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Discussion: Documentation instructions 32/64 bit #1845

Closed masipila closed 4 months ago

masipila commented 4 months ago

Issue information:

The current openHABian installation instructions have two sections that talk about 32 vs 64 bit images.

I recently updated from openHAB 3.3 to 4.1 and noticed that some of my Javascript rules were extremely slow, also after the first run (i.e. the caches were warm). "Extremely slow" here means tens of seconds on OH4.1, where they were running in a matter of couple of seconds on OH3.

I found this:

And based on the comments over there decided to try a fresh openHAB 4.1 install using a 64-bit image. The performance of the Javascript rules was now on the same level as they were on openHAB 3.

System information:

Raspberry Pi 4, 4 GB of memory

Documentation considerations

I don't know much (if any) about the GraalVM/GraalJS things, but it seems that I'm not the only one that was taking a huge performance hit when using 32-bit openHABian image. But based on these observations, I feel that the current openHABian installation instructions are outdated and this 32/64 bit consideration is not as straight forward ("just use 32 bit version, it's more efficient") as the current doc phrasing implies.

I'm not suggesting to change it to anything like "always use 64 bit version, it's better", but to elaborate more on what pros / cons these have.

Thoughts and comments from other community members?

Cheers, Markus

egoist6 commented 4 months ago

See here

mstormi commented 4 months ago

I've updated the openHABian docs on that part. Docs propagation may take some time.