openhab / openhabian

openHABian - empowering the smart home, for Raspberry Pi and Debian systems
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Bugfix for different admin-user than openhabian #1832

Closed Larsen-Locke closed 5 months ago

Larsen-Locke commented 5 months ago

And apparently npm is missing in the 64bit-version. On my test-system "apt-get install nodejs" solved it. So I check if npm is available, otherwise it does the apt-get? Or do you have another idea? Node is always tricky... I thought something like command -v npm >/dev/null 2>&1 || apt-get install nodejs; } Have to try. In case you already know how to handle that a hint is welcome

mstormi commented 5 months ago

And apparently npm is missing in the 64bit-version.

No, 64 and 32 bit openHABian are the same. npm is in wider use so you should be messing with it in the course of z2m only.

Please find out why npm is not there in the first place (test install with debug=maximum, check /boot/first-boot.log)

mstormi commented 5 months ago


Larsen-Locke commented 5 months ago

yes. I somehow destroyed my repo and my git-knowledge was apparently too limited to repair it. I tried rebasing but all got worse, so after several attempts I decided to do a complete new PR. The code is the same with the changes you asked for.