openhab / openhab-webui

Web UIs of openHAB
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Things view: filtering option for things by location #2486

Closed EngiNearEngiFar closed 2 months ago

EngiNearEngiFar commented 2 months ago

The problem

In the newer OH releases there is this nice new filtering option to show things by location: grafik

Now I have over 500 Things and most of them do not have (the optional) location information. So these things are on top and after the things with location are shown. To show the things with location I need to scoll down until almost to the end.

Your suggestion

So for me it would be a big advantage if it would be the other way around. First show all things with location information and then after all other things with - no location -.

Your environment

runtimeInfo: version: 4.2.0.M1 buildString: Milestone Build

Additional information