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Flexible HTML5-based UI for tablets #521

Closed openhab-bot closed 10 years ago

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on March 29, 2011 09:55:19

The current WebApp.Net UI of openHAB has a row-based approach which works fine for smartphones, but does not use the screen of tablets efficiently.

The bigger tablet screens require a more flexible UI framework and configuration possibilities. SenchaTouch might be a good candidate to use here.

It should be tried to make use of the openHAB sitemap metamodel here as well, which possibly will have to be extended by some new properties and widget types. Ideally, currently existing sitemaps should render in a nice way on the new UI as well, so they can be used for both UIs at the same time.

Original issue:

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on March 29, 2011 02:35:15

Yes, this seems nice. This is what I think it should have as additional properties:

Sitemap object:

- background color

Widget object:

In fact you could map many CSS attributes as openHAB sitemap meta properties.

New widget ideas:

- Camera widget (simply stream JPEGs or maybe WebM video?)

There have to be a way for showing system messages, maybe in a popup window. A system message may be that a command can't be executed because the device is offline or doesn't respond.

The UI framework have to be as flexible as possible.

Another option to consider as good JS mobile framework is also jQuery Mobile.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on March 29, 2011 08:38:42

jQuery Mobile would have the advantage to be under the MIT license, not only GPL. This makes it easier to package it with the EPL licensed Equinox framework.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on March 29, 2011 08:39:10

The communication between openHAB and this UI should be done through a REST interface, see issue 25 .

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on March 29, 2011 11:35:42

Another plus for jQuery Mobile is that it is compatible with more mobile browsers. Sencha is best experienced on WebKit browsers (iOS, Android).

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 04, 2011 01:58:55

Hi, guys. I did some research for best technologies for building a tablet UI and/or desktop UI. jQuery Mobile is meant only for smartphones with small screens. It copies the iPhone user experience, i.e. nothing more than the current openHAB web UI. So, I don't think it is going to be useful if we want a decent tablet/desktop UI.

This is how I see it:

  1. Using some good JavaScript framework with a lot of ready to use widgets (sliders, buttons, etc.), for example jQuery is perfect I think (ExtJS 4.0 is a perfect option too, but it is heavier and it's meant for building much more complex UI than we need).
  2. Using HTML5 and CSS3. The default mobile browsers for iOS, Android OS and Windows Phone 7 have pretty good HTML5 support. However we don't care about the HTML5 support, because we are going to compile the webapp to native app (read about this later).
  3. User defines his UI widget by widget in the config file. Then here comes two different approaches:
  4. 3.1. Building the UI on the client device. The client requests a screen by REST and the server returns it in XML or even better - JSON. Then the JavaScript builds the UI on the client device.
  5. 3.2. Building the UI on the server. The client requests a screen by REST and the server builds it in ready to use HTML and returns it to the client.
  6. Compile the webapp as native app for almost all mobile platforms using PhoneGap ( ). It is a great open source mobile framework and compiler that compiles to the 6 most used mobile platforms. And now even Adobe added support for PhoneGap in Dreamweaver v5.5.
  7. Using WebM for camera streaming. WebM is a new open video standard announced by Google and used in HTML5. Mozilla Firefox 4, Opera 10.6, and Google Chrome already support it natively and there's a plugin for Internet Explorer. Also almost all mobile browsers support it. VLC seems to also support WebM, but I have to check if it can stream it or only play it.
  8. Using Highcharts ( ) for charts. It is a really nice jQuery plugin. If using ExtJS 4.0, there's a built-in charts engine there.

I would like to help building a really nice, really up to date and really flexible web UI for tablets and desktop (and everything with big screen, touch or not). My brother is a graphic designer and he could help too for icons and graphics.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 04, 2011 05:00:16

Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts :-) Let me try to comment them as a feedback:

Ok, so jQuery Mobile is no option then, agreed.

  1. So you wouldn't go for any existing "touch framework" like Sencha Touch either? This sounds to me like a lot of work if you want to implement all such features yourself; I wouldn't dare trying this; but if you (and your brother ;-)) are really motivated to do so, why not?
  2. Not sure why you think HTML5 features are not of interest if we would use PhoneGap; could you elaborate on this?
  3. I would go for 3.1. The REST interface could serve the sitemap as JSON and thus stay UI technology independent as this could be used by other UI implementations as well.
  4. A cool option, but imho it should stay an option as it blows up the release cycle (getting the apps to the app stores etc.); the UI should also work nicely as a pure web application without being compiled to a native app.
  5. Wouldn't this require the webcam to support WebM? Are there already any such webcams on the market? In general, I think we should simply use the HTML5 video element for webcams and leave the format to the webcam (h.264 should work well, too).
  6. Highcharts looks pretty nice, would love to see my timeseries in it; but first, we will have to tackle feature 21, I'm afraid...
openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 04, 2011 05:26:18

Hi, Kai

  1. Yes, every touch framework I see does pretty much the same thing - mimic the iPhone user experience. I think this is limiting for big screen apps. No, I don't mean to do everything by myself. There are great JS frameworks like jQuery that provides ready to use and highly configurable widgets. In fact we need only slider, button and switch (toggle) widgets, I think.
  2. Maybe you misunderstood me. I mean if the webapp is compiled to native app we don't care about the HTML5 browser support.
  3. Yes, I would too. It's a lot of work for a "thin client", but our days the thin clients have dual core CPU's and at least 512MB memory :)
  4. Agreed!
  5. In fact I don't have any experience with WebM and the video tag. I have to go deeper in that.
  6. How is going the progress on feature 21? This feature is one of the things I abandoned OpenRemote ;)
openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 04, 2011 05:52:39

  1. Well, Sencha Touch does not stick to small iPhone screens - it is very well suited for tablets (see for example ). And in contrast to a "pure" JS framework it brings many useful things for touch interfaces like toolbars, headers, menus, overlays, carousels etc. See the kitchensink for a feature overview: 2. Yes, I indeed misunderstood you :-)
  2. Not yet started; we actually had somebody very interested in contributing (to) this feature, timeline was to finish it during this year (hopefully earlier); but as I am also very much missing this feature, we should see to get it started soon.
openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 04, 2011 06:32:58

Sencha Touch works only with WebKit browsers. Like they say "Sencha Touch allows you to develop mobile web apps that look and feel native on iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry touch devices".

iPhone, Android and BlackBerry's native browsers are WebKit based. However Windows Phone (IE), Symbian, Bada, etc. and every 3-rd party browser that is not WebKit (Opera, IE, Firefox) will not render the UI correctly.

So, I think Sencha is not the best option, though it is a really great framework.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 04, 2011 06:45:40

I haven't seen any Windows Phone, Symbian, Bada tablets on the market so far... And for mobile phone use, we still have the current UI, which supports these platforms.

The focus should imho be iPad and Android-tablets, so I wouldn't rule out the use of Sencha Touch. Remember that if you try to do similar things as Sencha, you might have to restrict yourself to some rendering engine such as WebKit yourself as your JS code might otherwise become overly complex (or the UI very constraint as it has to support the different engines).

For users using a PC, it should be a fair assumption that they are also able to use a WebKit based browser (noting that the title of this issue is "for tablets", so PC-non-touch-browsers are not in the focus of this issue).

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 04, 2011 13:52:33

Yes, I know this issue is only for tablet UI. However I have a little bit different understanding about the client apps. Instead of providing one web app for phones, another for tablets and another for PCs, I would go with just ONE web app that is capable of showing highly configurable UIs on every screen size.

I think it is going to be a hell to maintain several different apps, written in different ways. Also the user expirience is going to be the same on a phone, a tablet or PC. I think it is doable and it is the better approach.

Imagine that you can build your interface by defining widgets and their properties like X, Y, Width, Height, StateImageOFF, StateImageON, StateImage4 (or any possibe state), BachgroundColor, Border, BorderColor, Label, etc. With these "tools" anyone can build any interface for any screen size. There just has to be one web app that can visualize it on every decent browser.

Of cource this is just my 2 cents :)

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 04, 2011 14:35:46

P.S. Besides that, what about HP TouchPad (WebOS), RIM PlayBook and the many Windows 7 tablets (and who knows what is coming next two years). Going with WebKit is a bad idea, in fact going with anything that isn't a standard is a bad idea. I like Sencha too, but... :(

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 04, 2011 14:45:03

HP TouchPad: WebKit RIM Playbook: WebKit Windows 7 tablets: Just install a WebKit browser Have a look at So WebKit actually IS a de-facto-standard on tablet devices and I guess that any newcomers in the market will have to deal with that fact.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 04, 2011 14:59:19

I don't agree with the one-app-fits-all approach. I think Apple proved with the iOS devices that handhelds (and other touch devices) need totally different UI approaches - Windows mobile tried for years having a PC look&feel on a phone, but completely failed with it (luckily). And that you need different UIs for different screen sizes can be seen by the fact that iPads and Android tablets require dedicated apps (the apps designed for the phone screen are simply not adequate). So you have to deal with three different UIs after all; if you do not restrict yourself to do it all-in-one, you gain flexibility and can really adapt to specific needs of the specific UI. And don't get me wrong: It would of course be nice to use the same UI framework for phones and PCs as well; but the focus should be tablets and I don't see a problem in concentrating the efforts on the WebKit engine (see my previous comment).

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 05, 2011 01:14:02

Discussions like this are something positive :) However we speak about little bit different things. Windows Mobile dictated the user interface - small buttons, small tree menus and so on. My idea is to let the user decide the look and feel of his interface. Let him build whatever he wants - define screen size and define widgets size, position and colors. This way if his target device is a smartphone with 320x240 px resolution, he could build a nice UI that best fits this size. Then he could build another UI for his 1024x768 px Windows 7 tablet in the living room with bigger and/or more widgets on the screen. You don't dictate anything, it's all up to the user and his design skills.

All you have to provide is some decent toolset of properties like X, Y, Width, Height, Color, Label and so on. Then the web app that reads these properties and builds the UI is just ONE, not three. And you could have absolutely different UIs for the phone and for the tablet.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From teichsta on May 05, 2011 01:34:18

i think that approach is to low-level.

If we want to reach a broad set of users we should restrict the possibilities of UI design or in other words we should provide simple templates to easily create new interfaces. Even me (somehow experienced) are not interested in building every new page of my visualization from scratch (position the button, size, style, tweak it) and after all the UI looks ugly again because my experience is not in UI design.

I think using a framework from a very experienced UI crew should be the first approach. After that somebody could develop another UI so meet your requirenments. By the way: do you know commandfusion? It is not HTML5 based, but it looks very much like what you suggested.


openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 05, 2011 02:14:19

Hi, teichsta. Yes, maybe it is not very easy to build a pretty and useful interface, but it worth the time spent. It is extremely important for a domotics system to have highly customizeble interface engine. Once you get that done, you can always provide some predefined templates or create simple wizard with NEXT, NEXT, FINISH that generates some basic UI, that could be extended by modifying the generated code later.

It is not so difficult to be done, but I think it is essential for every domotics project.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 05, 2011 02:44:19

I do not see why your requirements are specific to domotics; to me it simply describes a very flexible and powerful UI framework; so yes, for a framework user, all what you say makes sense. But I agree with teichsta that for an openHAB user, this is far too much complexity and it should instead work with little efforts from the user (just as the current web UI does). So for openHAB use, you would definitely have to design "restrictive" pre-defined templates.

Having said that, I think if you really succeed in building such a flexible framework, it will be useful for much more than merely serving as an openHAB UI. I'd therefore suggest that you develop it independently of openHAB as a separate project and we then do the linkage through the predefined templates.

This would allow openHAB to concentrate on its core values: Doing integration of different systems (and offering flexible interfaces to connect different UI frameworks on top) and providing automation functionality.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 05, 2011 04:01:14

Well, now you have to design your openHAB interface too. It just has very little possibilities to make sophisticated design, because it is meant for phones, not tablets.

How you imagine the tablet interface? What is going to be configurable?

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on May 05, 2011 09:45:08

Here's a concept for a tablet interface: This could imho be a good starting point and it is close to the look&feel of other tablet apps.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on May 05, 2011 10:32:46

Well, if you ask me, I would go with the OpenRemote/Elve approach. I like to have full control over how things look like. I like to choose colors, button images and so on. I want to make it entirely mine.

However this concept looks nice too. They talk about grid size and widget's position (and I hope widget size too, at least for the camera and the chart widgets). It seems to give good amount of customization options.

Take a look at this interface just for inspiration, though it's not a perfect -

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on June 21, 2011 09:04:29

You may check Dojo Mobile too when considering the right mobile framework for the tablet UI. In my opinion it's no worse than Sencha and jQuery Mobile. Unlike Sencha, Dojo Mobile is truly multi-platform and uses only strict HTML5 and CSS3 (not WebKit specific functions). I tested it with my iPhone 1-st gen with iOS 3.0 and I must say the animations and transitions run pretty sleek (I can't say this for Sencha or jQuery Mobile). It runs almost perfect on a PC on Opera 11 and Firefox 4 too.

In the upcoming Dojo 1.7 there will be charts out of the box. In Sencha they will be paid as far as I know.

Just my 2 cents :)

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on June 27, 2011 04:24:18

Another option is Adobe Flex 4.5.1 that came out 6 days ago. It builds native cross-platform applications for iOS devices, Android OS and Blackberry PlayBook OS (and I bet the next step is Windows Phone 7 support). Seems like the performance is way better than HTML5. Take a look at this video for a real-life example -

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on June 29, 2011 05:55:47

Using Dojo Mobile is a great idea. I've used the Dojo Toolkit for some Enterprise projects. Moreover openHab is a fantastic project. I'm using it for a couple of weeks now and I'm very intrested to bring this project a step forward. If you like I can start the developing of a Dojo Mobile based UI. Also I can start working on a REST Interface as communication Layer and on a persistance storeage to provide historical data e.g. for charts.

You can find some amazing examples here:

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From teichsta on June 29, 2011 07:28:49

Hi Oliver,

welcome to openHAB and glad to see that you are going to contribute some very promising things!

AFAIK Kai is already working on the REST-issue (see ), at least there are some thoughts on how to develop such an interface. Especially the URL-Design would probably be a time-consuming task because neither kai nor me are experts in REST. Are you probably?

Dojo seems to be an interesting framework but keep in mind, the most interesting device to serve currently would be a tablet (especially an iPad). The working iPhone UI works pretty well and we should not spend resources on developing the second mobile device UI, shouldn't we?

The persistence storage would be interesting as well! If you don't mind, just open a new issue and we can discuss all details there!

Looking forward to working with you on the coolest opensource project since sliced bread ;-)


Thomas E.-E.

P.S.: kai is on vacation currently so he won't be able to comment things in more detail.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on July 01, 2011 03:18:06

Hi teichsta, I would recommend a pure HTML / JS WebUI with no jsp parts, so the UI is completly separated from the server side. On the client side there should be a page controller which decides how to render the page and which widgets or portlets to use e.g. different layout for tablets, mobiles and desktops. All this is possible with dojo and moreover it is PhoneGap compatible, so one can build native apps for a store.

The REST part could be tricky. I've some experiance with Jersey but I never used it in an OSGI environment. Since Version 1.2 Jersey added basic OSGI support. Jersy has some really nice features like Declarative Hyperlinking ( ). I don't know which REST Framework Kai will use. In Issue 25 Restlet was mentioned, bu far as I know Restlet is missing some features wich are required for a REST based WebUI e.g. websocket / comet support. In the latest milstone they added a NIO extension, which can be used to implement these features. On the other side one can use Jetty for websocket / Comet support. There is a great publish / subscribe framework called Project Atmosphere ( ) it offers AjaxPush/Comet and websocket support and it is very easy to use. For the REST part it uses Jersey. At the weekend I will have a deeper look into the openHab architecture and will think about possible integration solutions. Maybe you can point me to some of the things you've allready thought about.

Regards Oliver

links to

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From teichsta on July 01, 2011 22:31:45

Hi Oliver,

thanks for your input, but let's discuss the REST details in the corresponding issue they are somewhat off topic here :-).



openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on July 11, 2011 13:31:26

Hi Oliver,

I don't know which REST Framework Kai will use

Neither do I! Thanks a lot for your opinion on the REST frameworks, this is indeed very helpful. As Thomas suggested, I will continue the discussion on the REST issue ( ).

Regards, Kai

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on July 12, 2011 01:43:29

I would recommend a pure HTML / JS WebUI with no jsp parts, so the UI is completly separated from the server side. On the client side there should be a page controller which decides how to render the page and which widgets or portlets to use e.g. different layout for tablets, mobiles and desktops. All this is possible with dojo and moreover it is PhoneGap compatible, so one can build native apps for a store.

This is exactly what I've suggested earlier in this topic :)

The working iPhone UI works pretty well and we should not spend resources on developing the second mobile device UI, shouldn't we?

If it was up to me I would go with just ONE app for everything - touchscreen phones, tablets, PCs, etc. Or at least the app for phones and tablets could be the same. Every JS framework I see provides tools to deal with different screen resolutions and orientations.

Also the current Mobile UI isn't perfect, mainly due to the used framework. See my issue here for more info - This issue is going to be solved with the REST API you talk about.

And another plus for ONE app is that you maintain only ONE app ;)

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on September 16, 2011 15:40:53

I have created a static prototype with Sencha Touch - please find attached a few screenshots. I will soon also provide a url, where this can be tested directly on an iPad :-) Feedback welcome!

Attachment: tablet1.PNG tablet2.PNG tablet3.PNG tablet4.PNG

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on September 17, 2011 03:18:08

The prototype is now available at ! So go and use your webkit-based browser or better directly your tablet to try it out.

Please note that this is a static prototype, so nothing happens if you operate any switches or sliders (not even the icon updates to the new status). Furthermore there is a rendering bug on the "Rooms" tab, you need to change your tablet orientation once to make it render correctly.

This prototype is just meant to give a first impression of how an openHAB tablet UI could look like based on the Sencha Touch framework. Nothing is carved in stone yet and the exact features and UI guidelines (vertical scrolling as on the "Rooms" tab or rather horizontal scrolling as on the "Functions" tab?) still have to be worked out.

Nevertheless, I think it is a good starting point and I welcome your feedback and ideas! After working on this prototype, I have the impression that Sencha Touch is a good choice for tablet UIs (while it is not well suited if you want to design a desktop UI), so I think I go further this road.


openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on September 19, 2011 01:58:55

Hi Kai, nice work¡

We have played with your prototype in chrome, and it looks fine. But i can't see it in my iPhone (although i can see sencha touch demos, for example).

Any idea?

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on September 19, 2011 02:24:21

This UI is really only designed for tablets - I haven't tried it on the iPhone at all and would need to do many changes in the code to support it (as it would require a very different screen and menu layout).

Regards, Kai

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on September 19, 2011 02:51:46

Thanks for the info, Kai.

It looks truly awesome, specially the alerts and graphs (talking about the persistence module) as they are new components to the UI.

But, do you think sencha is a good choice?, do you think it will be easy to use the rest api with this UI?


openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on September 19, 2011 04:21:17

Yes, Sencha is really made for getting information via AJAX/REST, so I think it is well suited for this. Nonetheless, it will mean quite some effort to adapt the current static prototype to a fully working UI that is fed through REST...

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on October 31, 2011 05:18:05

Sencha is the best choice up to date. I follow it pretty close, as well as Dojo Mobile and jQuery Mobile (not suitable at all). I think to build Sencha interface for openHAB, but I wait for Sencha 2.0 as there are a lot of API changes there.

This UI is really only designed for tablets - I haven't tried it on the iPhone at all and would need to do many changes in the code to support it (as it would require a very different screen and menu layout).

Sencha provides really flexible layouts that could visualize the content differently regarding the screen size. I really think that this interface MUST be suitable for wide range of touchscreen devices, not only for tablets. And where ends the phones and starts the tablets, when you have the Samsung Nexus Prime with 4.65" 1280x720 pixels display (a phone) and the Archos 43 with 4.3" 480x854 pixels display (a tablet)? :-)

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on December 09, 2011 04:37:58

looks great on chrome ! I'm already using openhab and old webUI of it, but will have a motorolla Xoom in 2 days and want to try it there with new UI. Is there a possibility to have it for testing ? I can help with some development too.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on December 09, 2011 04:52:16

For testing, you can simply point your tablet browser as well to - it should be immediately available. I had myself the chance to test the prototype on a Galaxy Tab 10.1 this week - unfortunately, the result was rather disappointing. While it works quite smooth on the iPad2 (with the exception of initial loading and orientation changes), it was dreadfully slow on the Galaxy tab - and when scrolling, the buttons moved at a different speed than the page background :-( So not really convincing at all, which made me think that I should reconsider the choice of the framework again. Unless Sencha comes with updates that solve these performance issues. Another interesting framework would be the Vaadin TouchKit, see . But I doubt that I will find the time to do another prototype at the moment...

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on December 09, 2011 10:52:37

do you have your prototype sources in the mercurial?

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on December 09, 2011 12:43:59

regarding performance I think it is better to use Sencha 2.0: "The second big improvement we’ve made in Sencha Touch 2.0 is Android performance, particularly when it comes to scrolling and animation"

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on December 09, 2011 12:49:51

Would be nice if performance would improve on Android. Really lags with Dolphin Browser, just a bit better with the stock browser

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on December 09, 2011 14:30:18

do you have your prototype sources in the mercurial? Yes, in the wiki repo: > regarding performance I think it is better to use Sencha 2.0 Sounds promising, I will have a look how easy it is to migrate to version 2.0...

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From mishoboss on December 16, 2011 00:10:05

I work on a UI based on Sencha 2.0. It runs relatively smooth on iPhone 1-st gen with iOS 3.0 and great on Samsung Galaxy S with Android 2.3.4. I have a little more work to do (I hope to be done in a day or two) and I will post here my work for testing with different devices. Don't expect ready to use application, it's just a proof of concept.

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on February 02, 2012 13:30:01

Note: This Sencha Touch UI has been released with openHAB 0.9.0 as a preview, see and .

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on April 27, 2012 10:01:36

Wanted to try it out on my iPad2 but after asking for sitemap it stays in "loading..." state forever. Should the demo work with openHAB 0.9.1?

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on April 27, 2012 10:28:14

The 0.9.1 download of the Touch UI should definitely work yes. Can you correctly access the demo at

Owner: mishoboss
Labels: -Version-later Version-1.0.0

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From on April 27, 2012 11:14:44

That's what I tested first and it worked fine. So it can only be related to my config. I join my items and sitemap files so that you can test them

Attachment: Um Dudel.items Dudel.sitemap

openhab-bot commented 10 years ago

From kai.openhab on November 15, 2012 15:50:51

As the GreenT UI is an official part of the 1.0 release, I close this issue as "implemented"

Status: Implemented