN DMS 6, kann also DSM 6 Packages nicht testen! Deshalb gibt es mehrere Branches und Versionen, einmal 1.8.3 und 2.0 und einmal für DSM 6 und einmal für frühere Versionen.

Nun zum eigentlich Problem 2.0 mit DSM 6 oder DSM 5.2? Ich würde erst einmal 2.0 mit DSM 5.2 fixen, denn dass kann ich auch selbst testen. Wenn dieses Paket OK ist würde ich es in DSM 6 portieren.

Ist das OK so?

Viele Grüße, Chris

kaikreuzer commented 7 years ago

deutsch ist mir auch lieber!

Guys, please note that far more than 50% of our community do not understand German, so whenever possible, stick to English in the public conversations - what you do in private e-mails is of course completely up to you :-)

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

hi @cniweb it´s about DSM 6 here - OH 2.0 is running fine so far... got only a time-problem and the installation is a little bit confusing if you do it the first time. OH 2.0 points to a new user groupe - so installing should be as easy as possible.

go on with DSM 5.2 and if i can help you with DSM 6, just send me a mail...

cu Tom

cniweb commented 7 years ago


I think only the configuration folder is relevant with OpenHAB2. Because the addons are already there or can be installed online.

Now only the question asks where the folder belongs. You could already create the folder during the installation and assign the appropriate rights.

What do you think?


cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Baumi1245,

what is the different between my package file and yours: ???


Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

there is a "/" to much in the download-path owner and group within the .sbk is no longer travis

cniweb commented 7 years ago

@Baumi1245 OK, how can I change owner and group? How or in what do I have to change this?

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

are you online with skype? - or check your mail pls

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Hi guys.

Stupid question: What is the proper Java for OpenHAB in DSM 6.x: package Java 8.0.101-011 by Synology inc. or package Java SE Embeded 8 8.0.101-041 by Oracle from custom repo?

My OpenHAB 1.8 in DSM 5.x was running on Java SE

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

I use the one from synology: screenshot 5

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Great. Thanks!

Java 8 SE installation was a bit tricky. I was expecting this from Synology.

Will try to reproduce your installation steps now. In step 5: give OpenHAB the rights to R/W the folder public Do you mean give OpenHAB user R/W like: chown -R openhab.users /volume1/public/?

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

A new version is coming up these days- safe your time and wait a little...

Am 20.10.2016 15:35 schrieb "Sergei"

Great. Thanks!

Java 8 SE installation was a bit tricky. I was expecting this from Synology.

Will try to reproduce your installation steps now. In step 5: give OpenHAB the rights to R/W the folder public Do you mean give OpenHAB user R/W like: chown -R openhab.users /volume1/public/?

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Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Ok, thanks.

Btw, there could be sense to implement demo conf in the package from

Conf folder is 5.5 KB only

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Skostrub and @Baumi1245

I updated the, look here:

You can try my new release:

Thanks, Chris

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Installed build

# ps axu | grep openhab2
openhab2  5037  0.0  0.1   5672   956 ?        S    09:09   0:00 -sh -c cd /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2 && ./ &
openhab2  5039  0.0  0.3   5652  1836 ?        S    09:09   0:00 /bin/sh /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/bin/karaf
openhab2  5321 63.7 15.6 255376 79832 ?        Sl   09:09   5:52 /var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/java -Dopenhab.home=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2 -Dopenhab.conf=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/conf -Dopenhab.runtime=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime -Dopenhab.userdata=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata -Dopenhab.logdir=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/logs -Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8080 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/jre/lib/endorsed:/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/lib/endorsed:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/endorsed -Djava.ext.dirs=/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/jre/lib/ext:/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/lib/ext:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/ext -Dkaraf.instances=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/instances -Dkaraf.home=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf -Dkaraf.base=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata -Dkaraf.etc=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/etc -Dkaraf.restart.jvm.supported=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/etc/ -Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=true -Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true -classpath .:/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/jre/lib:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.boot-4.0.4.jar:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.jaas.boot-4.0.4.jar:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/boot/org.apache.karaf.main-4.0.4.jar:/volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/lib/boot/org.osgi.core-6.0.0.jar org.apache.karaf.main.Main
root      8746  0.0  0.1   4632   996 pts/3    S+   09:18   0:00 grep --color=auto openhab2

UI is not active. http://HOSTNAME:8080/start/index is unreacheble

Terminal tests:

su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/"
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘logs’: Permission denied
find: `server': No such file or directory
Launching the openHAB runtime...
/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/ line 25: /var/services/homes/openhab/ Permission denied
root@DS:~# /var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/ line 22: logs/openhab.stdout: No such file or directory

su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/"
Launching the openHAB runtime...
Unable to update instance pid: /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/instances/ (Permission denied)
/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/userdata/logs/openhab.log (Permission denied)
Unable to update instance pid: /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/runtime/karaf/instances/ (Permission denied) and have permissons 0644 Granting 0777 to both:

su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/"
Launching the openHAB runtime...
!SESSION 2016-10-21 09:34:35.944 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=arm, WS=gtk, NL=en_US

!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2016-10-21 09:34:35.961
!MESSAGE Error reading configuration: /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/cache/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (Permission denied)
!STACK 0 /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/cache/org.eclipse.osgi/.manager/.fileTableLock (Permission denied)
        at Method)
        at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.location.Locker_JavaNio.lock(
        at org.eclipse.osgi.storagemanager.StorageManager.lock(
        at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.framework.EquinoxContainer.<init>(
        at org.eclipse.osgi.launch.Equinox.<init>(
        at org.eclipse.osgi.launch.EquinoxFactory.newFramework(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.launch(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.main(

chmod 777 /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/cache/org.eclipse.osgi/


 su -s /bin/sh - openhab -c "/var/packages/OpenHAB2/target/"
Launching the openHAB runtime...
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception instantiating lock class org.apache.karaf.main.lock.SimpleFileLock
Karaf can't startup, make sure the log file can be accessed and written by the user starting Karaf : /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/lock (Permission denied)
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.createLock(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.doMonitor(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.access$100(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main$
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
        at org.apache.karaf.main.Main.createLock(
        ... 3 more
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Karaf can't startup, make sure the log file can be accessed and written by the user starting Karaf : /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/lock (Permission denied)
        at org.apache.karaf.main.lock.SimpleFileLock.<init>(
        ... 8 more
Caused by: /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/lock (Permission denied)
        at Method)
        at org.apache.karaf.main.lock.SimpleFileLock.<init>(
        ... 8 more

The shell is running, but there is another lock in /volume1/@appstore/OpenHAB2/userdata/lock UI is not active

It took about 30 minutes OH2 to boot at my 1 core DS213j. Now web UI prints:


Problem accessing /start/index. Reason:

    Not Found
Powered by Jetty://

Any workaround? Maybe it corresponds to conf?

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Here we go... Installed it with my existing /volume1/public/OpenHAB2/conf

Steps i had to do, to get the WebUI running:

  1. Stop OpenHAB
  2. give rights to R/W the folder "public" screenshot 7
  3. start OpenHAB
  4. wait 1 or two minutes

further steps i made: installed weather binding screenshot 9

time still not working correct


Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

2nd try: removed /volume1/public

installed OH2 screenshot 6 symlink was created /volume1/public does not exist


Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

3rd try: with existing /volume1/public

installed OH2 no folders createt in /volume1/public because of missing R/W rights: screenshot 7 symlink was created


Skostrub commented 7 years ago

If installation is clear, should Paper UI be accessebble with emty conf folder?

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

No, that doesn´t work - i had to copy at least these files there:

After this it was a little bit tricky to get it working - i had to reinstall oh2 with these files and folders - but mayby i just did not wait long enough - not sure at this point....

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

Have no idea, what the hell has happen, but after hanging for several hours Paper UI is online now.

But when I'm trying to install an extension (serial binding for ex.) it shows progressor ring but nothing happens. It's just cycling...

Can anyone confirm that?

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

so it works without the files i postet?

just installed: Homematic Binding HTTP Binding Network Binding Pushover Action HABmin

maybe the server was busy?!

Homematic Binding found 142 things within one minute - works fine so far!

Skostrub commented 7 years ago

so it works without the files i postet? Yes

The server looks VERY busy with empty OH (100% CPU load) Optimization needed I think.

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

no problem here - i´ve got a DS713 with 2GB extra RAM screenshot 9 I had a RAM usage of 40% with the last version....

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

@cniweb I just tried to create a folder in volume1 logged in with WinSCP as admin:

Befehl 'mkdir "Neuer Ordner"'
fehlgeschlagen mit Beendigungscode 1 und Fehlernachricht
mkdir: cannot create directory 'Neuer Ordner': Permission denied.

I don´t think that the installer-script is allowed to create the folder public or change persmissions.

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

@cniweb found something interresting:

I downloaded beta4 for windows. i extractet the zip. i removed the content of conf. i started oh - after 7 minutes no webUI. screenshot 11

i extracted the zip again. i started oh - webUI after 2 minutes

tried this two times - always the same. putting the conf back und restarting oh helps, could be more tricky with linux cause of the user and group rights. wonder how @Skostrub got it working without these files!

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Back to the Time-Zone problem: /volume1/public/OpenHAB2$ cat /etc/synoinfo.conf | grep timezone | cut -f2 -d'"' Amsterdam screenshot 12 So the script reads the time-zone correct.

I also found it here: /usr/share/zoneinfo/Timezone/synotztable.json "Amsterdam": { "uistring": "(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "POSIX_TZ": "CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3", "gmtoff": 3600, "nameInTZDB": "Europe/Amsterdam" },

hope this helps

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi guys,

I create a new release without public folder create and timzone fix.


cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Baumi1245,

can you confirm, that in the new release the timezone correct work?

Thanks, Chris

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

yes, works fine now.

cniweb commented 7 years ago

OK, @Baumi1245 and @acseven, I released a new release without public folder sym-link and z-wave fix:

acseven commented 7 years ago

@cniweb Thanks for the update. I don't know if it was all of the install/uninstalls today, but it was a mess to get it back running. This latest SPK installs ok but doesn't make the port permissions fix. Here's the permissions after install:

crw------- 1 root root 166, 0 Oct 24 22:00 /dev/ttyACM0

OpenHAB2 Thing status:

OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION_ERROR Serial Error: Port /dev/ttyACM0 does not exist

Edit: in fact, it doesn't detect it even after I sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACM0

(sorry, should've post this in

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

yes, working fine!

2016-10-24 19:57 GMT+02:00 Christian Häussler

Hi @Baumi1245,

can you confirm, that in the new release the timezone correct work?

Thanks, Chris

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gooxbe commented 7 years ago

Which port are you using? is it on default port 8080? I can't get OH2 to work on my syno as this port is taken by another application...

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

yes, default ist 8080. sorry that i can´t help you more.

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I released a new release with the new OH2 folder structur (#37), try it, please:

Thanks, Christian

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

After uninstalling these folders have not been deleted: screenshot 41 was installed, but it was not running. same problem from .006 to .007.

After uninstalling the latest version again, these folders have been deleted and OH2 was able to run.

Baumi1245 commented 7 years ago

Had some troubles with the 2nd installation (restarting OH2 did not make a difference): screenshot 42 screenshot 43

the 3rd installation is working fine now since about 7 hours....

cniweb commented 7 years ago

Hi @Baumi1245,

thanks for testing! I think the uninstall process is wrong. In the next release I plan a update mechanisms, OK?
