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install zigbee2mqtt with ethernet coordinator #1868

Closed moodyblue closed 1 month ago

moodyblue commented 1 month ago

Issue information:

I have a zigbee internet coordinator, more specifically the SLZB-06. When trying to install zigbee2mqtt using openhabian menu it is not possible to specify the IP address of the coordinator and the installation is not done.

System information:

Raspberry Pi 4B-2G openhabian 64-bit

Output of cat /etc/os-release and uname -m.

openhabian@openhabian:~ $ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"
openhabian@openhabian:~ $ uname -m
mstormi commented 1 month ago

@Larsen-Locke please decide if you want to add this as a feature

Larsen-Locke commented 1 month ago

Currently not. I don't have that hardware and till now there was only one user asking for it.

mstormi commented 1 month ago

@moodyblue sorry

moodyblue commented 1 month ago

I understand. What if I develop this myself ?

mstormi commented 1 month ago

Please do. I'd be happy to merge a PR if you put up one. (if you do, please stick to our code style, will ease acceptance)

moodyblue commented 1 month ago

Where is zigbee2mqtt_setup ? This is one of the files that need be changed.

The change is simple, in your skeleton configuration.yaml includes these lines:

  port: "/dev/serial/%adapter"

In my production case these lines are:

  port: tcp://
  baudrate: 115200

(the ip address is installation specific, the port is device specific, for example the slzb-06 uses port 6638, but I have another coordinator that uses port 1053)