openhab / openhab-webui

Web UIs of openHAB
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oh-label card has no text color property #1738

Open s0170071 opened 1 year ago

s0170071 commented 1 year ago

There is a possibility to set the background color, but there is none for setting the text color:



s0170071 commented 4 months ago

still unresolved but very much wanted:

I like the color of some labels to stand out in certain conditions. I am aware that some people think color should only be controlled by the theme, e.g. dark theme. But this is wrong ;-)

component: oh-label-card config: action: navigate actionPage: page:EHZAnzeige fontSize: 48px

// THIS does not work: // fontColor: '=(items.EHZWirkleistung.state >0) ? "red" : "green"' // but it sure would be nice if it did.

footer: ="Kauf kWh " + (Math.round(items.EHZ_BezugDieserTag.state 10)/10) + " " + (Math.round(items.EHZ_EinspeisungDieserTag.state10)/10) + "kWh" label: = Math.round (items.EHZWirkleistung.state) title: Stromzähler iconUseState: false slots: null