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Influx instalation on latest Raspbian fails #1753

Closed bittmanv closed 1 year ago

bittmanv commented 1 year ago

Issue information:

I was started new instalation on RPi4/4GB machine to SD Card to migrate my "home/production" RP3 to new HW, Successfully downloaded image (openhabian-pi-raspios64-202212201355-gitb2e396e-crcbd182bf5.img.xz), extracted to SD Card and installed. After finishing of main part instalation, I started with optional components via openahbian-config, mqtt/mosquitto. But Influx+grafana failed, after enabling debug I received error message about invalid public key, see bellow error from later apt update. It took just 4 hours to find following link , where is noticed that Yesterday influx rotated keys. During my retrties I also used older Raspbian image (openhabian-pi-raspios64-202208152014-gitbe9d23e-crc8b028846.img.xz ) and issue was there as well. I assume that also updating users will be affected

I also found some workaroud with follwing procedure 1) Install new Certificate based on influx above ( start in home directory) cd wget -q cat influxdata-archive_compat.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdata-archive_compat.gpg > /dev/null echo 'deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdata-archive_compat.gpg] stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdata.list

2) now try to install Influx+grafana via openhabian-config, it will fail ( this will create /etc/apt/sources,list.d/influxdb.list ), 4) edit file influxdb.list deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/influxdata-archive_compat.gpg] bullseye stable

run apt-get update 5) start openhabian-config Influx+Grafana again, now it should pass. ( at least for me it worked)

I'm not sure, if this issue can be fixed by modification of Openhabian image or is neccesary to wait for all respositories to be updated.

Debug information:

openhabian@openhabian3:~ $ sudo apt-get update Hit:1 comitup InRelease Hit:2 bullseye InRelease Hit:3 bullseye-security InRelease Hit:4 bullseye InRelease Hit:5 stable InRelease Get:6 bullseye InRelease [7,022 B] Hit:7 bullseye InRelease Hit:8 bullseye-updates InRelease Hit:9 stable InRelease Get:10 buster InRelease Err:6 bullseye InRelease The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D8FF8E1F7DF8B07E Reading package lists... Done W: GPG error: bullseye InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY D8FF8E1F7DF8B07E E: The repository ' bullseye InRelease' is not signed. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

## System information:
Please tell us what OS you are running (Raspberry Pi OS, Debian, Ubuntu), what
HW you are running on (Raspberry Pi, amd64). Also include the output of

I was running installation in RPi4/4GB + 64GB SD Card  
`cat /etc/os-release` and `uname -m`.

PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Debian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" uname -m aarch64

Regards, Vaclav 
mstormi commented 1 year ago

I've exchanged the key link for the new one... can you try to

bittmanv commented 1 year ago

Hi, My uninstalation of influx failed, package is gone, but service file is still there and openhabian config doesn't install package. I will not have time to generate new fresh instalation till friday.

bittmanv commented 1 year ago

I finally managed some time, my issue with uninstalation was, that apt-get removed influxdb from system ( I needed to manually delete service definition and some aditional folders), but not cleaned package information, so openhabian-config was still detecting influx as installed and not triggered package instalation. sudo dpkg --purge influxdb resolved isssue with uninstalation. I also deleted influxdb from apt repository configuration. After that, I was able to properly install influx and grafana by openhabian-config.

Seems to be OK.


mstormi commented 1 year ago

Thanks for validating

stif commented 1 year ago

i stumbled across the same error, and i am still on release branch.

Since the old key is not working any more, it would be great to backport the new keyname in the OpenHAB3 Branch as well.

I created a pull request for the new key name in release/openHAB3 branch:

mstormi commented 1 year ago

That doesn't make sense. The main branch which has the fix is forwarded to the openHAB3 branch at times when there's important things that need fixing. This I consider not to be important as it only affects few. Anyone who wants to use it today can switch to main branch.

stif commented 1 year ago

i dont know not enough about the whole release cycle and things associated with it. but i thought the release/openHAB3 branch is something like the stable tree of openHAB and main is more the experimental branch.

and in my opinion the stable tree should be in a working state.. anyways, no problem, i fixed it for me because i want influxdb but still stay in the stable tree, and thought i make this easy fix, so others do not need a couple of hours to get this problem fixed..

mstormi commented 1 year ago

Your willingness to help others is well appreciated, but it's sign of a fairly common misunderstanding. Technically this isn't how things can work. "Stable" refers to the tree itself, not the state of the resulting installation. (and BTW you cannot ensure a "stable" working state anyway if your package consists of external components that change on their own like Influx did)

But noone can have both, stable and dynamic at the same time. It's an obvious contradiction in itself once you think about it. So if there's external events such as Influx to change their repo key that you want to react to instantly, you must not use the release "stable" branch. You have to select main. And BTW that's name also implies it isn't "experimental".

stefan-hoehn commented 1 year ago

Markus, I tried to setup OH(4) from scratch, which is why I


$ apt-get install --yes -o DPkg::Lock::Timeout= influxdb

Noticing unattended-upgr I rebooted and stopped OH.

The only way to get it working was to actually to reboot and then stop openhab. Does that make sense? It is a pity that I did both, so I am not sure what fixed it.

mstormi commented 1 year ago

Does that make sense?

Sort of, rebooting will probably have removed the lock. Whyever it was there in the first place.