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[OH3] Prepare for openHAB 3.x packaging changes #1017

Closed BClark09 closed 3 years ago

BClark09 commented 4 years ago

Issue information:

The deb packaging for openHAB 3 will be different from openhab2 packages. In brief, any path, file or executable that points to **/openhab2/** will now be **/openhab/**. This means things we should be prepared for include:


ecdye commented 4 years ago

My question, how do we make this transition while we still support openHAB 2.5.X?

BClark09 commented 4 years ago

It might be best to add another branch for openHAB 3.x, and add a feature in the current branch to transition. The feature would make the changes outlined in the issue, and the git checkout to the new branch.

BClark09 commented 4 years ago

Any thoughts on this? openHAB 3.x packages will soon (within the week) be available on the apt repo. Whilst it will only install them if a user specifically asks for it (i.e. with sudo apt install openhab whilst on the snapshot repo), I don't understand ZRAM or the newer changes in openHABian well enough to understand if this will cause a problem if they do.

ecdye commented 4 years ago

I did not know how soon this would become an issue. I will make it a high priority. @mstormi we should probably make this our primary concern for the moment as it is a more central openhabian issue.

mstormi commented 4 years ago

First OH3 release is targeted for December. I agree that we should make it a high priority, but I'd really like to finish all the stuff we've been working on (fix this ZRAM stuff and get image and refactoring out that is) Note I'm always pinning the 3 top-most urgent issues.

BClark09 commented 4 years ago

I'll be putting some instructions up for standard Linux users when the first package appears in the snapshot repo (probably tomorrow?). My instructions currently contain a warning to openHABian users but ideally I'd like it to be a little softer than it's currently written, do you have any insight to what might happen on a normal (Pi image) install?

Perhaps, if we say that ZRAM should be disabled first through the menu, then OH3 can be tested using the APT specific instructions with some probably openHABian related bugs (e.g. Fronttail not working) (and obviously they will no longer have the benefits of ZRAM)

ecdye commented 4 years ago

Looks pretty good, but yes ZRAM should be disabled until we update the paths for the new version and other than that the end user should be fine. Perhaps leave a link to this issue it the file to report any issues so we can investigate and resolve before pushing the fix as part of openHABian. Personally I feel that we should let this sit for a bit to allow us time to implement it the right way and avoid any potential issues caused by a rushed patch to allow upgrades.

@mstormi thoughts?

mstormi commented 4 years ago

Fine for me. It shouldn't harm if ZRAM kept running it just doesn't apply to OH3 dirs. But yes you should recommend users to switch it off via menu, and be it just for the sake of making them aware it doesn't work for OH3 yet.

Oh, and you should recommend in your doc to make a full OS backup, too, using amanda or whatever.

ecdye commented 4 years ago

I have created a new branch for us to track openHAB 3 changes on: openHAB3.

mstormi commented 4 years ago

Hmm. Would we, from now on, need to apply any change to both branches, master and openhab3 ? I wouldn't want that. Let's apply OH3 specific changes only to that new branch, and rebase it at regular intervals.

ecdye commented 4 years ago

That is what I had intended to do it should be fairly simple as most of the changes should not conflict.

mstormi commented 4 years ago

So what's the full plan: do we want to create an openHABian branch that works for OH3 ONLY or do we aim to allow for running both, OH2 and 3, on the same machine ? The former is simpler and maybe ok for beta testers but we'll have to think about the latter sooner or later, i.e. how would an ordinary user migrate ? Keep in mind they probably will want to migrate forth and back a couple of times so would we need to enable for that inside the current openHABian master branch ?

BClark09 commented 4 years ago

The way I saw it happening was that you have a openhabian-config script in the master branch that which runs a migration script and changes itself to the openhab3 branch and should only be advertised for testing purposes. The openhab3 branch will eventually become the master branch.

Keep in mind they probably will want to migrate forth and back a couple of times

I can't see how this would be easy to do, especially with the openHAB apt package.

mstormi commented 4 years ago

I can't see how this would be easy to do, especially with the openHAB apt package.

my possibly naive first approximation would be: apt purge openhab apt install openhab2 (plus config import). Wouldn't that work ?

ecdye commented 4 years ago

I think we start with a fully functional openHAB3 only branch to work out all the development bugs, and then create a script to allow for switching back and forth.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

Ok, now that we finally made it to our release let's take on this. Let's make a plan (yeah, I'm German 😄 ).

1) I suggest we first dump and re-create the openHAB3 branch as a copy of current stable because that is (currently) equivalent to 1.6 release hence a well-defined starting point to branch from. Ethan would you please do and add that single commit for "includes/" 7c2f7829306e893439255a163bd3880d05515472 ?

2) We should handle all changes to the openHAB3 branch like we do for production, i.e. put up PRs and have someone other than yourself review and merge it so we all are aware of everything 'hot' around this OH3 task. Any PR should also rebase on master, too, to not have openHAB3 and master branches get out of sync.

3) live testing is as "simple" as to switch branches. You can set clonebranch=openHAB3 in /etc/openhabian.conf and have openhabian-config update itself on start to get there. Use the branch selector menu item to switch back and forth to/from master if needed. Helpful to find out what would happen to an existing installation if some user did the same.

4) TODO list I'll take notes here for the time being. Frankly I feel a little unsure as I have no own idea yet what we need to put on this list. Starting with Benjy's post #1, item #3 Ethan you have done that already, right ?

1 I'll do myself. Currently I'd think we can simply add them to ztab. After boot, ZRAM will not consume any (substantial) amount of RAM for entries in ztab until you make changes to that directory. As we'll only ever run either openHAB2 or 3 but never both in parallel, there should be nothing wrong with adding them both. Let me know if you think I'm mistaken somewhere.

[I have to give that another thought and testing but I'd think if I'm right we can even apply that ztab extension to master already]

Ethan would you please take care of #2 ?

Holger will you be able to help, too ? Maybe at least with testing ?

TODO moved to post #1

ecdye commented 3 years ago

1 I already did @mstormi so we are set in that regard.

I'll work on #2

mstormi commented 3 years ago

ztab you mean ? Or the branch re-creation ?

ecdye commented 3 years ago

ztab you mean ? Or the branch re-creation ?

Branch recreation, I did that right after we released 1.6

ecdye commented 3 years ago

@BClark09 Will the apt repo links for openhab3 be the same or will they be changing?

mstormi commented 3 years ago

openhab2.service also changed to openhab.service so we need to adapt that, too

adapt logo, too. See

[01:00:38] openhabian@devpi:~$ !?810
ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101

                           _   _     _     ____
   ___   ___   ___   ___  | | | |   / \   | __ )
  / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \ | |_| |  / _ \  |  _ \
 | (_) | (_) |  __/| | | ||  _  | / ___ \ | |_) )
  \___/|  __/ \___/|_| |_||_| |_|/_/   \_\|____/
       |_|       3.0.0-SNAPSHOT - Build #1967

Use '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
To exit, use '<ctrl-d>' or 'logout'.

ecdye commented 3 years ago

@mstormi here is a RD that I put together that I can create a separate PR for if you like it WDYT?

mstormi commented 3 years ago

yes please. Mind that in the original, the "open" is colored orange

BClark09 commented 3 years ago

@BClark09 Will the apt repo links for openhab3 be the same or will they be changing?

Yes, they (snapshot, testing, stable) will still be hosted in the same repos as the openhab2.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

Still wondering what would be the most intelligent way to handle this. It's ok to have specific static paths in the branches so the right dirs are used when user changes branch to openHAB3. That however will not change any of the non-duplicated data on disk. I'm considering to replace that on the fly... what comes to my mind is /etc/ztab /etc/amanda/*/disklist /etc/systemd/system/frontail.service but I'm unsure if that's all. wdyt ? too risky we miss anything or mess anything up ?

Eventually it's safer to reinstall Frontail/Amanda/ZRAM ?

PS if someone is willing to migrate to OH3 he will be prepared for that (and has a backup). But I think that makes no difference for the decision to take above

ecdye commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure I understand what you are talking about, is this in relation to zram or backups or what?

mstormi commented 3 years ago

This is for everything that exists ON DISK that uses dir- or filenames to contain openhab2 (because when it was installed it was the OH2 code so openhab2 dirnames were used). It's the logfile names for Frontail, the list of to be backed-up directories in Amanda and the list of directories to apply ZRAM to. When we change branch to openHAB3, "openhab2" needs to be replaced by "openhab". And eventually the inverse if we change back to master/stable. The list of files to change is what I remember ATM.

ecdye commented 3 years ago

Oh, ok. I think we replace them all as we have already warned that branch switching has potential issues.

Also when we finish OH3 and it has its first release, we should probably rename our master branch to main in line with the new git recommendations.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

I think we replace them all

Ok so I'll change my "ZRAM-only" PR to run sed on all of these these files when switching branches

holgerfriedrich commented 3 years ago

@mstormi Not sure if I got the plan correctly.

I have the feeling that there are different possible goals:

What are the priorities here?

Hard to get an overview what is needed here. For practical reasons, I think we should split this task to several issues and tag them with OH3.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

@mstormi Not sure if I got the plan correctly.

I think you didn't... so to explain along your questions:

(1) Adapt openHABian to OH3

No, we don't change any files in the master/stable branches. I assume that was a typo and you mean openHAB3 branch. Yes. This is the essential part we need to address first.

(2) Add support for OH2->OH3 transition (will be needed anyway at some time to aid transition of existing installs)

Transitioning is done by selecting the openHAB3 branch from the menu. This is what I'm implementing right now for everything that is on disk, still pointing to OH2 What's missing is to implement apt purge openhab2; apt install openhab (plus ...-addons, eventually). Added that TODO to the table above. Eventually export config before/import after, too.

(3) Add support for OH3->OH2 transition (rollback)

Well. We're all not convinced that this will work fine so strictly speaking this is out of spec. We'll nonetheless implement the branch switch back to master and inverse replacement in files.

(4) Providing an OH3 image of the latest OH3 milestone (for test purposes, lowering the efforts for users to start testing OH3)?

No. It's as simple as to set clonebranch=openHAB3 before installation.

What are the priorities here?


I think we should split this task to several issues and tag them with OH3.

Will use the tracking table here and link to PRs. Will open separate issues only if more complex.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

are we set? Haven't gotten any user feedback so far so will leave this open a couple of days more.

I know it's a little late but we should re-think keeping the openHAB3 branch Now that the migration code is the same in both branches isn't the whole difference that's left just about static directory names ? If so we should be able to replace them by variables, shouldn't we ?

ecdye commented 3 years ago

Possibly, however, if we do get rid of it we should migrate our master branch to main. Additionally there are some benefits to keeping it separate as it helps to indicate that OH3 is not necessarily ready for prime time.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

yes I'm undecided too. It was a really annoying hassle though to get changes into both branches, lots of conflicts on rebasing and wasted work in the first place until I realized the script replaces itself so I'm clearly biased. But that PR wasn't fun at all.

mstormi commented 3 years ago

Short of undiscovered bugs, the OH3 implementation seems to work now.