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Raspi imager changes #1837

Closed mstormi closed 2 months ago

mstormi commented 4 months ago

See below, just received that today.

@Larsen-Locke would you be able to adapt that on short notice ? Note the deadline. of Feb 7.

As part of the most recent release of Raspberry Pi Imager (v1.8.1), we've introduced two major changes:

1) A requirement for OS providers to supply a point of contact to Raspberry Pi, so that we can get in touch about future schema changes, hardware releases, etc.
2) A mechanism for flagging image compatibility with Raspberry Pi devices.

Point of contact


Device filtering

This mechanism requires annotating your provided OS list json file with a `devices` tag, that contains values matching those in our root imager JSON file's list (available at:

For example, to annoate for Raspberry Pi 4 and 5, you would need to add the following array to your os_list items:

"devices": ["pi5-64bit", "pi4-64bit"]

Note that this filtering mechanism is being introduced on a rolling basis. Today, Raspberry Pi 5's device filter will not show unannotated OSes. I expect to expand this exclusive filtering to previous Raspberry Pi devices, and expect to contact the named point of contact to coordinate their operating system's annoations.
Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

yes, of course, I already looked at it. I'll edit the template today. What about my PR with the username-bugfix. Can you merge it?

mstormi commented 4 months ago

What about my PR with the username-bugfix. Can you merge it?

seems you mixed raspi-imager changes into that username bugfix ?

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

ups, I made a new branch after the changes and then cherry-picked the last commit. Didn't know that the commit remains in the main branch (still learning). You're going to merge anyway? All changes should be save.

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

But we need a release before Feb 7th, so that we have the json with the required tag online under the path

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

The PR for only the Raspberry-imager is

udo1toni commented 4 months ago

FYI, RPi Imager does not work with latest releasse (404, which is correct, as the files linked in rpi-imager-openhab.json are different to the current images.)

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

I check it out

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

The filenames of the images have changed, I guess manually (e.g. openhabian-64-latest-202402041906.img.xz). build.bash seems unchanged @mstormi : Do you have an idea why and where that was changed?

mstormi commented 4 months ago

@Larsen-Locke do we still have a TODO here?

Larsen-Locke commented 4 months ago

yes we do. I asked you how to proceed for bookworm but you didn't answer. When I know I can change the build-script and the template accordingly. This was the question: "How do you want to change the naming? The filenames are written in build.bash line 399 followed by the generation of the json. I wouldn’t do renaming somewhere else (like in the yaml). What about adding “oldstable” or “latest” to the current filename. Like openhabian-pi-raspios32-latest-202308121256-gitc6a2fa1-crcc361b879.img.xz?"

mstormi commented 4 months ago

it was an awfully time consuming lot of work to refactor that. It's in main now, see Can you check if the json still works with imager?

mstormi commented 4 months ago

About to release openHABian 1.9 which includes a third image, bookworm based. Can you make that appear in imager, too ? Not sure if it should be a secondary option for now because it's brand new and untested. wdyt?

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

What do you think about this: image

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

Option 2: image

mstormi commented 3 months ago

1 is better, lets use the available space for a little bit of marketing.

Actually I think we should omit bullseye/bookworm names (choices are just confusing to any starter to use the imager) and we should completely omit the bullseye 64 bit image, too. So there's one 32 and just one 64 bit image. Put the 64 one first so most will select it without that we need to put up text why and when to choose which image. But beware. Thing is, you should have >=2 GB if you want to run 64bit so this should be prominently mentioned. Is there a means to offer choices based on hardware ?

@kaikreuzer anything you prefer to see here ?

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

So more like this?

First menu: image

Second one:


The hardware can be specified: I chose for 64bit ["pi5-64bit", "pi4-64bit"] and for 32bit ["pi5-32bit", "pi4-32bit", "pi3-32bit"] I didn't repeat the advertising "A vendor and technology..." because it's in the first menue anyway. What do you think?

mstormi commented 3 months ago

Looks good, just a minor rewording "This version requires a Pi with at least 2GB of memory."

The hardware can be specified: I chose for 64bit ["pi5-64bit", "pi4-64bit"] and for 32bit ["pi5-32bit", "pi4-32bit", "pi3-32bit"]

Also add Pi1 and Pi2 as compatible for the 32bit image

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

All done. PR is out. I need a release to test completely as I cannot do a build in my fork. A beta-release should be fine for testing. Then I can adjust the links and test locally with the imager

mstormi commented 3 months ago

Thanks. However I don't understand what you mean by "cannot do a build". Your PR upload resulted in an image being built, when finished you will be having your image, no?

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

Yes, the image is build. But how can I get the json and check if all the links are matchin with the paths of the download folder? The only way I know is after a release.

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

I found the json. It looks good, but I cannot do a full test until a beta-release

kaikreuzer commented 3 months ago

@kaikreuzer anything you prefer to see here ?

Not really - I leave this to you guys.

mstormi commented 3 months ago

I found the json. It looks good, but I cannot do a full test until a beta-release

-> 1.9beta2 release

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

I tested both images with rpi-imager and both are written correctly, and the checksums work.

mstormi commented 3 months ago


mstormi commented 3 months ago

released 1.9 Could you please validate if that works with the imager ?

retonap commented 3 months ago

I have successfully downloaded and installed the OH4 64 Bit image on my Rasp4 8GB. Great job! After I restored the full OH backup thing were working fine (beside the Zigbee devices, because they rely on the Conbee II stick which fails during install from openhab config GUI with error 20 because of missing libqt5 but that's the same error I had when I installed the 32Bit image some month ago so it is not 64 Bit specific)

Larsen-Locke commented 3 months ago

The raspberry imager works for 64bit. But no access point was started when trying to setup via wifi. PXL_20240321_061214743.jpg

I thought it's started automatically if there's no Wi-Fi connection or has something changed?

mstormi commented 3 months ago

Unrelated to imager or 64bit so if you want this to be a bug report, open a new issue please. Provide debug level first-boot.log. Check if the hot spot is there after a reboot.

mstormi commented 2 months ago

Raspi imager is said to install old images.

@Larsen-Locke please check.

Larsen-Locke commented 2 months ago

32bit is bullseye and 64bit is bookworm. I proposed more variants but @mstormi rejected.

mstormi commented 2 months ago

That was a misunderstanding. I've changed the json file in 1.9 release to point to bookworm-32 image.

EDIT: does not work (checksums). Will create v1.9b release.

mstormi commented 2 months ago

v1.9c released